“Serve me”
- must be a human blanket that makes me feel soft inside
- must feed me and serve me >
- shower me with gifts
- massage me when I need it
Please elaborate.
“Serve me”
- must be a human blanket that makes me feel soft inside
- must feed me and serve me >
- shower me with gifts
- massage me when I need it
I was 17, she was early mid 20s.
Just cuz I want a strong woman doesn't make me a simp/cuck the true bytchmade niggas are the ones that are too insecure about their masculinity so they marry an women in a refugee camp that will worship their every word because they want citizenshipuff get outta here she has been used already stop being such a simp
You're on the right track - it's a semitic script.
What you're hiding is probably the book of Mormon not some gospel
She wants to find a simp to do this for her“Serve me”
Please elaborate.
Niggas saying hes 17 as if it makes a difference looool he paid for nudes
waraa when u post I think of a Terrorist guy that tries to be somaliwaraa when u post I think of a White guy that tries to be somali
“Serve me”
Please elaborate.
K you bounced that one but dare I say you're King James VersionNo polygamous cults.![]()
Wallahi thats facts he types like an extremist fobwaraa when u post I think of a Terrorist guy that tries to be somali
I don’t think I can do that.it means he needs to be emotionally and physically available when i need him. Ma fahamtay.
I want to marry someone who's around 24-30.
That's taller then me (I'm 5'5).
Has a sense of humour.
Calm not easily angred
Can clean after themselves
Can cook basic meals
takes care of their body, exercises and takes daily showers..
Same faith as me (Islam).
Can teach me things.
How about you?
Just cuz I want a strong woman doesn't make me a simp/cuck the true bytchmade niggas are the ones that are too insecure about their masculinity so they marry an women in a refugee camp that will worship their every word because they want citizenship View attachment 103186
Nigga said "I want" and wrote a list of demands as if anyone tryna holla at his ugly assI want,
a woman who has Sabr, or at least, is striving against her Nafs to have Sabr.
One who is studying the Qur'an, she doesn't have to be a ḥāfiẓa, but at least is making time out of her schedule to read, and memorize it.
Attractive-of course,it has to be mutual, we both should be attracted to each other. so our halal love life can be prosperous, inshaaAllah.
In shape as well, because the body is a huge Amanah [trust] from Allah.
Prays their 5 daily.
I don’t think I can do that.![]()
This nigga flexing on us with his custom emojis. My guy who is your plug or do you make these yourself im deadNigga said "I want" and wrote a list of demands as if anyone tryna holla at his ugly ass View attachment 103191
Bro you can't even tell the difference between a tranny and a woman. I wouldn't be attacking @Abba SadachaNigga said "I want" and wrote a list of demands as if anyone tryna holla at his ugly ass View attachment 103191
I want to, but they are going to call me a simp.Im sorry about that, it‘s crucial for me. My love language is acts of service.