Where do you see the diaspora in 15 years

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They'll be like how Japanese or Italian Americans are now, pretty much just fully-integrated Americans who claim their Japanese/Italian heritage to sound exotic.
Somalis in the UK will just be classified as "Black British". I think the forms will no longer include "Black - Somali" as an option.
Religiously I think you guys are wrong. The West is becoming more and more islamaphobic, Nazism is on the rise, I cannot imagine how tough it will be for the next generation of Muslims. However, when persecuted, people tend to hold onto their identity/religion even more. (Eg Black Pride)
My conclusion:
- BLM activists will win, Somalis will just be solely considered black
- Won't speak a lick of Somali
- More and more will marry interracially
- Most will be secular but still identify as Muslims for oppression points
- Thriving LGBT Somali scene
OK I won't talk about Regan because we all know what he did
He started NASA expanded Social Security. He also launched the Interstate Highway System, the Darpa
The national defense education act and atomic energy act were signed during his time in office
Nixon I know he isn't a good example but here are good things he did
He ended the war in Vietnam opened relations with china and created Environmental Protection Agency
His successor didn't do anything important so I will skip him
And the Soviet Union dissolved when bush senior was in power so that is something for him I guess
Eisenhower started the Vietnam war.

Nixon was involved in the watergate scandal and ended up resigning.

And Bush senior started the first gulf war.
And the USSR ended up going bankrupt and collapsing in on itself. Bush did nothing.

Modern day republican presidents are trash.

They will become the best generation for various reason. The entire Western societies are in rapid decline and heading towards conflict just as they had been for 800 years, anyone that doesn't see this, is just pissing into the winds.

This conflict will be fought among racial/ideological/religious lines, the useless eaters and unprepared will mostly die, and so will the Europhile conformist confused that are more likely to die of suicide then a stray bullet that hit them.

The likes of @VixR and @dhegdheer if they are lucky to survive will quickly become religious, wear the hijab and beg for forgiveness to the most high and exalted, earnestly with much remorse and regret.

Whether that will be after brutal gang-rape from those they thought they were 'apart' off, the so called enlightened overlords they praise on here or the less likely scenario which is a miraculous conscious awakening, is a matter that's up for debate. I incline more towards the former.
Whether that will be after brutal gang-rape from those they thought they were 'apart' off, the so called enlightened overlords they praise on here or the less likely scenario which is a miraculous conscious awakening, is a matter that's up for debate. I incline more towards the former.

What's wrong with you?
Do you see them as becoming more successful or less in academia more liberal or more religious. Will crime rates fall and will we start to see growing numbers going back to the homeland? Your thoughts on this.
more successful and a LOT more liberal. The first generation(our generation) has been a colossal failure. I believe the second and third generation will be more successful inshallah but they'll also be more liberal. However, I wouldn't be shocked if they turn out to be more conservative either. It looks like there is a rise in conservatism in the west.


Accomplished Saaxir
more successful and a LOT more liberal. The first generation(our generation) has been a colossal failure. I believe the second and third generation will be more successful inshallah but they'll also be more liberal. However, I wouldn't be shocked if they turn out to be more conservative either. It looks like there is a rise in conservatism in the west.

I agree our generation has been qashin for the most part. I hope future generations are more nimble and manage to stay out of the 'trap' that's drug dealing and crime.
I agree our generation has been qashin for the most part. I hope future generations are more nimble and manage to stay out of the 'trap' that's drug dealing and crime.
I don't see how we will not. I mean the somali youth feed on hip hop culture sxb. Let's hope for the best.

Gojo Satoru

Staff Member
They will become the best generation for various reason. The entire Western societies are in rapid decline and heading towards conflict just as they had been for 800 years, anyone that doesn't see this, is just pissing into the winds.

This conflict will be fought among racial/ideological/religious lines, the useless eaters and unprepared will mostly die, and so will the Europhile conformist confused that are more likely to die of suicide then a stray bullet that hit them.

The likes of @VixR and @dhegdheer if they are lucky to survive will quickly become religious, wear the hijab and beg for forgiveness to the most high and exalted, earnestly with much remorse and regret.

Whether that will be after brutal gang-rape from those they thought they were 'apart' off, the so called enlightened overlords they praise on here or the less likely scenario which is a miraculous conscious awakening, is a matter that's up for debate. I incline more towards the former.
Lay off the substance abuse my nigga :drakekidding:
Why would we become more “assimilated” when groups such as the African Americans, Chinese, Indians and Jewish people haven’t and have their own unique cultures in the diaspora?

