The Hanaabila are mostly Athari- but the correct Atharis not the mujassima who larp as Athari.Since when did the Haanabila become majority of the Ummah? And even among the Hanaabila there are Ash’ari
The Hanaabila are mostly Athari- but the correct Atharis not the mujassima who larp as Athari.Since when did the Haanabila become majority of the Ummah? And even among the Hanaabila there are Ash’ari
Him believing differently from other Sufis on the topic of tawasul has nothing to do with his beliefs on the attributes of Allah, the sayid was a pure ashari in his aqeedah out side of that he had different belief from other Sufis which isn’t surprising since he was a saalihiSome of his points are much more athari than ashar’i especially when it comes to tawasul. The originator of tariqa the salihiya tariqa came from is also more so athari in some fundamental ways like keeping silent on things that haven’t been addressed
Instead of spewing nonsense bring proof.It’s using common sense. Do I need to ask everyone in the world if the world is flat to come to the conclusion that the world is flat? I know logic and common sense is a difficult task for the extremist literalist cultists of MIAW
Yeah, sure... and Ilm al-Kalam was also actively used prior to the Abbasid takeover? You provided still no evidence, resorting instead to "google it". The reality is that the general people don't follow that nonsense. Additionally, there is a clear Hadith that states:'Asha'irah and Maturidiyah are basically the same for all intents and purposes and collectively they form virtually the entire Sunni world.
The Najdi school started in 1700s and has found virtually no acceptance outside of some pockets of the Gulf and Western diasporas divorced from their intellectual heritage.
This is despite at least $75 billion being spent by the Saudis to ram it down people's throats:
It's not a matter of argument literally go on Google, search for 'global Muslim population' and see the breakdown of Sunni.
The one who lacks proof is you.Instead of spewing nonsense bring proof.
Instead of responsing like an NPC bring facts. You made the claim that Ash'ariyyah is the majority of the Muslims. So bring proof...The one who lacks proof is you.
There is no 'Salafi' majority nation on Earth and no Muslim nation has a Salafi minority that exceeds even 10% of the population.
Western polls put them at a few % of the Muslim world
Actually yes there are Sahaba who interpreted verses in the same way.Yeah, sure... and Ilm al-Kalam was also actively used prior to the Abbasid takeover? You provided still no evidence, resorting instead to "google it". The reality is that the general people don't follow that nonsense. Additionally, there is a clear Hadith that states:
Ibn Umar reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, 'Verily, Allah will not let my nation agree upon misguidance.'
(Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2167)
Either one of the two assertions is incorrect. Also I know for a fact that neither the Sahaba nor the Tabi'in, nor the Tabi‘u al-tabi‘in, ever engaged in the same practices as these groups did. Bring me one Sahabi who held similar beliefs to the groups you mentioned. Also your assumption that Salafiyyah is a new concept shows ignorance. Since when has adhering to the ways of the Prophet and his companions, as well as those who followed them in piety, been considered new?
The one making the extraordinary claim is you, not me so the burden of proof is on you.Instead of responsing like an NPC bring facts. You made the claim that Ash'ariyyah is the majority of the Muslims. So bring proof...
Okay give me one sahabi that uses Ilm ul-Kalam.Actually yes there are Sahaba who interpreted verses in the same way.
The hadith you just posted is a proof against your school not for for the vast majority of the Ummah from now since the blessed time have been of the three Sunni schools of aqeedah: 'Ash'ari, Maturidi and Athari (mostly held by the Sunni Hanbalis not the fake claimants).
Salafis merely claiming they 'follow' doesn't mean they do. I could claim to be anything it doesn't mean I am that thing not unless i actually do as the Sahaba were documented to do.
You made the claim... And now your saying I need to bring proof that the majority are not Ash'ari? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?The one making the extraordinary claim is you, not me so the burden of proof is on you.
You won't though because Salafis are a tiny minority and non-existent before the 1700s- none of our giants, our scholars, rulers, great holy men, not a single one was on that ideology, not a single one. Name a single Salafi important in the history of Islam and no we are not including recent figures limited to Saudi Arabia. Name a Salafi equivalent of Salahudeen al Ayyubi or Qadi Iyadh.
The history of Islam from the time of the Prophet ﷺ until now is a history of the Sunnis with their three schools of aqeedah. Before 1700s, there's literally two characters in the entire history of Islam with the vast lands of the Muslims + Ibn Taymiyyah who recanted from the incorrect views AND who was a Qadiri Sufi! Salafis don't have isnad or a continuous legacy from the time of the Prophet ﷺ.
The Salafi mindset is actually derogatory and based on a bad opinion of the divine promise to protect Islam and preserve it because they believe that the vast majority of the Ummah until they came was upon misguidance!
Do you deny of what Allah swt has attributed to himself in his book? and Atharis are the people who have knowledge about the hadiths not other schools who mostly ignored itEven though I would consider myself to be mostly Atheri I tend to lean into Ashari in terms of Allah's characters (Sifaat). Despite Atheris denying any assimilation of Allah to his creatures (Tashbeh) I feel like they're unintentionally doing it by authenticating controversial Hadith that many scholars reject which is the Prophet pbuh seeing his God in a form of a beardless young man and stating that Allah has eyes, hands, a face and legs physically and not metaphorically as Ashari believe in.
Majority of muslims don't belong or subscribe to that deviant greek philosophical schoolI had no idea most are ashari. I grew up with learning athari aqeedah. Idk enough to make a judgement.
فوق العرشMajority of muslims don't belong or subscribe to that deviant greek philosophical school
Answer this question without thinking too much about it, Where's Allah swt?
The position of Ahlus Sunnah is that Allah is not bound by time and space therefore this question is an impossible question. Allah does not have a location!Majority of muslims don't belong or subscribe to that deviant greek philosophical school
Answer this question without thinking too much about it, Where's Allah swt?
You haven't answered a single question since the thread started from either me or Garaad or any of the other people that commented. All you do is deflect and make irrelevant statements.You made the claim... And now your saying I need to bring proof that the majority are not Ash'ari? Do you realize how stupid that sounds?
You're not part of Ahlu Sunnah if you have a deviant beliefs as what you have said has never been said by the salaf as sahleh.The position of Ahlus Sunnah is that Allah is not bound by time and space therefore this question is an impossible question. Allah does not have a location!
You're not part of Ahlu Sunnah if you have a deviant beliefs as what you have said has never been said by the salaf as sahleh.
Here's what our Imam Abu Hanifa said about Allah's location:
قال أبو حنيفة: من قال: لا أعرف ربي في السماء أو في الأرض فقد كفر، وكذا من قال: إنه على العرش ولا أدري العرش أفي السماء أو في الأرض؟ والله تعالى يُدْعى من أعلى لا من أسفل ".
Whoever says: I do not know my Lord in heaven or on earth has disbelieved, and the same applies to whoever says: He is on the Throne and I do not know whether the Throne is in heaven or on earth? God Almighty is called from above, not from below.”
I dare you to quote me the positions of our Imams or any of the salaf as saleh that agrees with you deviant heretic views.
You believe in a Pagan-like God who has hands,shins & sits on a throne. Ahlul Sunnah are free from the ideological children of Ibn Abdulwahabفوق العرش