What to do about obsessive creepy girls?

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@VixR @Aria This is what I wrote this morning in whatsapp. Straight up, if she doesn't get the message after this it is a lost cause.

Walal I have to tell you the truth. I can't do this, you deserve more religious person that is in line with
your views. I am not the right person for you since I will make you sin, I will not lead you on so I will
be straight this can't work. Please don't contact me again and I hope you find a more deserving guy.

A sad ending. :mjcry:


You just tried to convince a girl that blatantly likes you that you're not good enough for her. Either she'll finally get the hint or she'll try to compromise with you. She's gonna want to fix you. Set you on the straight path and we all know that one never works.

Nonetheless a sad ending indeed. :patrice:


@Kanye That is how the female mind works. If you convince them you are a bum that lives on the streets they will leave you
alone ( unless you got a apple :lol: ). It was the only way to get her off my back, otherwise she won't stop pestering you.
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@VixR @Aria This is what I wrote this morning in whatsapp. Straight up, if she doesn't get the message after this it is a lost cause.

A sad ending. :mjcry:

You did the right thing in a polite way, but telling someone who likes you 'I'm not good enough for you' can make them like you even more lol.

But then again everyone isn't the same. Some people will get the hint and move on others wont give up trying.


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
Was she East Burco :lolbron:

Joking aside, why would you damage your reputation by saying you smoke and drink? She could take screenshots and send it to your mutual friends. Guard your reputation at all costs.


Was she East Burco :lolbron:

Joking aside, why would you damage your reputation by saying you smoke and drink? She could take screenshots and send it to your mutual friends. Guard your reputation at all costs.

True I never said I drink or smoke, just gently letted her down to get her out of the way.


It's true plenty of girls would be put off by that "I'm no good" shtick, but there are also fixer-upper types that would see you as wounded bird kkk. I still don't understand what's wrong with the whole truth tbh lol.


It's true plenty of girls would be put off by that "I'm no good" shtick, but there are also fixer-upper types that would see you as wounded bird kkk. I still don't understand what's wrong with the whole truth tbh lol.

If it was you how would you write the message. Let me guess "Naaya kuma rabo orod bax" Lol.


If it was you how would you write the message. Let me guess "Naaya kuma rabo orod bax" Lol.
I would be honest and say I'm not interested in a relationship, and that I'm not dating. Didn't u say u wanted to remain a bachelor. You could even have told her that.


I would be honest and say I'm not interested in a relationship, and that I'm not dating. Didn't u say u wanted to remain a bachelor. You could even have told her that.

That is what girls say "I am not interested in a relationship" then they proceed to do the deed with another guy behind closed
doors Lol. Were's guys are more individual based, if they are not interested in a girl that doesn't mean they are not interested
in a relationship. Bachelor means unmarried man doesn't mean a monk.


If it was you how would you write the message. Let me guess "Naaya kuma rabo orod bax" Lol.
Wallahi that's xasid :icon lol: be careful you don't want the evil eye or something. Just say walaal I'm not interested in pursuing anything at all with you. Don't leave any opening.


When someone really likes you it's also important to be clear because
they're looking for any opening.

To give them a closure is important. Few years ago my brother had to deliver a devastating message to a girl that he will not
marry her (she was nice person though), I asked my bro how will he do it and he said he will talk to her like 1 hour or something
to soften the blow as he can't say straight away "the meher is off naaya" Lol. That day I realized it mattered a lot how you convey
your message.
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