By the way, @Muslbr I think you might have Oromo or Ethiopian highlander admixture.
9.7% Ethiopian-Eritrean is huuuuge. Most Somalia Somalis score less than 4-2% of this component.
Also, given where your family (K5) comes from according to this thread, it might be a true signal rather than noise.
@SOMALIKNIGHT L-M27 is originally Neolithic Iranian, but most members of L-M27 are L-L1320 which is definitely from the Indian subcontinent. The most likely explenation is that he got it from a South Asian admixed Benadiri who moved inland. There is also the possibility he got L-Y31213 from a Semitic Arabian, but this is less likely.
@Muslbr you should do a subclade test, your y-lineage is quite peculiar.
9.7% Ethiopian-Eritrean is huuuuge. Most Somalia Somalis score less than 4-2% of this component.
Also, given where your family (K5) comes from according to this thread, it might be a true signal rather than noise.
@SOMALIKNIGHT L-M27 is originally Neolithic Iranian, but most members of L-M27 are L-L1320 which is definitely from the Indian subcontinent. The most likely explenation is that he got it from a South Asian admixed Benadiri who moved inland. There is also the possibility he got L-Y31213 from a Semitic Arabian, but this is less likely.
@Muslbr you should do a subclade test, your y-lineage is quite peculiar.