Well this is Me


By the way, @Muslbr I think you might have Oromo or Ethiopian highlander admixture.

9.7% Ethiopian-Eritrean is huuuuge. Most Somalia Somalis score less than 4-2% of this component.

Also, given where your family (K5) comes from according to this thread, it might be a true signal rather than noise.

@SOMALIKNIGHT L-M27 is originally Neolithic Iranian, but most members of L-M27 are L-L1320 which is definitely from the Indian subcontinent. The most likely explenation is that he got it from a South Asian admixed Benadiri who moved inland. There is also the possibility he got L-Y31213 from a Semitic Arabian, but this is less likely.

@Muslbr you should do a subclade test, your y-lineage is quite peculiar.


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
By the way, @Muslbr I think you might have Oromo or Ethiopian highlander admixture.

9.7% Ethiopian-Eritrean is huuuuge. Most Somalia Somalis score less than 4-2% of this component.

Also, given where your family (K5) comes from according to this thread, it might be a true signal rather than noise.

@SOMALIKNIGHT L-M27 is originally Neolithic Iranian, but most members of L-M27 are L-L1320 which is definitely from the Indian subcontinent. The most likely explenation is that he got it from a South Asian admixed Benadiri who moved inland. There is also the possibility he got L-Y31213 from a Semitic Arabian, but this is less likely.

@Muslbr you should do a subclade test, your y-lineage is quite peculiar.
A lot of Habesha have L though and Oromo


A lot of Habesha have L though and Oromo

Dude, don't say stuff you are not certain of. L was not found in the Horn before modern times.

Only E-M35, T-M70, A-M13/A-M32, E-M329, J1, J2 were in the Horn before Islam.

L, G, H, R1a etc came with Islam and Indian Ocean trade networks.

There are Benadiris who have surnames like Al-Bukhari (from Uzbekistan).


I ❤️ Islam & Aabo Kush. Anti-BBB Anti-Inbred
Dude, don't say stuff you are not certain of. L was not found in the Horn before modern times.

Only E-M35, T-M70, A-M13, A-M32, E-M329, J1, J2 are native to the Horn before Islam.

L, G, H, R1a etc came with Islam and Trans-Indian Ocean trade.

There are Benadiris who have surnames like Al-Bukhari (from Uzbekistan).
I vaguely remembered reading L somewhere while reading about Ethiopia, perhaps it was E oh well.


I vaguely remembered reading L somewhere while reading about Ethiopia, perhaps it was E oh well.

J and I are distantly related as well, but the I haplo in the Horn can only be explained by Italians/Europeans. Same with the difference between L and T. I hope you understand now. :lol:


Ted Kaczynski respecter
By the way, @Muslbr I think you might have Oromo or Ethiopian highlander admixture.

9.7% Ethiopian-Eritrean is huuuuge. Most Somalia Somalis score less than 4-2% of this component.

Also, given where your family (K5) comes from according to this thread, it might be a true signal rather than noise.

@SOMALIKNIGHT L-M27 is originally Neolithic Iranian, but most members of L-M27 are L-L1320 which is definitely from the Indian subcontinent. The most likely explenation is that he got it from a South Asian admixed Benadiri who moved inland. There is also the possibility he got L-Y31213 from a Semitic Arabian, but this is less likely.

@Muslbr you should do a subclade test, your y-lineage is quite peculiar.

Its weird though, that my brother scored 2% Ethiopian/Eritrean & 98% Somali if you look at the beginning of this thread, lol. He didn’t have the noise percentages of Sudanese/European/Native American/Broadly X/Unassigned either. I know you inherit a random batch of your parents genetics but yeah.

Everything looks to be normal right? The Native American is probably a bit of an error but I’m surprised that both my paternal and maternal haplogroups have links to South Asia.

Pretty cool. So the H hablogroup comes from or South Asia? Like India? I’m not too familiar. We got a male hablogroup of J1 or J-M26 which was weird. Assumed we’d get E-V32/ E-M35 lol. Our maternal is L2a1j.

Are you aware of where that Ethiopian lineage came from? I know my grandmother has some Oromo in her.


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HA Activist.
Its weird though, that my brother scored 2% Ethiopian/Eritrean & 98% Somali if you look at the beginning of this thread, lol. He didn’t have the noise percentages of Sudanese/European/Native American/Broadly X/Unassigned either. I know you inherit a random batch of your parents genetics but yeah.

Just found this thread.

Have your results been updated ??? Did your Somali/Ethio ration change too ?
This is a really interesting case.

I guess most of your DNA matches are Somalis and Ethiopians.

Tbh, I think that just like T-L208, L lineages in the Horn were very minor back then. We, T bearers, just happened to be lucky enough to get to appreciable numbers up in Northern Somalia and Djibouti.
I doubt L was part of the multiple lineages of our proto-cushite ancestors, as there are almost no traces of it in South Eastern Africa. I think there are some cases in Northern Sudan but tbh it doesn't seem like these Nubian niggas retained much of their real Cushitic heritage Y-DNA wise, unlike us.

