Exactly khat is basically MDMA lolI don't know why alcohol is banned but khat is legal and chewed by every other man.
Exactly khat is basically MDMA lolI don't know why alcohol is banned but khat is legal and chewed by every other man.
They are pissed out their nut and then they can chat shit...
Says the limp wristed effeminate feminist metrosexual ladyboy lol..and get banged.
Says the limp wristed effeminate feminist metrosexual ladyboy lol
Joke kada waas gaal yaho go & joke with dhadkada gaaloda ah, qalbigiisa muxu u madow yahay sidu jirkiisa u madow yahay yaho Abu Lahab waxiid.You don't get the joke. Please stop embarrassing yourself. It's not that serious
@Air Jalam @Abdalla @Realwarya explain it to this neef lol
Gaal ma tahay miise Muslim? Tankale you do realise Somalia uses shariah?wine should be allowed for foreigners and their staff.
sharia exist only in paper,if these foreign dignatories and ambassadors want to have fun with wine,it is their own choice and nothing wrong with it,i was in dubai airport when i saw huge clubs offering wine cheaply,does that make emirati people less muslim or gaalo?
Ina lillah waa ina illahay rajiicuun.sharia exist only in paper,if these foreign dignatories and ambassadors want to have fun with wine,it is their own choice and nothing wrong with it,i was in dubai airport when i saw huge clubs offering wine cheaply,does that make emirati people less muslim or gaalo?
Boowe kuwas aniga ka neceb ee ii tuusi hada aragtid aniga xabaada kowaad ku dhuufaniyo.i stand corrected,what makes somalia different then Dubai both are muslim lands.sxb,muslimimada mahan sida aad u fahantay oo ah in maqaayada dadka ka cunteynaayo laysku dhex qarxiyo,ama dad muslimiinta hoobiyaal lala dhaco ,that is the kind of islam aad rabtid in aad sanka naga galisid.
Kan waaguu yara ba dhan galaaso badan lala dhacay. Some sort of special bell goes off in his head and he writes wax aan la aqoon.You don't get the joke. Please stop embarrassing yourself. It's not that serious
@Air Jalam @Abdalla @Realwarya explain it to this neef lol
Taloo glass mesha maxa Keene lol wax u ku hadlo bu waaye waskan dheh you & your gaal girlfriend can get it.Kan waaguu yara ba dhan galaaso badan lala dhacay. Some sort of special bell goes off in his head and he writes wax aan la aqoon.
DR Menace should study this neef waa mid cajiib ah.