West african nigga marries Somali girl

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future pirate king
There needs to be a research paper into somali women and "he's Muslim", why is this phenomenon not common in other Muslim communities, it's because they have dhiig and culture.


Suicidal men adore me.
There needs to be a research paper into somali women and "he's Muslim", why is this phenomenon not common in other Muslim communities, it's because they have dhiig and culture.

You don't even like Somali women so why do you occupy your mind with thinking about us? Plus you're so ugly please stop thinking about us.
@Cognitivedissonance You are an embarrassment wallahi and should be ashamed of yourself. How are you going to join that repugnant atheist and gang up on your Muslim sister for matters of `asabiyya??? Shameful. Absolutely shameful.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
'asabiya like some Arab would ever give you his daughter while you stan for these niggas 24/7



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Hoyaada siil keeda ba la cuniya your a bunch of sick controll freaks, talking about Somalinimo is just talks and you don't practice jack of it now go f*ck of to your moms basement and keep drug abusing you shitty excrement of a human.
@Yannie why did you agree with this comment? You hate me that much huh kkk


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
There needs to be a research paper into somali women and "he's Muslim", why is this phenomenon not common in other Muslim communities, it's because they have dhiig and culture.

Thats because in other muslim communities they are batshitcrazy they know they will get killed or acid thrown at em by their own people


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
@Cognitivedissonance You are an embarrassment wallahi and should be ashamed of yourself. How are you going to join that repugnant atheist and gang up on your Muslim sister for matters of `asabiyya??? Shameful. Absolutely shameful.
Bradar why don't you stop listening to what honey is telling you in the luuq & start reading what I've actually said, did you miss the part where I said may Allah bless him with three more beautiful xalimo's.

I laughed at bahal's comment & she came for a nigga like she was a predator, what I can't laugh at a joke lol


There needs to be a research paper into somali women and "he's Muslim", why is this phenomenon not common in other Muslim communities, it's because they have dhiig and culture.
That's because there is this perception that black Muslims are considered at the bottom of the religious chain. Arabs and even Asians consider themselves superior and thus are more livid and furious when their women want to marry let's say a black Muslim ( their Islamic principles go out of the window).

Even though it's frowned upon in the Somali culture to marry outside of the race, we are generally more liberal and accepting, provided the person is Muslim. It's a mixture of basically self-hatred, attraction and piety that drives Somalis to marry outside of the race.

ironclad urchin

this thread just made my desire to marry a beautiful nigerian muslim man, ironclad. fisibilillah. thank you my somali bradars for making me reach this decision in a timely matter.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
As Long As He's Muslim™®©* only exists in our community


It will never extend to our madhibaan brethren

'asabiya like some Arab would ever give you his daughter while you stan for these niggas 24/7


You sound salty af. Did a bunch of Arabs reject you and create this massive chip you carry on your shoulder that you carry around??? An ex-con revert will always be more preferable for our sisters in the minds of most Somalis than a vile commie such as yourself. Deal with it.
I laughed at bahal's comment & she came for a nigga like she was a predator, what I can't laugh at a joke lol

This is in bad taste and no way a Muslim brother should conduct himself. He attacked her based on his racist marxist ideology and not on the deen and you would support him by laughing at his jokes which arent even funny to begin with??? You should apologize to her akh. That kacaan animal should perish in his putrid rage.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You sound salty af. Did a bunch of Arabs reject you and create this massive chip you carry on your shoulder that you carry around??? An ex-con revert will always be more preferable for our sisters in the minds of most Somalis than a vile commie such as yourself. Deal with it.

Sufiyan- brother Shawarma, your daughter and I have agreed to marriage, we seek your blessing

Sh- :pacspit:

Sufiyan- b-brother this is 'asabiyyah

Sh- :westbrookwtf:

Sufiyan- :whew: blessed banu Hashim spit



A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
This is in bad taste and no way a Muslim brother should conduct himself. He attacked her based on his racist marxist ideology and not on the deen and you would support him by laughing at his jokes which arent even funny to begin with??? You should apologize to her akh. That kacaan animal should perish in his putrid rage.
Only Allah knows what his intentions are, but if I'm guilty of finding his joke funny then I'm guilty as charged. As for you wishing death on him, wouldn't it be closer to Islam if you pray for him instead?
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