What does somalinimo mean to you?

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Nin darood ba ahay Alhamdulillah, I know where I came from & it most certainly ain't samaale.

So in your warped mind you'd rather deny ur indigenous roots and claim to be descended from someone whose is not Cushitic and is not native to the horn? And not only that but claim a people (Arabs) who don't recognize ur claims and see you as a sheegato? Bilaa dhiignimo iyo caqli-darro ayaad isku darsatay.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So in your warped mind you'd rather deny ur indigenous roots and claim to be descended from someone whose is not Cushitic and is not native to the horn? Wallahi that's so strange.
It is what it is, if you don't like it then go fight darood kkk


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
So in your warped mind you'd rather deny ur indigenous roots and claim to be descended from someone whose is not Cushitic and is not native to the horn? And not only that but claim a people (Arabs) who don't recognize ur claims and see you as a sheegato? Bilaa dhiignimo iyo caqli-darro ayaad isku darsatay.
:ftw9nwa: Do not insult my intelligence.
Also children of sab (sab and samaale were sons of hiil)

Yes of course, we are all one family, and this includes our Sab (Raxanwayn/Digil iyo Mrifle) brothers and also our oppressed brothers the Madhibaan, Gabooye, Yibir and Tumaal. But in my original post I was including all Somalis under children of Samaale, so I didn't leave them out.


A sane man to an insane society must appear insane
Samaale kulaha nacaala kkk

Pay homage to darood the rightful rulers of united emirates of jamuriyah fi somaliya
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