I thought you were a man but still my point stands I had to defend the love of my life malawaxBalaayo ninkeeyga dheh xaaskada kulaha and that is not the same
Horta take it back
I thought you were a man but still my point stands I had to defend the love of my life malawaxBalaayo ninkeeyga dheh xaaskada kulaha and that is not the same
Horta take it back
I thought you were a man but still my point stands I had to defend the love of my life malawax
Soor iyo Ana geroor
Excuse my Somali grammar.
You ain't alone abayoi thought i was the only one who preferred it with caano
Canbuulo, Moos iyo Saliid Macansaro.
What is muufo?I like muufo iyo maraq!
I also love malawax, but I have to go to my eedo’s house if I want one.
That's some next level stuff right there. I never tried it with banana. I gotta give it a try.Canbuulo, Moos iyo Saliid Macansaro.
Make sure to forewarn all inhabitants of the house of the incoming artillery barrage afterwardsThat's some next level stuff right there. I never tried it with banana. I gotta give it a try.
Yes absolutelyWith moos
Why is it white?How could you not now
View attachment 43434
Why is it white?
I actually hate bariis iyo moos and bariis isku dheex kaaris
I'm more of a basto dalac iyo salmon type of person
I think it's the one called muufo baraawe