Which race were the Ancient Egypts - EGYPT EXPERTS COME IN


Islam wins doesnt take Ls Long Live Somalia ๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ด
have u ever considered the possibility lower nubia had a more caucasian cranium instead of upper egyptians craniums being more negroid. :bell:
If we are 60 SSA and 40 MENA why do you call us caucasian

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
There is Linguistic and Lineage Evidence:
-Both languages have common culture

Refuse me now! How are we any different?
There is Linguistic and Lineage Evidence:
-Both languages have common culture

Refute me now! How are we any different?
The Nubians meroitic language was nilo-Saharan not a Cushitic one other posters claimed this donโ€™t embarrass yourself.

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
The Nubians meroitic language was nilo-Saharan not a Cushitic one other posters claimed this donโ€™t embarrass yourself.

Meroitic? Milo-Saharan. Lol low-key you're a riot. Keep bringing in the jokes.

Who knows maybe they'll find another Lucy bone you knuckle head.
Meroitic? Milo-Saharan. Lol low-key you're a riot. Keep bringing in the jokes.

Who knows maybe they'll find another Lucy bone you knuckle head.
The fact that u think that the meroitic language is Cushitic is laughable on so many levels. Bit of advice mate research the topics u talk about and think before posting. :russ: However, the linguistic affiliation of Meroitic has been recently established: it belongs to the Northern East Sudanic branch of the Nilo- Saharan.

King Khufu

Dignified Gentlemen
I'm telling you, it's not any different.:kanyeshrug:

Trust me on this when I say it's all Cushitic.
There didn't use to be any other languages.
Just look at people in Nubia - how they talk, mannerisms and speech.
And look at Somalis, there is many similarities even down to the looks.

Coicedents ? I think not !
I think u mean north Sudan who are Arab Dinka mutts from 700 years ago. :russ:


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