Which of the 2 would you prefer to deal with if you had to choose?

Which of the 2 would you prefer to deal with if you had to choose?

  • Feminine Men

    Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Masculine Women

    Votes: 29 70.7%

  • Total voters
  • This poll will close: .


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
Is they’re something you wish to tell us sxb !
Suspicious Futurama GIF


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
yeah but not now:wow1:

You’re on this sxb and they are the cause of masculine women.
Exactly, women that had no choice but to step into their masculine, and this happens so much in our community, it was okay back in somalia when all the women were close together and shared each other's burdens, but try visiting everyday in the west, add that to the western climate of degeneracy keeping everyone on edge, racism especially in the uk, and qabilism making people distrust their own cousins


Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
Every woman is feminine, it’s just if your man enough to get it out of her or not
Women love to feel feminine, and the essence of feminity Is weakness and submission, no woman will ever admit it like this but thank God for yin and yang because when you have an opposite, you can determine the original element.
Every woman is feminine, it’s just if your man enough to get it out of her or not

The "man enough" aspect of bringing it out of them usually involves intense De - programming. Not everyone wants to learn code to get these chicks right.

Some of us value programs that are already finished.



Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
The "man enough" aspect of bringing it out of them usually involves intense De - programming. Not everyone wants to learn code to get these chicks right.

Some of us value programs that are already finished.

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Fair enough, it’s the truth, but in honesty, feminine traits and modesty should be the default for them. No one wants the extra trouble when trying to settle down. Imagine getting home from work and the betrothed starts having an ego match with you in front of the kids :mjlol:
Fair enough, it’s the truth, but in honesty, feminine traits and modesty should be the default for them. No one wants the extra trouble when trying to settle down. Imagine getting home from work and the betrothed starts having an ego match with you in front of the kids :mjlol:

I don't have to imagine breh - I've experienced this.

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Exactly, women that had no choice but to step into their masculine, and this happens so much in our community, it was okay back in somalia when all the women were close together and shared each other's burdens, but try visiting everyday in the west, add that to the western climate of degeneracy keeping everyone on edge, racism especially in the uk, and qabilism making people distrust their own cousins

You have wisdom beyond your age Mansha Allah, don’t ever stop thinking for yourself. And your analysis is 💯 accurate.

Too bad very few people see things as they are, instead of playing the blame game. Especially the so called men who are constantly in competition, with the women who’s respect and submission they constantly demand.

Be a man and leave her no choice but to be a woman, she rejects it ? Next!
Every woman is feminine, it’s just if your man enough to get it out of her or not

If you have a purpose and a system which are expressed in your character, your physique, your style and you stay true to that no matter what.

A woman has no choice but to be feminine, in order to play a role in your life and be a compliment instead of the object of your life’s purpose.
The "man enough" aspect of bringing it out of them usually involves intense De - programming. Not everyone wants to learn code to get these chicks right.

Some of us value programs that are already finished.

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A woman only plays these hard bargains with men, who’s value she deems lower then her own in the SMV.

That’s why men should either level up or marry women on their own level, if they want peace and stability.
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Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
You have wisdom beyond your age Mansha Allah, don’t ever stop thinking for yourself. And your analysis is 💯 accurate.

Too bad a very few people see things as they are, instead of playing the blame game. Especially the so called men who are constantly in competition, with the women who’s respect and submission they constantly seek.

Be a man and leave her no choice but to be a woman, she rejects? Next!

If you have a purpose and a system which are expressed in your character, your physique, your style and you stay true to that no matter what.

A woman has no choice but to be feminine, in order to play a role in your life and be a compliment instead of the object of your life’s purpose.

A woman only plays these hard bargains with men, who’s value she deems lower then her own in the SMV.

That’s why men should ever level up or just marry women on their own level if they want peace and stability.
Thanks for the c9mpliment sxb, preciate it.

