In futuh al habasha we see many Adal sultanate chiefs who have the title garaad like garaad Abun for example, but I'm not sure if they are somali. It seems the term is used also for hadiya and harari chiefs.
Among Somalis Garaad is mainly a Dhulbahante tribal title.
It is obvious to anyone who even studies the etymology of the Somali language that Garaad has a Somali origin. It comes from the root etymology ''Gar'' which is the root construct of several legal and governance word constructs within the legal system of Xeer and the Somali language. Few examples i saw someone post elsewhere about the Xeer legal terminology, notice they all begin with ''Gar''
Gar cadaawe: (strict adjudication), Gar Sokeeye: (flexible adjudication), Garsoorid: (jury verdict, judiciary system, judgment of a case by a court or group of people), Gar: (hearing/ verdict), Garawshiiyo: (concession), Garnaqsi: (defend; to justify or vindicate), Gardhigasho: (bringing case to the mediators), Gar-diiddo: (unwilling to accept any ruling), Garyigil: (willing to accept any rules), Garqaadasho: (acceptance of a verdict)
@KillStreakIsCool is spot on . Gar(Justice/Wisdom) + Aad (Move towards) = Garaad= One who moves towards or seeks Justice.
Some examples of other Somali word constructions using Gar-Garaad. From A Grammar of the Somali Language: With Examples in Prose and Verse by Kirk

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