You have made valid points about the issue s majority of men face today and it’s self inflicted.
All the issues you mentioned are not exclusive to western women, female nature is female nature. I say that as someone who grew up around whites.
Most men who face these problems…
1. They don’t have a purpose so subconsciously their woman become their purpose through manipulation.
2. They lack a rigid system in which to keep the woman’s chaotic nature in check, so they get pushed and pulled in every direction by her emotional storms. Until they no longer know who they are and that’s usually when the women check out.
3. They desire the woman more than she desires them.
4. They are the ones who constantly are made to prove their love by over investing both emotionally and materially.
A woman cannot sabotage a relationships that she has over invested in , period.
But when you are the one chasing, investing, engaging, initiating, caring, nurturing, pleasing, pleading, validating, accepting, compromising, forgiving and lastly loving.
What other choice have you left thr woman but to pimp you sorry black a55, this point in not direct at you btw I’m speaking in general.
I honestly can't recall the last time I've ever been vulnerable around someone other than my close family recently, men and boys are always conditioned to be resilient, the first time I ever saw my father cry was at the death of my brother, I've never seen him shed a tear before that.You need to elaborate on what traits you consider to be "feminine" and "masculine" in your books.
I personally believe a well adjusted person, whether a man or a woman, will have both traits. For example, I love my independence but I also love nurturing my loved ones![]()
I honestly can't recall the last time I've ever been vulnerable around someone other than my close family recently, men and boys are always conditioned to be resilient, the first time I ever saw my father cry was at the death of my brother, I've never seen him shed a tear before that.
Every woman is feminine, it’s just if your man enough to get it out of her or not
You need to elaborate on what traits you consider to be "feminine" and "masculine" in your books.
I personally believe a well adjusted person, whether a man or a woman, will have both traits. For example, I love my independence but I also love nurturing my loved ones![]()
Can't argue really against any of that - when you're right you're right.
Their are men that will go their entire lives not correcting those types of traits/flaws tho.
& also guy's who know those are their dynamics but refuse to change/correct themselves due to fear of a woman leaving them.
The thought of ur lady gettin piped by someone else now that you're out of the picture or even in the picture is to much for some to bare.
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The only pushback I have would be the bolded you highlighted.
Women aren't perfect, & many lack solid game themselves. The ones who do self sabotage usually fall into that category. (Not too bright/Doesn't concern herself with consequence)
If u have say... 5 kids with the same person I think that qualifies u as being over invested.Whether u like it or not that's ur reality & "intentionally" corrupting that reality has some serious real world consequences. Some understand that & can keep their stuff in check - others dont.. or simply don't care.
I'd never throw all women under the bus, even western ones.I just believe some demographics are truly easier to deal with than others.
You also got chicks that happily compromise their situation by stepping out of marriages that are seemingly damn near picture perfect, all for a nigga who ain't got 2 nickles to rub together. Just a mouthpiece. If u don't have a mouthpiece (game) - then all that other ish has the potential to amount to nothing.
Bossin up ain't always foolproof.It helps.
It definitely allows u access to women u actually wanna deal with. & u should wanna boss up.. not only for access to women but urself. I just think alotta dudes treat bossin up like more of a cheat code when it should be seen as complimentary.
Theirs a reason the Taliban puts down on their women the way they do.
Gettin in where u fit in & zero'ing in on the one u see the best qualities in & building from there is the move.
If u doing all that u mentioned for a chick & she doesn't reciprocate even a lil bit I agree with u - that's 100% a u problem. She's telling u wassup & u just don't wanna see it.You begging to be played.
For all the lil teenage dudes that frequent this site - y'all need to soak up these conversations b4 the reality bug bites u.
For women : Competitive, Disagreeable, Independent, lack of modesty, loud, rude, egotistical, low EQ.
For men: Neurotic, unaccountable, people pleaser, impulsive, indecisive, low self esteem, gossiper, complainer, selfish, lack of empathy.
It’s fine to have some positive traits from the opposite gender, but people who are not well, always incorporate the negative traits of the other gender.
so now that you have some idea of what I was taking about what say you.
There isn’t one way to play this game, I can tell you’re well verse but with a different style to mine and I respect that.
Overall I believe we are in agreement but in approach we might differ, I think that’s a good thing because then there is room to learn more from other styles instead of thinking your way is the only way.
This conversation was getting too technical almost on a philosophical level, great convo sxb.