what type of house pet do you own?

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I used to have a abyssinian cat. That dude was wax walaan, we cut his seminal cord and he was still a mad man. That dude had way to much energy and gave all the other cats around the paws. One day he never came home, sad but that cat was a savage. i remember he brought a bird home with blood all over his face like a G. I miss that basterd
I used to have a abyssinian cat. That dude was wax walaan, we cut his seminal cord and he was still a mad man. That dude had way to much energy and gave all the other cats around the paws. One day he never came home, sad but that cat was a savage. i remember he brought a bird home with blood all over his face like a G. I miss that basterd
That was his offering to you. Its a sick twisted show of respect they give their owners. My cat brings me dead mice.lol
I had a cat before they don't show any love. Next time I'm getting a dog.

They do show love if you handle them enough and play with them all time. I got my cat as a kitten and she always sits on my lap, follows me around the house and rubs herself on me. I even cut her nails and she lets me.
That was his offering to you. Its a sick twisted show of respect they give their owners. My cat brings me dead mice.lol

This farax was way past mice after the 1 year, he brought home a snake once, thankfully that shit was dead. this dude spread his seed to all the cat s around the area. his offspring is still out here running.
This farax was way past mice after the 1 year, he brought home a snake once, thankfully that shit was dead. this dude spread his seed to all the cat s around the area. his offspring is still out here running.
lool, where the f*ck did he find a snake?
We live close to a forrest where there are snakes from time to time. And this savage wanted to upgrade from a birds to snakes.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
:drakelaugh::drakelaugh:once i had a goldfish during the winter break, I stole it from school by grabbing it out the fish bowl and nipped it in a tesco bag with water, a letter was sent to everyone's homes about the stolen fish and how they were doing an investigation, my bro got to the letter but he kept the bro code and got rid of it, I flushed the fish down the toilet when I realised it was dying after a few days and my Mum would think WTF is a dead fish doing in my room :snoop:


The trouble is, you think you have time
I don't want an animal in my Somali home, I like my floor to be free of animal feces.
No pets at the moment, too busy.

I've always wanted a huge aquarium with lots of tropical fish tho.

I had a cat before they don't show any love. Next time I'm getting a dog.

No way it all comes down to personality! I had this cat growing up and he was the sweetest thing. Never left my side and would always cry when I left


. . .
I have a male cat who's sweet most of the time but then sometimes looks at me with disgust :bell:Maybe because I like to dress him up like this....

He looks exactly like my cat.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
:drakelaugh::drakelaugh:once i had a goldfish during the winter break, I stole it from school by grabbing it out the fish bowl and nipped it in a tesco bag with water, a letter was sent to everyone's homes about the stolen fish and how they were doing an investigation, my bro got to the letter but he kept the bro code and got rid of it, I flushed the fish down the toilet when I realised it was dying after a few days and my Mum would think WTF is a dead fish doing in my room :snoop:

you stole your class pet?

yeah that's...

that's some shit only a somali kid would do tbh. :siilaanyosmile:


Gaalkacyo Gangster
I have a cat. We got here from the shelter, her name was Irene but it really doesn't matter because cats don't respond to their name anyway. We just refer to her as "the cat". Sometimes she comes to sit beside me when I'm watching TV or on the computer. Or she'll curl up in bed next to me. But mostly she just does her own thing.

Most annoying thing is she'll leave dead rats and birds outside on the porch. Once she actually brought a live rat through an open window in the basement. She did the same thing with a bird as well. Thing was flying around inside our house. Fucking .


All Praise To Allah |
I use to own tortoiseshell/tabby kitten due to my mum's allergies I had to give her up :mjcry: She would of turned 8 this month could be dead.:mjcry:
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