What is Loox "lawḥ لوح"? Is it Arabic, Hebrew, Somali or Sumerian?

You could at least express your opinion on this matter without resorting to ad hominem attacks, Laser.
I think you are more competent than that.
Keep calm, I am not writing on your own site.
If you don't like it, leave it, you are not obliged to respond.
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C and X are interchangeable?
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C ع and X ح are interchangeable?

( أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) :

تفسير القرطبي :

(( قوله تعالى : أفلا يعلم أي ابن آدم إذا بعثر أي أثير وقلب وبحث ، فأخرج ما فيها . قال أبو عبيدة : بعثرت المتاع : جعلت أسفله أعلاه . وعن محمد بن كعب قال : ذلك حين يبعثون .

الفراء : سمعت بعض أعراب بني أسد يقرأ : ( بحثر ) بالحاء مكان العين ; وحكاه الماوردي عن ابن مسعود ، وهما بمعنى )) .


تفسير الطبري :

(( حدثني علي, قال: ثنا أبو صالح, قال: ثني معاوية, عن علي, عن ابن عباس, في قوله: ( بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) بحث.
وللعرب في ( بُعْثِرَ ) لغتان: تقول: بعثر, وبحثر, ومعناهما واحد )) .

I think you understand Arabic.
If not, don't interfere in this topic.
I won't translate it for you.
If you don't know Arabic, it's best to use Google Translate.
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C ع and X ح are interchangeable?

( ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ )

تفسير الكشاف الزمخشري

وفي قراءة ابن مسعود « عتى حين » وهي لغة هذيل

وعن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه سمع رجلاً يقرأ
«عتى حين»
( أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) :

تفسير القرطبي :

(( قوله تعالى : أفلا يعلم أي ابن آدم إذا بعثر أي أثير وقلب وبحث ، فأخرج ما فيها . قال أبو عبيدة : بعثرت المتاع : جعلت أسفله أعلاه . وعن محمد بن كعب قال : ذلك حين يبعثون .

الفراء : سمعت بعض أعراب بني أسد يقرأ : ( بحثر ) بالحاء مكان العين ; وحكاه الماوردي عن ابن مسعود ، وهما بمعنى )) .


تفسير الطبري :

(( حدثني علي, قال: ثنا أبو صالح, قال: ثني معاوية, عن علي, عن ابن عباس, في قوله: ( بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) بحث.
وللعرب في ( بُعْثِرَ ) لغتان: تقول: بعثر, وبحثر, ومعناهما واحد )) .

I think you understand Arabic.
If not, don't interfere in this topic.
I won't translate it for you.
If you don't know Arabic, it's best to use Google Translate.
Damn mb i wasn't familiar with this but how does this relate to somali iyo ancient Egyptian thing? It's saying some of the bedouins of banu Asd pronounced X as C
Damn mb i wasn't familiar with this but how does this relate to somali iyo ancient Egyptian thing? It's saying some of the bedouins of banu Asd pronounced X as C
Sound changes occur in all languages.

If this sound change occurs in the Arabic language,
what prevents a similar sound change in the Somali language?

for example :
Germanic languages turning / g / to / y / or vice versa.
German ( Tag ) , Dutch ( dag ) , English ( day ) .

in Arabic language / j / turn / y / or vice versa.
jamal yamal .
Sound changes occur in all languages.

If this sound change occurs in the Arabic language,
what prevents a similar sound change in the Somali language?

for example :
Germanic languages turning / g / to / y / or vice versa.
German ( Tag ) , Dutch ( dag ) , English ( day ) .

in Arabic language / j / turn / y / or vice versa.
jamal yamal .
So no evidence of somalis changing C to X? Also this germanic part is kinda irrelevant, you were talking about some
( pr : para / parca پرعا ) .

The letters ( ع " ʿ / c " ) and ( ح " x / " ) are interchangeable .

parcaa → farcaa farxaafaarax .
( pf ) and ( cx ) , ( with a vowel lengthening " aaa )

Pharaoh faarax ( with a vowel lengthening " aaa ) .

پرعا ← فرعا ← فرحا ← فارح
Parca to faarax
If we know faarax ain't even a somali name won't your theory just be false?