Having a Batiny position when it comes to the Quran is a heretic position no one from the companions nor from the Salaf as Saleh held that deviant views.What you still do not understand after multiple pages is that even the quotes that we accept as authentic do not have the meanings you think they do. These are in our favour!
Imam Malik said istiwa is 'not unknown' i.e it is a familiar concept from the Qur'an lol. How have you twisted this to mean what Salafis say it does. The 'Jahmis' as you call them do not reject anything in the Qur'an- they merely accept it and don't twist them with unacceptable meanings as the Salafis do with their insistence on everything being literal even when this does not make linguistic or grammatical sense and countradicts ayat of the Qur'an.
I dare you to go to a Maliki majority country go to the mosque and say the stuff you've been saying and see if you don't get physically removed.
What Imam Malik said is clear like the white board Istiwaa is a known word that every Arabic speaker knows what it means that's why he was very mad about that man asking that kind of question when he knows what aya clearly says which is why he said to him asking about it is an innovation.
Here's what our scholars the Salaf said about the Jahmaites you are trying to defend
قال البُخاريُّ عن الجَهْميَّةِ: (نظَرتُ في كلامِ اليهودِ والنَّصارى والمجوسِ، فما رأيتُ أضلَّ في كُفرهِم منهم، وإني لأستجهِلُ من لا يُكفِّرُهم إلَّا من لا يَعرِفُ كُفرَهم)
Al-Bukhari said on the authority of the Jahmiyah: (I looked at the words of the Jews, Christians, and Magians, and I did not see anyone more misguided in their disbelief than them, and I am ignorant of those who do not declare them to be unbelievers, except those who do not know their disbelief.)
قال وَهبُ بنُ جريرٍ: (الجَهْميَّةُ الزَّنادِقةُ إنَّما يريدونَ أنَّه ليس على العَرشِ استوى)
Wahb bin Jarir said: (The Jahmiya heretics only want that he is not on the throne.)
قال يزيدُ بنُ هارونَ: (لعن اللهُ الجَهْمَ، ومن قال بقَولِه كان كافِرًا جاحِدًا
Yazid bin Harun said: (May God curse the Jahm, and whoever says what he said is an unbeliever and a denier.)
سُئِل عبدُ الرَّحمنِ بنُ مَهديٍّ عن الصَّلاةِ خَلفَ أصحابِ الأهواءِ، فقال: (نعَمْ، لا يُصلَّى خَلفَ هؤلاء الصِّنفَينِ الجَهْميَّةِ والرَّوافِضِ؛ فإنَّ الجَهْميَّةَ كُفَّارٌ بكِتابِ اللهِ)
Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi was asked about praying behind those with desires, and he said: (Yes, one should not pray behind these two groups, the Jahmiya and the Shiite, for the Jahmiya is disbelievers according to the Book of God.)
There're many salafis in those countries and they're the majority not what you believe inI dare you to go to a Maliki majority country go to the mosque and say the stuff you've been saying and see if you don't get physically removed.