What is Loox "lawḥ لوح"? Is it Arabic, Hebrew, Somali or Sumerian?

You could at least express your opinion on this matter without resorting to ad hominem attacks, Laser.
I think you are more competent than that.
Keep calm, I am not writing on your own site.
If you don't like it, leave it, you are not obliged to respond.
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C and X are interchangeable?
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C ع and X ح are interchangeable?

( أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) :

تفسير القرطبي :

(( قوله تعالى : أفلا يعلم أي ابن آدم إذا بعثر أي أثير وقلب وبحث ، فأخرج ما فيها . قال أبو عبيدة : بعثرت المتاع : جعلت أسفله أعلاه . وعن محمد بن كعب قال : ذلك حين يبعثون .

الفراء : سمعت بعض أعراب بني أسد يقرأ : ( بحثر ) بالحاء مكان العين ; وحكاه الماوردي عن ابن مسعود ، وهما بمعنى )) .


تفسير الطبري :

(( حدثني علي, قال: ثنا أبو صالح, قال: ثني معاوية, عن علي, عن ابن عباس, في قوله: ( بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) بحث.
وللعرب في ( بُعْثِرَ ) لغتان: تقول: بعثر, وبحثر, ومعناهما واحد )) .

I think you understand Arabic.
If not, don't interfere in this topic.
I won't translate it for you.
If you don't know Arabic, it's best to use Google Translate.
The thing is, you making shit up and i don't like how you misleading people.
Faarax is obviously an arabic name we adopted bro, even you know that so nothing to do with ancient Egyptians.
You didn't even explain how C ع and X ح are interchangeable?

( ثُمَّ بَدَا لَهُم مِّن بَعْدِ مَا رَأَوُا الْآيَاتِ لَيَسْجُنُنَّهُ حَتَّىٰ حِينٍ )

تفسير الكشاف الزمخشري

وفي قراءة ابن مسعود « عتى حين » وهي لغة هذيل

وعن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه سمع رجلاً يقرأ
«عتى حين»
( أَفَلَا يَعْلَمُ إِذَا بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) :

تفسير القرطبي :

(( قوله تعالى : أفلا يعلم أي ابن آدم إذا بعثر أي أثير وقلب وبحث ، فأخرج ما فيها . قال أبو عبيدة : بعثرت المتاع : جعلت أسفله أعلاه . وعن محمد بن كعب قال : ذلك حين يبعثون .

الفراء : سمعت بعض أعراب بني أسد يقرأ : ( بحثر ) بالحاء مكان العين ; وحكاه الماوردي عن ابن مسعود ، وهما بمعنى )) .


تفسير الطبري :

(( حدثني علي, قال: ثنا أبو صالح, قال: ثني معاوية, عن علي, عن ابن عباس, في قوله: ( بُعْثِرَ مَا فِي الْقُبُورِ ) بحث.
وللعرب في ( بُعْثِرَ ) لغتان: تقول: بعثر, وبحثر, ومعناهما واحد )) .

I think you understand Arabic.
If not, don't interfere in this topic.
I won't translate it for you.
If you don't know Arabic, it's best to use Google Translate.
Damn mb i wasn't familiar with this but how does this relate to somali iyo ancient Egyptian thing? It's saying some of the bedouins of banu Asd pronounced X as C
Damn mb i wasn't familiar with this but how does this relate to somali iyo ancient Egyptian thing? It's saying some of the bedouins of banu Asd pronounced X as C
Sound changes occur in all languages.

If this sound change occurs in the Arabic language,
what prevents a similar sound change in the Somali language?

for example :
Germanic languages turning / g / to / y / or vice versa.
German ( Tag ) , Dutch ( dag ) , English ( day ) .

in Arabic language / j / turn / y / or vice versa.
jamal yamal .
Sound changes occur in all languages.

If this sound change occurs in the Arabic language,
what prevents a similar sound change in the Somali language?

for example :
Germanic languages turning / g / to / y / or vice versa.
German ( Tag ) , Dutch ( dag ) , English ( day ) .

in Arabic language / j / turn / y / or vice versa.
jamal yamal .
So no evidence of somalis changing C to X? Also this germanic part is kinda irrelevant, you were talking about some
( pr : para / parca پرعا ) .

The letters ( ع " ʿ / c " ) and ( ح " x / " ) are interchangeable .

parcaa → farcaa farxaafaarax .
( pf ) and ( cx ) , ( with a vowel lengthening " aaa )

Pharaoh faarax ( with a vowel lengthening " aaa ) .

پرعا ← فرعا ← فرحا ← فارح
Parca to faarax
If we know faarax ain't even a somali name won't your theory just be false?
So no evidence of somalis changing C to X?
yes, there is evidence in Somali :

cimre m.l ld ximre .
ld (la mid ah) ,
ld (la mid ah) means: similar .
ximre m.l Bayd faal oo manjaha tan ka sarraysa
iyo madaxa ka ah min labo, madaxa tan ka
hoosaysana hal. ld cimre.
cimre ximre .

Screenshot 2025-02-06 224435.png

Screenshot 2025-02-07 110702.png
Also this germanic part is kinda irrelevant, you were talking about some

Parca to faarax
If we know faarax ain't even a somali name won't your theory just be false?
My point was that sound changes occur in all languages.
This can apply to all languages, especially if they belong to the same language family (like Somali and Arabic).

jabal ↔ yabal ( in Arabic ) .

yicib ↔ jicib ( in Somali ) .

m.dh Gudda miro ka baxa oo qolof iyo
labo qalbac oo beer ah leh oo la cuno, aadna
u nuxrur badan. ld jicib .
ld = (la mid ah) .

Screenshot 2025-02-07 112331.png


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