white guys are ugly?

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Within the framework of the example, our "Marianay" or "Mariamey" would become Mariamye, and I've heard that too but no that's not my name. I'm starting to get Mariam vibes from you..:cosbyhmm:
no i'm not a maryam.
unfortunately, I was stupid enough to give away my name on my fake twitter.:snoop:
some of you guys don't know so thats good:wow1:


you seems like a ladan to me.
I know someone by that name. I went looking for a song by the name, this guy has a tolerable voice and it's the best "name song" I think I've heard. As usual the background music is improvable. It's a good name but its ruined by how a non-Somali would pronounce it. They stress the hell out of the dan

Modern day Black female pro-black activist :chrisfreshhah::drakelaugh:

Yep, pretty much this.

Black women who genuinely aren't attracted to white men don't go out of their way just to attack them.

All the name calling - "sub-human", "cave men" is really just overcompensation.
they are the ugliest race. ugh pasty white skin, lips so then their in a diffrent dimension, light eyes that just look scary (they look like serial killers that eat your body and stuff it in the fridge) .

you'd have to be mentally ill to be into that. there are a FEW exceptions but their usually mixed or mediterranean/jewish/italian/spanish decent

So instead you like K-pop stars who surgically alter their features to appear more white?
Modern day Black female "pro-black" activist logic.:drakelaugh:
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