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My borough 2nd in the whole country :nahgirl:
I have a god complex and my romantic partners tend to have low self esteem. I like it that way. I like my man to worship the ground I walk on.


In a airbnb with a load of pple n its early as hell idk what to do, im waveyaf i feel konk out 1 atherooms n 2ake uplater


In a airbnb with a load of pple n its early as hell idk what to do, im waveyaf i feel to konk out 1 atherooms n wake uplater

Omar del Sur


Ya this saddens me. The Simpsons used to promote Christianity. I remember Marge quoting the Bible and I remember the show having an episode where the "moral" was for Homer to go to church and respect religion.

I quit watching the Simpsons a long time ago but back in the 90's they were Christian. The show was leftist and not really pious but there was defense of Christianity.

Don't attack me with "so what? why should we care?". If the Simpsons were leaving Christianity for Islam, this would be great.

But there is a hierarchy when it comes to other religions. Christianity is better than atheism or paganism.

The Simpsons aren't leaving Christianity for Islam. They're leaving Christianity for simply rejecting religion entirely. This a reflection of a mainstreamization of the US completely abandoning religion. This new direction of overt rejection of religion is dangerous.

It also reflects how the US has gotten worse since the 90's. The 90's were degenerate by the previous standards but the 90's was wholesome compared to today. I am glad I am a millennial rather than being super young and being formed in the current environment. I have my values and I intend to preserve them. The values of today aren't worth adopting.
You also mentioned general Franco, I saw that sneaky edit

Why must you always rely on idiots, KKK members, war criminals and dictators who commited mass murder, rape and human experiments?

It says a lot about the right if those are people who you deem compentent individuals and leaders
He might be one of those, white's needs sharia type of people.


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