Went to a reer xamar wedding yesterday lmao guess what

Why do ethnic somalis get upset when banadiri people won't marry you. like you are not the same people. Are you upset because the people you consider the most attractive in somalia look down on you? Does it hurt that much?
They sound like those kikuyus that cry about Somali kenyans refusing to marry them. Pathetic. A few decades ago Somalis didn't care about the marriage preferences of langaabs.
I understand but still i think this is ridiculous, it is not like isaaq got any problems with reer xamar. When the girl told her family wallahi they said to her did you bring home another somali? And then they were relieved when she said no. What kind of mindset is this? Why do you prefer your in laws to be drinking alcohol in your daughters wedding over a muslim family that speaks the same language as you?
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بىَر غىَل إيؤ عآنؤ لؤ
Historically reer Gibil Cad were normally fine with marrying ethnic Somalis and their fellow Benadiri Gibil Madows as far as I know. Our own @HiraanBorn is partly the result of such a relatively recent union. The Gibil Cads themselves are usually modellable as about 30-40% Somali and will even pop-up with Somali Y-DNA lineages like E-Z813 (Deftextra over at Anthrogenica is one such example) whilst, according to the few Benadiris I stayed in touch for DNA intel over the years, having mostly Somali mtDNA lineages meaning their maternal roots are mostly native historically; the ajanabis were mostly foreign men. But things have shifted among some of them nowadays since the civil war.

They got pretty brutalized by some mooryaans and reer baadiyo who saw them as "foreign" which has led some of them, somewhat understandably, to develop a lot of uqdad and hatred toward "full" ethnic Somalis. You see some of these types manifest in the worst ways possible online sometimes. Blabbering on and on about being "Arab" cos they're J1-P58 or pretending to be Yemeni and distancing themselves as much as possible from Somalis or even trolling Somalis online in rather extreme ways. It is what it is and will probably cool off over the years and decades as Somalia recovers and is rehabilitated image wise and minorities feel better repped in politics.
Historically reer Gibil Cad were normally fine with marrying ethnic Somalis and their fellow Benadiri Gibil Madows as far as I know. Our own @HiraanBorn is partly the result of such a relatively recent union. The Gibil Cads themselves are usually modellable as about 30-40% Somali and will even pop-up with Somali Y-DNA lineages like E-Z813 (Deftextra over at Anthrogenica is one such example) whilst, according to the few Benadiris I stayed in touch for DNA intel over the years, having mostly Somali mtDNA lineages meaning their maternal roots are mostly native historically; the ajanabis were mostly foreign men. But things have shifted among some of them nowadays since the civil war.

They got pretty brutalized by some mooryaans and reer baadiyo who saw them as "foreign" which has led some of them, somewhat understandable, to develop a lot of uqdad and hatred toward "full" ethnic Somalis. You see some of these types manifest in the worst ways possible online sometimes. Blabbering on and on about being "Arab" cos they're J1-P58 or pretending to be Yemeni and distancing themselves as much as possible from Somalis or even trolling Somalis online. It is what it is and will probably cool off over the years and decades as Somalia recovers and is rehabilitated image wise and minorities feel better repped in politics.
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lies. ethnic somalis consider light skin as the pinnacle of beauty
Wewe, Mistah obongo :ninja: Do you know that skin bleaching is completely out of hand among your tolka in your ancestral lands of Congo, Nigeria and Uganda? Especially in Nigeria. Naija ladies are bleaching as if their lives depend on it. Light skin is unfortunately the beauty standard of Africa now

Wewe, Mistah obongo :ninja: Do you know that skin bleaching is completely out of hand among your tolka in your ancestral lands of Congo, Nigeria and Uganda? Especially in Nigeria. Naija ladies are bleaching as if their lives depend on it. Light skin is unfortunately the beauty standard of Africa now

Somalis in Somalia are the biggest skin bleachers in the world. Forget about girls, even the guys are bleaching their skin. Such a self hating people:susp:
Somalis in Somalia are the biggest skin bleachers in the world. Forget about girls, even the guys are bleaching their skin. Such a self hating people:susp:
Nah. Nigerians and bantus in General are the most skin bleachers on this continent. Only khaniis niggas and this dayax dalnuurhse whose probably khaniis bleach. I've spent nearly a decade all over Somalia bro

Keep it a boqol

“Live as if everything is rigged in your favour”
Somalis in Somalia are the biggest skin bleachers in the world. Forget about girls, even the guys are bleaching their skin. Such a self hating people:susp:
no stats no data just vibes. keep lying out your ass i’ve noticed your ppl would say anything just to slander somali ppl.

We need to study the psychology of your ppl and why they have this deep immense hatred of somalis for just existing. Such a mentally colonized ppl

Nigeria has about the world's highest percentage of women engaged in skin lightening. According to the World Health Organization, 77% of women in Nigeria use skin lightening products.



Forza Somalia!
I kind of get their beef with Somalis.

Somalida waa dad waalan who will ethnically cleanse each other and get married to each other, during these ethnic cleansing campaigns. There is no other ethnic group on earth that murders each other and marries each other, at the same time, at such a rate.

These people, don't take part in these activities and are probably baffled. Plus, they have other dhiig in them and probably don't have the same pull towards Somalis as we do.
Yes, Ethnic Somalis are mentally retarded, they'll literally kill each other despite having strong familiar connection, a guy who is half tol A and half tol B may call the extermination of toll B.

And Somalis view this as totally normal and manageable. One thing stroke me in SSC defeating SNM, the commander SNM said to SSC soldiers: yo relax, why you acting in bad way, we used to kill each other, no big deal, chill out.

He is not an anomaly, look at any clan clash captives and they have similar line when speaking to to those who captured them.

