What to do about obsessive creepy girls?

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So I recently gave a chick my number (which I regret) , shortly after we chatted in whatsapp
for few days (I didn't feel we had much in common so I blocked her) then apparently she
made a whole new number just to talk to me again Lol and talking about how much she
wants and likes me. I am usually a nice person so I don't like hurting feelings of females
I take the easy exit rather than confront and hurt them in the progress. So guys what do
you think I should do, do I block her again?


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
Sounds creepy.

You should have told her in a nice way you werent interested or warn her before blocking.


Sounds creepy.

You should have told her in a nice way you werent interested or warn her before blocking.

I did (I told her we didn't have much in common, so we actually parted on okay terms) but adding me
immediately on a new number is alarming.


Queen of the light
Just inform her be honest, it does hurt to be told your unwanted, but she will only be hostile to you for a few days then she will forget about you. Believe me as a girl it's better to be told straight, women need to be informed otherwise they will always talk to you.


Bro she's a creep, tell her straight up saxib.

I will send her a lengthy text in whatsapp saying that I am not good for her and that she needs to find a "religious"
guy or someone better and properly lie and say I drink and smoke, anything to make them dislike you . Hopefully
that will get her off my back.


Just inform her be honest, it does hurt to be told your unwanted, but she will only be hostile to you for a few days then she will forget about you. Believe me as a girl it's better to be told straight, women need to be informed otherwise they will always talk to you.

Seems you have some experience. I usually let my actions do the hints, if I unfriend a chick in facebook it means no longer
interested, if I block them in whatsapp it means I don't want to talk to them no longer but apparently chicks like explanations
and I don't like to explain everything, it gets tiring after a while.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
I did (I told her we didn't have much in common, so we actually parted on okay terms) but adding me
immediately on a new number is alarming.
Okay she's just weird. Block her again, hopefully this time she'll get the message.


Okay she's just weird. Block her again, hopefully this time she'll get the message.

We will see. I will post on this thread the next step, I am going to take the final action tomorrow. This is a good lesson why you
shouldn't give people your number (unless you have been talking to them for a longtime ).
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I am usually a nice person so I don't like hurting feelings of females
I take the easy exit rather than confront and hurt them in the progress.

By acting nice "nice" you're actually being a dick. She's going to get hurt by you pretending youre OK talking to her rather than you just telling her to f*ck off
Just say she's not your type, you don't need to lie about yourself


@Dangopopcorn It is called being classy and considerate. Getting blocked just means not interested, any person with
common sense will get that. She doesn't need any other explanation frankly because she ain't my wife. What she did
is defo creepy though.
I never liked WhatsApp. You have to give people your number you don't want having your number to add them. WhatsApp would be good if it was username login


I never liked WhatsApp. You have to give people your number you don't want having your number to add them. WhatsApp would be good if it was username login

True. Telegram is better in this case, it is more secure and all that will appear to the people you are chatting to is just username not
@Dangopopcorn It is called being classy and considerate. Getting blocked just means not interested, any person with
common sense will get that. She doesn't need any other explanation frankly because she ain't my wife. What she did
is defo creepy though.

Nah you're being indirect and passive.
Maybe she's really naive and thought your number wasn't working or that the app was acting up. Good behaviour isn't reserved just for your spouse
It's your life tho, do what you want


Nah you're being indirect and passive.
Maybe she's really naive and thought your number wasn't working or that the app was acting up. Good behaviour isn't reserved just for your spouse
It's your life tho, do what you want

Are you illiterate or something? Read the opening post. She knows I blocked her hence why she made a whole new number to
add me on.


I drink, I smoke, I'm not religious, "it's not u it's me"-ism :icon lol: Just tell her you're not interested point blank, and could you not call me thanks. What's wrong with being straight.
You gonna have to be honest with her if you want her to stop contacting you. Maybe she's use to getting her way, Or maybe you mislead her? Who knows...
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