western women are oppressed.

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Money is the best way to exploit/enslave people. If you think offering women any amount of money so their bodies can be used to market products is not exploitation I don't know it is. It is like saying prostitutes aren't s because they get a reward for providing sexual services..
You're absolutely right.
Honestly, you are right. Why are Muslim women seen as oppressed in the western countries just because they cover themselves? Those particular nations are seen as socially progressive yet not very accepting of 'others' simply because they are different. The media is a really great fear-monger.

I think it's because I heard (or read whatever) that most of the media are controlled by Jews....

But i just want to mention that even though you say that Muslim women do not fall victim to another mans eyes because they cover themselves, what do you think of human sex trafficking? Or younger Muslim women who are forced to marry older men for the sole purposes of being treated horribly, this is way beyond? We cannot ignore the issues that occur in Islamic nations that cause certain groups to be treated as second class citizens. We can't compare ourselves to another religious group when there are faults within our own societies. We need to see issues for what they are. But ultimately all of those issues have nothing to do with religion, our religion does not oppress women. We are, if anything, progressive.

Ayan Hirsi is a completely different story tho lol i don't want to go there.
Though I agree with some of the points you've made, you're slightly off-topic. What OP is talking about, is the differences between westerners and Muslims in terms of morals and values. Child molestation is considerably high in western countries relative to the more 'conservative' Muslim countries. That's not our point of discussion though...

Women in Muslim countries are expected to cover their heads, that's true. But who does this benefit? Does it not benefit women?

Women in western countries are pressured from a young age to look pretty and 'attractive'. This ultimately leads to their enslavement because they're constantly worried about 'looking good', keeping up with 'the trend', fitting in, etc. We know for sure majority of the women are either average looking or below that. This kind of pressure inevitably leads to women developing psychological problems (such as depression), eating disorders and the health risks that come with that, etc. And not to mention, it's wholly to the benefit of men.

A woman in her abaya doesn't have to worry about whether her 'curves' are on point, for instance.

Our friend (the OP) has enquired as to how these values have become engrained in western societies when they've previously rejected them, which I think is an important topic. In the past, whether post Renaissance or before that, the 'west' would reject usury and many of the values that they've come to adopt today. The vast majority of the Christian 'west' believed that women were innately evil and many still do.

This individual @AbdiJohnson suggests that women are 'not free' in the East which is of course, ridiculous and shows his ignorance. Muslims have started educating their womenfolk centuries before 'the west' have. Women were always part of the decision-making process in the Islamic world, the first university in this world was built by a Muslim woman. The prophet (SAW)'s first wife (RA) was a wealthy businesswoman.

Muslim women are covering themselves up damn it, not having their limbs fettered.

Islam is the way forward.


Money is the best way to exploit/enslave people. If you think offering women any amount of money so their bodies can be used to market products is not exploitation I don't know it is. It is like saying prostitutes aren't s because they get a reward for providing sexual services..
Prostitutes are sex-workers who willingly and voluntary ( most of the time) provide sexual services for men. That's capitalism for ya! In the same vein how corporations/governments also exploit our minds/bodies in exchange for an income. The system might be immoral according to your principles and views However, at the end of the day these women are autonomous and they don't necessarily need to sell their body for monies because in the west you can always find other means to get by and survive. For those women who do have to rely on selling their bodies, I'd agree with you that this is exploitation.

This ultimately leads us to pose the follow question and that is ''How can we distinguish objectification and sexual exploitation from corporations for the benefit of men and the right to own one's body (sexuality)?'' In my opinion only women can answer this.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
As an atheist yourself..do you agree with that statement? If no explain why not?

@Subsilentio Ayaan is vengeful and is always to do as much damage as she can. For her it is a job and she makes a living out of it but I was speaking generally. Any western girls feels liberated and free being naked and sleeping around. How did this happen?

Women clearly have more freedoms here than the east. They can wear what they want, run for office, join any work force they want, have sex with who they want etc. Those freedoms doesn't exist for women in the east and its disingenuous to suggest otherwise.

It's not perfect and I'm well aware of the sexism in western society and how women are sexualized 24/7, and how some women struggle to get into certain male dominated fields. There are problems.

I'm well aware of the concern trolling by right wingers. I don't fall for their tricks. But it doesn't mean you can draw false equivalences though.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Women in the west are seen as sex objects, girls are pressured though magazines & media in general to look a certain way. Breast & ass are used for advertising, any opportunity to slip in some breasts even if it's for a car commercial. Women are rapped more in the west than anywhere in the Muslim world, it's a vicious cycle but all these young girls who dress scantily clad is purely to imitate what's in or hip (social engineering) even in the snow they dress scantily clad. A woman in the west ain't respected for her character, integrity, good deeds rather how big her ass is or if she has a nice pair of racks, girls ain't helping the situation either, if you dress in revealing clothes do you think a man would really have marriage on his mind? Uh uh mash & dash swiftly, it's like dangling meat infront of a lion, you really expect him to go against his natural disposition. Women are elevated in Islam, they're revered & honoured, she's dignified, modesty is indeed beautiful, I ask Christians often if Mary the mother of Jesus was alive today, how would she dress? & they always say like a Muslim.
@Realist how does it benefit women to cover their heads?
Not only their heads, but to cover themselves in general. Women wouldn't have to feel like they're under pressure. They can be comfortable in their attires and focus on more important issues rather than worrying about 'looking good'.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Not only their heads, but to cover themselves in general. Women wouldn't have to feel like they're under pressure. They can be comfortable in their attires and focus on more important issues rather than worrying about 'looking good'.

Isn't that up to them? Why should they be pressured to cover their heads? Why are you making decisions for them?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
The amount of chemicals women put on their hair which is bad for their health just to look good for man smh now that's oppression, women are constantly judged & told they have to look a certain way, or dress a certain way.
Isn't that up to them? Why should they be pressured to cover their heads? Why are you making decisions for them?
Look pal, they're not 'pressured', ok? If it's the custom of their societies, then they will have no problem with it. Go to Somalia and ask the women if they're oppressed, wallahi anaa waashatay aa malaaynaayaan. Women in the west are pressured to live up to unrealistic standards that don't benefit them to begin with.


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Look pal, they're not 'pressured', ok? If it's the custom of their societies, then they will have no problem with it. Go to Somalia and ask the women if they're oppressed, wallahi anaa waashatay aa malaaynaayaan. Women in the west are pressured to live up to unrealistic standards that don't benefit them to begin with.

Are you okay with Somali women wearing whatever they want? They can wear niqab or mini skirt or anything else?


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Scratch that more girls should be naked, they should just behave like the animals & just do it in public how they do it on the discovery channel shii
Are you okay with Somali women wearing whatever they want? They can wear niqab or mini skirt or anything else?
We live in a strange world pal. What I want for Somali woman doesn't matter. It won't make a difference. Let them wear what they want, I'll lower my gaze as I'm ordered to. Women displaying their beauty has no benefit for them and society as a whole. Are you ok with Somali woman walking around completely naked?
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