Mr Sufi
Nice try townships are slumsThere are no slums we don't live like India , there are townships ,
any reasonable man would avoid but the newer waves of Somalis are narrow minded people they go there and set shops unnecessarily attracting unprecedented problems , like how a pile of shit attracts the flies, eventually their lives at stake if they continue living in the worst places
crime happens everywhere universally , the township is a parallel universe however.
Living in bigger cities and in the country in general is a paradise compared to the clusterfuck we fled from due to dire circumstances.
I disagree , South Africa may be dangerous Somalia is far more unstable , the biggest hell on earth wether the truth hurts you or not .
We have far more opportunities and privileges we take for granted.
I can't speak for the many living and the generations that will continue living in the townships they are seeking death.
You see your a self hating idiot
Somalia has less rape then south Africa and somalia is in a civil war
Somalia has less murders year by year then south Africa and somalia is in a civil war with a active terrorist group yet less dead compared to south Africa
Somalis are racist but we don't kill the Bantu on xenophobic attacks like south Africa does to foreigners but the blacks are to dumb to realize that a few white families own th country along with some Indians yet they won't kill them
O you mentioned nice places in South Africa and safe places guess what Somaliland and Puntland are very safe and safer then south Africa