what your Internet speed?

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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
How would rank my speeds? Excellent? Good? Fair? Bad? Africa?
Its really good. You can watch Netflix, anime, download something and play video games all at the same time without your Internet being affected. If I just watch 480p YouTube all my internet it gone.
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「Immortal Sage」| Qabil-fluid
:ohhh:Quick google search apparently shows you can get 1000Mbps :ohhh:

I wonder if it will make these es reply quicker :patrice:
The funny thing is the your Internet will be so fast that the website will be the one going slow. Serious, I don't think there will be anyone that need that speed.
The funny thing is the your Internet will be so fast that the website will be the one going slow. Serious, I don't think there will be anyone that need that speed.

Yeah 100 Mbps is mad snappy already. Soon as I so much as think of opening up a link shit just pops up.
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