What does somalinimo mean to you?

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When I see somalis compete against non somalis in sports, education, business or the workplace I always root for the Somali whether I know them or not or even over ajnabi that I know, muslin ama gaalo ha ahaadan. Somalinimo transcends politics and tribal feuds and is parallel to religious dogma:rejoice:

You might deny your Somalinimo but it's a natural disposition found in all skinnys:russsmug:

When Somalia 's name is respected again like that day when Somalia headed UN Security Council meeting in 80s.
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Gaalkacyo Gangster
The UN is a beautiful joke. I mean, just look at the recent conundrum where it put Saudi Arabia as the head of the human rights council! A nation that still uses ancient punishments like crucifixions!
They're not the head of the human rights council. They're the head of a panel that chooses experts that testify in front of the human rights council.

Still any representation on the world stage would be a big step up. Right now they wouldn't trust Somalia to sit on the panel that decides the menu at the UN cafeteria.


Pepe Trump
They're not the head of the human rights council. They're the head of a panel that chooses experts that testify in front of the human rights council.

Still any representation on the world stage would be a big step up. Right now they wouldn't trust Somalia to sit on the panel that decides the menu at the UN cafeteria.

Oh ok. Nonetheless, it shows the incompetence of the UN in giving such a task to one of the most, if not the most, represent nations in the world. It's highly disgraceful.
Soomaalinimo is the familial love and loyalty which exists between the children of Samaale engendered by primordial and immutable bonds encoded in blood.


This is only a thing outside of Africa. Somalis start to work together. Inside Africa, they are ruthless against each other.


Pepe Trump
I want to know what he meant by Samaale. His response will depend on whether I agree with him or not.

Samaale is the father of Darod, Isaaq, Dir and Hawye. Saab is the father of the rest, respectively.

I think you and I both know what he meant.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Soomaalinimo is the familial love and loyalty which exists between the children of Samaale engendered by primordial and immutable bonds encoded in blood.
Kkk this creature is sick with qabyalad, samaale kulaha beerka caro ku goosey.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Samaale is the father of Darod, Isaaq, Dir and Hawye. Saab is the father of the rest, respectively.

I think you and I both know what he meant.
How is samaale the father of darood you Darwinian gaal pagan apostate swine, stick to dashing excrement & swinging from the trees you ape, tell us, was samaale homoerectus kkk
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