Went to a reer xamar wedding yesterday lmao guess what

Somali parents don’t care about Qabil anymore as long as they’re Somali. They know things have changed that at least their child is bringing them someone they can speak Somali with. There must be some other issue. Reer xamar people have always married who ever they want Somali or non Somali. Reer xamar are the only Somalis that more open to marrying out.


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
I understand but still i think this is ridiculous, it is not like isaaq got any problems with reer xamar. When the girl told her family wallahi they said to her did you bring home another somali? And then they were relieved when she said no. What kind of mindset is this? Why do you prefer your in laws to be drinking alcohol in your daughters wedding over a muslim family that speaks the same language as you?
Their accent would be unintelligible to landers Lol


لا تَقْنَطُوا مِنْ رَحْمَةِ اللَّه
The wadani cad cads suffer from stockholm syndrome. Makes sense why they hate us tbh.


I understand but still i think this is ridiculous, it is not like isaaq got any problems with reer xamar. When the girl told her family wallahi they said to her did you bring home another somali? And then they were relieved when she said no. What kind of mindset is this? Why do you prefer your in laws to be drinking alcohol in your daughters wedding over a muslim family that speaks the same language as you?
I’m confused when you say reer xamar you mean the white Arabs and Indians barawanis?


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Reer xamar and madows share more blood than a reer xamar does with a Somali genetically


Head of Somalia freemasonry branch
Why do ethnic somalis get upset when banadiri people won't marry you. like you are not the same people. Are you upset because the people you consider the most attractive in somalia look down on you? Does it hurt that much?
Whose crying? they are just discussing
The wadani cad cads suffer from stockholm syndrome. Makes sense why they hate us tbh.

I totally understand their hate for Somalis.

Like someone said in this topic:
But as of recently Saleban Hawiye clan were holding the cadcads who remained in Xamar as pawns, marrying their daughters and taking their property(co-owning) in return of unreliable protection

But 'marrying' is a reach, because they raped them even in the masjids. There was a famous story of one of the CadCad rape victim girls, who called her family from Cadaado, and her family thought she said she was calling from 'Cadaab' aka hellfire. Well, she was. Because being kidnapped by a rapist, is hell on earth.

To be fair, women from all clans, got raped during the civil war, but the difference is, non-minority clans could fight back at some point.
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Northern Swordsman

Tawxiid Alle lahaw, Talo na Alle saaro.
This reer Xamar girl in her mid 20s got married to a madow revert 5 years younger, her family were upset but they accepted it.

But guess what, her daughter wanted to marry an ethnic somali guy (isaaq) 2 years ago who was an engineer, with a degree, a bit older than her, and her family almost disowned her and her brothers went and confronted him and forced him to cut ties with their sister.

Is this normal? Why do reer xamars have so much enmity towards Somalis to the point they prefer their daughters to marry a guy who is much younger, with a gaal family, not educated, over an older educated settled somali? At the wedding the mother looked pissed off 🤣🤣 some of the groom’s family were drinking alcohol there as well. Mac sonkor.
I guess her family is darood especially warsans or Dblock

Hawiye ran through all minorities in south Somalia.

The ones here in xamar just act normal imo. They woman are maried to somali men all the time. I think by now they are extinct as group atleast 80% of them are not just look like typical ethnic somali

Majority fled to Kenya and the west. Few unlucky ones who remained are practically forced into integration with Hawiye. There are probably more Bandaris/minorities abroad than in Somalia.
The Hawiye who partook in the looting and seizure of women and property should return them under a stronger future government, and there should be an official government apology/inquiry into the events that transpired during the civil war.
Unlikely to ever happen. Besides, the minority Bandaris/Reer Xamar who remained in Somalia and intermarried have in-laws with the perpetuator clans. How are you going to demand damages from your in laws and immediate family? Forgot about the next generation who will be partially Hawiye.

We have major clans like Raxanweyne who were also brutalized during the civil war and are yet to be even aknowledged by mainstream Somalis and you're talking about minorities that are almost extinct in Somalia.
Is reer xamar and barwanis not the same thing
It's an umbrella term for all minority coastal communities after 1990. Reer Xamar, Cadcad, Brawanis, Ashraf etc ... All have similar cultures so they are lumped together under Banadiris or Bandaris.


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