It's a concept as old as time, don't expect to have any women if you have nothing yourself. The entitlement that both genders have these days makes me think most people today deserve whatever heartbreak or relationship induced depression they have.

Women I feel, sense this truth more than most whining men today are prepared to accept due to the accepting nature of feminity that most women posses.

Don't tell a women she's delusion and she'll never find the right man, she knows more than you do about what man will accept her and what man won't!! Rather understand that a woman is more resigned to her fate based on her deep understanding that she has a base value that she cannot change!!!

Most men today unfortunately fail to understand just how much potential they really have with most average men having an insane amount of it when they discover that life is really fackin simple.
Thanks for the c9mpliment sxb, preciate it.

It's a concept as old as time, don't expect to have any women if you have nothing yourself. The entitlement that both genders have these days makes me think most people today deserve whatever heartbreak or relationship induced depression they have.

Women I feel, sense this truth more than most whining men today are prepared to accept due to the accepting nature of feminity that most women posses.

Don't tell a women she's delusion and she'll never find the right man, she knows more than you do about what man will accept her and what man won't!! Rather understand that a woman is more resigned to her fate based on her deep understanding that she has a base value that she cannot change!!!

Most men today unfortunately fail to understand just how much potential they really have with most average men having an insane amount of it when they discover that life is really fackin simple.
You have wisdom beyond your age Mansha Allah, don’t ever stop thinking for yourself. And your analysis is 💯 accurate.

Too bad very few people see things as they are, instead of playing the blame game. Especially the so called men who are constantly in competition, with the women who’s respect and submission they constantly demand.

Be a man and leave her no choice but to be a woman, she rejects it ? Next!

If you have a purpose and a system which are expressed in your character, your physique, your style and you stay true to that no matter what.

A woman has no choice but to be feminine, in order to play a role in your life and be a compliment instead of the object of your life’s purpose.

A woman only plays these hard bargains with men, who’s value she deems lower then her own in the SMV.

That’s why men should either level up or marry women on their own level, if they want peace and stability.

I agree with the premise of your arguments but I feel it only applies to a certain demographic of women.

Most of u here likely have only dealt exclusively with muslim women. That skews your view a bit because they know wassup already & if they have a man in their corner to teach,lead & provide they naturally become even more agreeable & receptive of ur narrative.

Not saying all are like this but that's a FAR CRY in mentality from ur average american or western girl.

In the West - Not only are they not somewhat agreeable as a default - they're also extremely combative. The very nature of that type of exchange is a masculine one & from jump you're already off to a bad start.

Many don't approach dating/marriage in the same manner muslim women would/do.

In the West everything is transactional.
EVERYTHING - (Do this to receive that)

You could be doing everything right & they'll still find a way to self sabotage:

*Disposable income

*Well defined muscular body

*Time for outings & ur woman

*Toe curling sex

*Seemingly good communication between both parties

& STILL these chicks will figure out a way to sabotage a good thing. They're aware of their sexual market value even if it's on par with your own.

The only way to dead that type of dynamic with them is keeping them in a state of flight (Being indifferent & allowing her to see u too have a fleet of options)

That sort of mentality leads back to my original gripe - NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY THOSE CAT & MOUSE GAMES. Especially as u age.
Some of us just want to chill without all the other mental wizardry that comes with relationships.

I'm speaking from experience breh - on behalf of myself, some old friends, & a few guy's in my fam.

If u can't keep these western chicks in a constant state of stimulation or u begin to become more sedentary in ur relationship MOST WILL FLAKE ON YOU.

In their mind - they rationalize it by believing theirs someone out there who can do what u do AND keep her stimulated (whatever her kink is) 24/7.

Ain't nobody got time for that breh - u give a piece of urself to a woman & try to do right by them & they still flake!

If the relationship doesn't favor me atleast 70/30 it ain't gon work.


I'd rather die alone. Or go through life chasing that 1 in a million catch that has all her mental facilities in check b4 i rock with a chick who believes she can replace a nigga like me.



