What happened to al wala Wal Bara?
What happened to al wala Wal Bara?
I ain't got the slightest idea who that is miss America should ban the niqqab.Our own dryalaxow ladies and gentlemen @Cognitivedissonance
Yes America SHOULD ban the niqaab.I ain't got the slightest idea who that is miss America should ban the niqqab.
Ina lillah waa ina illahay rajicuun tan tabcaan weeye falaabo ha lugu suuro.Yes America SHOULD ban the niqaab.
I've read that 3 times and I only understood the Ina lillah part!!Ina lillah waa ina illahay rajicuun tan tabcaan weeye falaabo ha lugu suuro.
if these foreign dignatories and ambassadors want to have fun with wine,it is their own choice and nothing wrong with it,
I sincerely apologise suki but I haven't got time to make the human race smarter one idiot at a timeI've read that 3 times and I only understood the Ina lillah part!!