You're spot on sxbThe Shariah is enough to deal with them, that is what needs to be enforced.
We do not need a stealth liberal deviant bill sponsored by your sponsors.
The fact that these freaks pushed a 30% female parliamentary quota is especially egregious. This is what happens when you're dependant on foreign aidView attachment 238545
Western countries especially Norway has been pushing this anti-Islam bill. It was previously rejected by the parliament and will be thrown out again permanently inshaAllah.
I'm not aware, please tell us broDo you guys even know the clauses that come under this bill? No sane Muslim would support it.
Do you guys even know the clauses that come under this bill? No sane Muslim would support it.
Do you guys even know the clauses that come under this bill? No sane Muslim would support it.
He supports liberalism and whatever else the west wants him here to promote.Attach the legislation on this thread, let’s all have a read.
However, I am not going to take a wanted rapists word on whether anti-rape law should be accepted or not.
They don’t deal with rapists in Somalia now. U think a few sentences on a paper is gonna change that? I don’t think they’ll ever enforce the law, they’re just doing it for the funding and so that the money doesn’t dry up.Attach the legislation on this thread, let’s all have a read.
However, I am not going to take a wanted rapists word on whether anti-rape law should be accepted or not.
He supports liberalism and whatever else the west wants him here to promote.
Instead of attacking one sheikhs character to distract from the issues, why dont you listen to the speaker of the former parlement, mp's, sheikhs, who rejected it.
This bill isnt about rape because there are already laws more severe in place for rapists then what they are proposing. The shariah is to execute the rapists while they are promoting some jail time. The real goals of this bill is to decriminalize homosexuality and zina. That is why western countries have been relentlessly pushing it.
Notice they will not deal with the bill but just distractions.
The best system that supports progress and development is secularism and separation of state and religion. It is not atheism nor is it any other religion.
I only support them against the hegemonic west that is the one promoting these things in Muslim countries, destabilizing, war, propaganda, psyops. The west by far is more dangerous and aggressive to Islam and Muslims in this day and age, this has been the case for the last few centuries.Posters here should reconsider their position when the likes of @alexander agrees with you
@AMusee keep up the good work. I'm not a fan of your takes on China and Russia, but here you're spot on
The Chinese round up our muslim brothers and sisters in camps, and force them to renounce the deen. They rape our sisters, kill our brothers, and indoctrinate the children. They are utter scum, and deserve no support from usI only support them against the hegemonic west that is the one promoting these things in Muslim countries, destabilizing, war, propaganda, psyops. The west by far is more dangerous and aggressive to Islam and Muslims in this day and age, this has been the case for the last few centuries.
I'll assume the best, but it's saddening how supportive they are of this bill.Notice the ones in this thread, not just alexander, are the same ones that support secularism, liberalism, feminism, dividing muslims, and all foreign policy out of the US. It is clear what they are here to promote.