These a clear resurgence especially in the Somali youth for the cultured Somali identity in the West, currently its unproductive with the Mali Gang, Halal Gang, and all that stuff. But Somalis are constructing out an identity in the West for themselves since they realized the hostile nature of the West is towards African people.

Somalis people aren’t naive like other groups which would thought assimilating would leave them better off. Assimilating basically means surrendering and stripping away your masculinity and pride.

Somalis will discover a method in which they can survive and thrive in the diaspora without bowing down to anyone. Somalis now know all the ins and out of the West and how to play the game. All young Somalis I know between 15-21 hang and chill exclusively with Somalis but understand how to deal with others when needed in a formal or informal manner.


It's not a dream. You yourself have said you'll be moving back to Somalia because of how the Somali community has ended up.

But of course you won't be going back. None of them ever do and if they do, they come back permanently 1 year later

Your children will be more ilbaax than me. Times are changing. Somalis are getting integrated much more faster than even the 3-4th generation southern Europeans who still have their culture intact.

The only bad thing about all this is that Somali girls (not my female relatives) will not know how to make Somali cuisine; the girls our age today who are on their way to getting married will not know how to make sambuusa for their kids and husbands.
Why do you care though
Its not like you're marrying a somali woman anyways :holeup:
Did you forget the 19 trillion dollar debt we owe???

Building your country on the backs of other doesn't count.

And the only times we really thrived was when we've been fairly liberal.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt took us out of the Great Depression introducing liberal social welfare programs and stimulating the economy.

After Lyndon Baine Johnson passed the liberal civil rights act of 1964 and 1968.
The economy boomed and more houses started being brought thanks to the fair housing act.

Bill Clinton passed the 1993 liberal economic stimulus bill and the economy once again boomed and he ended up leaving office with a budget surplus.

Most of the time when republicans hold power in America.
We're fighting pointless wars, having crazy deficits, and in the middle of recessions.
I think you're somewhat in the middle of liberal and conservative, ur moderate, ur a conservative in the sense of retaining ur culture and background while having liberal views on social issues like giving safety nets for the needy thru welfare, free education, and free healthcare. Your a moderate which I can support u 100% :mjohreally:


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
more successful and a LOT more liberal. The first generation(our generation) has been a colossal failure. I believe the second and third generation will be more successful inshallah but they'll also be more liberal. However, I wouldn't be shocked if they turn out to be more conservative either. It looks like there is a rise in conservatism in the west.

i'm hoping they become more conservative with their actions and more liberal with their thought process.

only every so slightly on both sides of the spectrum. that's all we need to not be royal f*ck ups.
Im already planning on building my house in the West instead of Somalia. Its gonna have a Pomeranian in it named Lucky and Im going to grow heirloom zucchini
I want all Somali culture destroyed in the West.

That's never gonna happen bro, almost every Somali diaspora is gonna have an Somalinimo awakening that's gonna only grow as they get older and wiser.

The hiphop SJW Somalis are gonna have a rude awakening when they find out that they've been fighting and supporting a useless self destructing movement and it's gonna instill Somalinimo in them.
I use to be a big SJW in my late teens but grew out of it eventually

You :ufdup:AJ on the other hand managed to punch in all the right cheat codes to remain lost forever. Ur the only gay Somali who supports SJW, feminism, LGBT, BLM, and you somehow contradict all that by supporting Trump, Steve bannon, and the far right wing.:icon rolleyes:

:qri8gs7:congratulations, u r officially the king of kings in trolling :salute:
i'm hoping they become more conservative with their actions and more liberal with their thought process.

only every so slightly on both sides of the spectrum. that's all we need to not be royal f*ck ups.
Agreed 100%. It's good to lead a conservative life yourself and let others lead their own lives.
Also, the prophet(pbuh) said practicing the religion in moderation is the best.
And finally, Allah said the religion is meant to make our lives more convenient, not more difficult.
That's never gonna happen bro, almost every Somali diaspora is gonna have an Somalinimo awakening that's gonna only grow as they get older and wiser.

The hiphop SJW Somalis are gonna have a rude awakening when they find out that they've been fighting and supporting a useless self destructing movement and it's gonna instill Somalinimo in them.
I use to be a big SJW in my late teens but grew out of it eventually

You :ufdup:AJ on the other hand managed to punch in all the right cheat codes to remain lost forever. Ur the only gay Somali who supports SJW, feminism, LGBT, BLM, and you somehow contradict all that by supporting Trump, Steve bannon, and the far right wing.:icon rolleyes:

:qri8gs7:congratulations, u r officially the king of kings in trolling :salute:

Who said I support feminism, SJW and BLM and the far right? Don't make up rumours.
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