Laba Gob Kii Beer Jilicsan Baa Jaba
I agree with the premise of your arguments but I feel it only applies to a certain demographic of women.

Most of u here likely have only dealt exclusively with muslim women. That skews your view a bit because they know wassup already & if they have a man in their corner to teach,lead & provide they naturally become even more agreeable & receptive of ur narrative.

Not saying all are like this but that's a FAR CRY in mentality from ur average american or western girl.

In the West - Not only are they not somewhat agreeable as a default - they're also extremely combative. The very nature of that type of exchange is a masculine one & from jump you're already off to a bad start.

Many don't approach dating/marriage in the same manner muslim women would/do.

In the West everything is transactional.
EVERYTHING - (Do this to receive that)

You could be doing everything right & they'll still find a way to self sabotage:

*Disposable income

*Well defined muscular body

*Time for outings & ur woman

*Toe curling sex

*Seemingly good communication between both parties

& STILL these chicks will figure out a way to sabotage a good thing. They're aware of their sexual market value even if it's on par with your own.

The only way to dead that type of dynamic with them is keeping them in a state of flight (Being indifferent & allowing her to see u too have a fleet of options)

That sort of mentality leads back to my original gripe - NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY THOSE CAT & MOUSE GAMES. Especially as u age.
Some of us just want to chill without all the other mental wizardry that comes with relationships.

I'm speaking from experience breh - on behalf of myself, some old friends, & a few guy's in my fam.

If u can't keep these western chicks in a constant state of stimulation or u begin to become more sedentary in ur relationship MOST WILL FLAKE ON YOU.

In their mind - they rationalize it by believing theirs someone out there who can do what u do AND keep her stimulated (whatever her kink is) 24/7.

Ain't nobody got time for that breh - u give a piece of urself to a woman & try to do right by them & they still flake!

If the relationship doesn't favor me atleast 70/30 it ain't gon work.

View attachment 342833

I'd rather die alone. Or go through life chasing that 1 in a million catch that has all her mental facilities in check b4 i rock with a chick who believes she can replace a nigga like me.

FohView attachment 342832
It's the same with Muslim women sxb, if you don't understand the concept of attention being transactional you'll most likely also have problems in marriage with a Muslim women.

If you don't play cat and mouse in marriage with a woman you'll have problems. This applies to the majority of women.
It's the same with Muslim women sxb, if you don't understand the concept of attention being transactional you'll most likely also have problems in marriage with a Muslim women.

If you don't play cat and mouse in marriage with a woman you'll have problems. This applies to the majority of women.

Which is why I said I need 70/30 dynamics to hop back into a relationship.

50/50 is to transactional

& 100% can lead to unhealthy obsessions.

I've been in both scenarios.
When I was dumb & younger I'd chase.Many times at my own detriment.

Started maturing & learning life lessons & became chased, until they either grew tired of my bs or I quit em like I never even knew them.

Theirs one I did dirty like that I still beat myself up about today. I don't know wtf I was going through back then but I really dropped the ball with her.


What I want these days in a woman - she was that.Infatuation with slight obsession but was still able to recognize her own self worth.

Ain't found one like her sense 😭

I mentioned the dynamics between muslim & non muslim girls because even if they are similar - the muslim chick atleast already has a foundation to build upon & draw inspiration from (Islam).
If she's wayward, it just takes the right man to put her back on track (That is.. if ur deck is stacked properly)

Non muslims don't have tracks - They're like home cooked meals. Mentally u have to build them from scratch, don't wanna do that? Then ur stuck with what u got.
Unless you're saying that in 2024 muslim girls are no different than western ones in mentality.
In my experience that definitely hasn't been the case.
Agree with u 💯% on the cat & mouse dynamics - wish I understood that more in my early 20s would've saved me alot of drama.

