Went to a reer xamar wedding yesterday lmao guess what


Forza Somalia!
What I hate about Somalis is their generalization. They see one thing done by one person and speak in general way about the people that person belongs to.

I see people portraying a guy, whether he is a cap driver, doctor or whatever, as the clan representative, saying: here you go clan X has said this and that, referring to the person in the video.
This reer Xamar girl in her mid 20s got married to a madow revert 5 years younger, her family were upset but they accepted it.

But guess what, her daughter wanted to marry an ethnic somali guy (isaaq) 2 years ago who was an engineer, with a degree, a bit older than her, and her family almost disowned her and her brothers went and confronted him and forced him to cut ties with their sister.

Is this normal? Why do reer xamars have so much enmity towards Somalis to the point they prefer their daughters to marry a guy who is much younger, with a gaal family, not educated, over an older educated settled somali? At the wedding the mother looked pissed off 🤣🤣 some of the groom’s family were drinking alcohol there as well. Mac sonkor.
These people are uneducated
From my experience it has more to do with recent history during the Civil war. Benadiris, especially the poor ones, suffered allot with rape and looting. This is the first thing they will bring up when someone tries to marry with an ethnic Somali in the community, especially towards the tribes which were over repented in such crimes. But generally its more accepted these days and I see marriage between Benadiris and full somalis quite often.
I have seen weddings between Cad Cads and non Cads Cads in America. Idk what ya'll got going over in England. I haven't noticed a divide between the 2 groups over here. We look at them as 1 and the same.

And 1 example is not big enough to draw a conclusion, we have Somalis that deny other clans marriages. My own mother would say no to me marrying an Isaaq girl and I would still say you can't draw a conclusion because there's probably others that would and their familes would say yes.
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This reer Xamar girl in her mid 20s got married to a madow revert 5 years younger, her family were upset but they accepted it.

But guess what, her daughter wanted to marry an ethnic somali guy (isaaq) 2 years ago who was an engineer, with a degree, a bit older than her, and her family almost disowned her and her brothers went and confronted him and forced him to cut ties with their sister.

Is this normal? Why do reer xamars have so much enmity towards Somalis to the point they prefer their daughters to marry a guy who is much younger, with a gaal family, not educated, over an older educated settled somali? At the wedding the mother looked pissed off 🤣🤣 some of the groom’s family were drinking alcohol there as well. Mac sonkor.
This why there is no hope for us uf. Qabyaalad is literally disgusting and primitive. 🤮


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Why do ethnic somalis get upset when banadiri people won't marry you. like you are not the same people. Are you upset because the people you consider the most attractive in somalia look down on you? Does it hurt that much?

Only non-Somalis call us “ethnic Somalis”.
You really think i'm a foreigner ? :pachah1:
How do you think i know all the shameful topics of the somali culture. Also stop lying, somalis put light skins on pedestal. Everybody knows that.

You're a foreigner, because you are.

Somalis prefer qalanjo qoordheer, oo qoran, that's the top preference for real Somalis. Yes, some people have colourism issues, but that's not true for everyone. REAL Somalis know the truth and the intricacies of our culture. Get help for your issues.
You're a foreigner, because you are.

Somalis prefer qalanjo qoordheer, oo qoran, that's the top preference for real Somalis. Yes, some people have colourism issues, but that's not true for everyone. REAL Somalis know the truth and the intricacies of our culture. Get help for your issues.
Then how do you explain this pic of random arab girl getting 9k likes and thousands of comments while the other pics of ethnic somalis didn't get more than 20 likes max ? It's because somalis put light skin races on pedestal and believe they are more attractive than them. That's why somalis are the biggest skin bleachers in the world. Somalis hate their dark skin and wished they look like arabs and white people. You know this is the truth. I don't know what you benefit from lying. yaab

Then how do you explain this pic of random arab girl getting 9k likes and thousands of comments while the other pics of ethnic somalis didn't get more than 20 likes max ? It's because somalis put light skin races on pedestal and believe they are more attractive than them. That's why somalis are the biggest skin bleachers in the world. Somalis hate their dark skin and wished they look like arabs and white people. You know this is the truth. I don't know what you benefit from lying. yaab


Not all Somalis suffer from self-hate. The same way that I don't think your entire ethnic group is insane. Where are you from anyway?
Why do ethnic somalis get upset when banadiri people won't marry you. like you are not the same people. Are you upset because the people you consider the most attractive in somalia look down on you? Does it hurt that much?
They are poor and mixed. We don't even know their origins:mjlol:,and they have nothing to do but cry I don't know who told you that your people are beautiful Relax my friend you are a slave in Somalia and you have no rights or political representation here :pachah1:


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
Why do ethnic somalis get upset when banadiri people won't marry you. like you are not the same people. Are you upset because the people you consider the most attractive in somalia look down on you? Does it hurt that much?

Let me debunk this real quick, on what metric are they the most attractive?

Don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful people like all Somalis, but you’re writing this in bad faith.
Let me debunk this real quick, on what metric are they the most attractive?

Don’t get me wrong, they are beautiful people like all Somalis, but you’re writing this in bad faith.
He lives of the trolling the young brother I advice you just stop responding and every one else listen . He will eventually look for a response somewhere else
Yea the parents are at fault but at the same time who forced her to marry a madow revert? She couldn’t find anyone else?

There’s prob some good ones but I’ve literally never heard anything good coming from marriages to them. They all end in beating or cheating 😭

