What word similarities do we share with Ethiopians?

That's the Amharic word for hand. Very interesting.
The southern Somali way of saying ‘canjeero’ is also very similar to the Amharic ‘Injeera’ whereas in the north of Somalia it is pronounced ‘canjeelo’. I wonder where these seemingly Amharic influences on the souther Somali dialect come from? Someone also pointed out the Amharic word for chicken, ‘dooro’, is also said down south. I wonder if this is related to Hawiye migration from Ethiopia @Step a side
The southern Somali way of saying ‘canjeero’ is also very similar to the Amharic ‘Injeera’ whereas in the north of Somalia it is pronounced ‘canjeelo’. I wonder where these seemingly Amharic influences on the souther Somali dialect come from? Someone also pointed out the Amharic word for chicken, ‘dooro’, is also said down south. I wonder if this is related to Hawiye migration from Ethiopia @Step a side
Oddly though they say canjeero but in Galbeed we use the word Kimis most of the times. I wonder why the Southerners decided to use the word canjeero.
The southern Somali way of saying ‘canjeero’ is also very similar to the Amharic ‘Injeera’ whereas in the north of Somalia it is pronounced ‘canjeelo’. I wonder where these seemingly Amharic influences on the souther Somali dialect come from? Someone also pointed out the Amharic word for chicken, ‘dooro’, is also said down south. I wonder if this is related to Hawiye migration from Ethiopia @Step a side

These aren’t Amharic influences. SomeSomali dialects simply loaned Arabic digaag for Dooro which is the actual Somali Cushitic word.m Amharic has loaned it from a Cushitic language. Injera is probably also an old Cushitic word. Somali dialects changed the R into L.
These aren’t Amharic influences. SomeSomali dialects simply loaned Arabic digaag for Dooro which is the actual Somali Cushitic word.m Amharic has loaned it from a Cushitic language. Injera is probably also an old Cushitic word. Somali dialects changed the R into L.
I’ll need to see some evidence of that sxb. A lot of conjecture here.
Dooro being a Cushitic word is a fact. Amharic loaning it from a Cushitic language: fact.
The conjecture is Amharic influence on Hawiye based on canjeelo vs canjeelo.
You still haven’t provided any proof. The Somali word dooro means to choose or take part so it really doesn’t make any sense. Dooro is only used for a bird in the south. Why is that? Also, why would pastoral cushites have a word for a small flightless bird that they would not have raised or eaten? Do you speak fluent Somali sxb?


HA Activist.
I believe the Ethiopian/Amhara word for fingers is ‘ij’ or ‘iji’ which sounds very similar to the southern Somali word for fingernails ‘ijiyo’ or ‘cijiyo’ (the Somali being plural, singular would be iji/ciji) :browtf:
ij is from the common semitic for hand, id/yd. Amharic tends to turn final “d” into a “j” sound like in “lij” (son) from the semitic root “(w)ld” which gave “walad”(boy) in arabic for exemple.


HA Activist.
You still haven’t provided any proof. The Somali word dooro means to choose or take part so it really doesn’t make any sense. Dooro is only used for a bird in the south. Why is that? Also, why would pastoral cushites have a word for a small flightless bird that they would not have raised or eaten? Do you speak fluent Somali sxb?
Dooro is a fairly common Cushitic cognate. Present in Highland and Lowland Cushitic languages like Bilen, Afar, Saho, Somali proper and Maay… completely absent in non-ES semitic languages. 100% a Cushitic loanword into Habesha languages
Dooro is a fairly common Cushitic cognate. Present in Highland and Lowland Cushitic languages like Bilen, Afar, Saho, Somali proper and Maay… completely absent in non-ES semitic languages. 100% a Cushitic loanword into Habesha languages
So how do you explain the other meaning of Dooro in Somali? It’s completely different.
You still haven’t provided any proof. The Somali word dooro means to choose or take part so it really doesn’t make any sense. Dooro is only used for a bird in the south. Why is that? Also, why would pastoral cushites have a word for a small flightless bird that they would not have raised or eaten? Do you speak fluent Somali sxb?
Ma Macna Dooro wa Diiq fii luqaatil Somali?

