White Nationalists aka Alt-Righters go full Nazi at a Conference

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Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
I don't see anything wrong, they can gather and say what they want, because animals also do grouping for their own kind. I'm careless.

Of course they can do what they want. Freedum.

But people need to start calling them what they are - white Nationalists and white supremacists. "Alt-Right" gives them a level of respectability and credibility.

Warsame Ali

[ S. N . F ]
Hours ago CNN interviewed one of politician, he said number one racist on earth are Somali. Because they are one tribe, one religion, and they don't mix with other ethnic. That was heated debate.


Pro Women's Rights|Centrist
White people can cry and be racist all they like. Their crocodile tears won't change the fact that us coloured people are outnumbering them and will kick them out of power soon and make them minorities in their own countries. If they weren't so racist and power hungry this wouldn't happen. We would be chilling in our countries and they'd be chilling in theirs, but this is what happens when you colonise people and loot their resources.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
Over the next year, NPI plans to release six detailed policy proposals “which we hope will directly impact a Trump administration”.

“We don’t need a direct connection to influence policy,” he explained, praising Steve Bannon’s general attitude but adding: “I do not think Steve Bannon is alt-right. He’s a fighter. And I think the Steve Bannon hiring was a wonderful thing.”

During his tenure as CEO of Breitbart, Bannon personally boasted that the outlet is “the platform of the alt-right”.


but apparently neon haired crybaby sjw's have more power


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine

but apparently neon haired crybaby sjw's have more power

Yeah I agree.

SJW are a bunch of fucking annoying college idiots who are a pain in the ass but not very scary at all. The Alt-Right are legit promoting white nationalism which is a deadly ideology.

Who's more dangerous, Lunanomad or Richard Spencer? Lol. Not a contest.
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