Being on that time 100% of the time is what I have a issue with because even tactics like that u have to be strategic with.

Balance over everything!!
Masculine women have daddy issues while feminine men are mentally controlled by their mothers. Equally problematic. You can't fix decades of programming and you would stupid to try. Run, don't walk if one is in your presence. They are both naturally meant for each other though.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Every woman is feminine, it’s just if your man enough to get it out of her or not
They just need to feel safe around you, I've noticed a lot of masculine women carry a lot of emotional baggage and childhood trauma that they never resolved, our world is cruel, and these women still carry this burden, and sometimes you need to empathise and get them help.


Dhib marku wah nokdo, Isku tiirsada
They just need to feel safe around you, I've noticed a lot of masculine women carry a lot of emotional baggage and childhood trauma that they never resolved, our world is cruel, and these women still carry this burden, and sometimes you need to empathise and get them help.
Like you said they just need to feel protected. If they do then it’s bless. But we’re also not their therapists
I agree with the premise of your arguments but I feel it only applies to a certain demographic of women.

Most of u here likely have only dealt exclusively with muslim women. That skews your view a bit because they know wassup already & if they have a man in their corner to teach,lead & provide they naturally become even more agreeable & receptive of ur narrative.

Not saying all are like this but that's a FAR CRY in mentality from ur average american or western girl.

In the West - Not only are they not somewhat agreeable as a default - they're also extremely combative. The very nature of that type of exchange is a masculine one & from jump you're already off to a bad start.

Many don't approach dating/marriage in the same manner muslim women would/do.

In the West everything is transactional.
EVERYTHING - (Do this to receive that)

You could be doing everything right & they'll still find a way to self sabotage:

*Disposable income

*Well defined muscular body

*Time for outings & ur woman

*Toe curling sex

*Seemingly good communication between both parties

& STILL these chicks will figure out a way to sabotage a good thing. They're aware of their sexual market value even if it's on par with your own.

The only way to dead that type of dynamic with them is keeping them in a state of flight (Being indifferent & allowing her to see u too have a fleet of options)

That sort of mentality leads back to my original gripe - NOT EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY THOSE CAT & MOUSE GAMES. Especially as u age.
Some of us just want to chill without all the other mental wizardry that comes with relationships.

I'm speaking from experience breh - on behalf of myself, some old friends, & a few guy's in my fam.

If u can't keep these western chicks in a constant state of stimulation or u begin to become more sedentary in ur relationship MOST WILL FLAKE ON YOU.

In their mind - they rationalize it by believing theirs someone out there who can do what u do AND keep her stimulated (whatever her kink is) 24/7.

Ain't nobody got time for that breh - u give a piece of urself to a woman & try to do right by them & they still flake!

If the relationship doesn't favor me atleast 70/30 it ain't gon work.

View attachment 342833

I'd rather die alone. Or go through life chasing that 1 in a million catch that has all her mental facilities in check b4 i rock with a chick who believes she can replace a nigga like me.

FohView attachment 342832

You have made valid points about the issue s majority of men face today and it’s self inflicted.

All the issues you mentioned are not exclusive to western women, female nature is female nature. I say that as someone who grew up around whites.

Most men who face these problems…

1. They don’t have a purpose so subconsciously their woman become their purpose through manipulation.

2. They lack a rigid system in which to keep the woman’s chaotic nature in check, so they get pushed and pulled in every direction by her emotional storms. Until they no longer know who they are and that’s usually when the women check out 😂.

3. They desire the woman more than she desires them.

4. They are the ones who constantly are made to prove their love by over investing both emotionally and materially.
A woman cannot sabotage a relationships that she has over invested in , period.

But when you are the one chasing, investing, engaging, initiating, caring, nurturing, pleasing, pleading, validating, accepting, compromising, forgiving and lastly loving.

What other choice have you left thr woman but to pimp you sorry black a55, this point in not direct at you btw I’m speaking in general.
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