Who will be the next Somali president?

Kkk you planning to become president or are you going to sponsor one you can control :pachah1:
Nah it's just that I'm trynna figure this whole thing out even if HSM has quarter of a billion funded by the gulf to bribe it's his last time as president so as a competitor he won't be a threat. Farmaajo could be but I just don't see him becoming president again. Kheyre is the only one I can think of who is a full threat; he has a standing chance of becoming president.

Originally I was planning on bribing members of parliament with 15-17 million USD but when you mentioned HSM using quarter of a billon it did trip me up a bit. Either way Somalia has been named the most corrupt country on the planet so I'll figure it out either way
Nah it's just that I'm trynna figure this whole thing out even if HSM has quarter of a billion funded by the gulf to bribe it's his last time as president so as a competitor he won't be a threat. Farmaajo could be but I just don't see him becoming president again. Kheyre is the only one I can think of who is a full threat; he has a standing chance of becoming president.

Originally I was planning on bribing members of parliament with 15-17 million USD but when you mentioned HSM using quarter of a billon it did trip me up a bit. Either way Somalia has been named the most corrupt country on the planet so I'll figure it out either way
I might be exaggerating about the quarter billion stuff. So you have 15-17 million to spend on bribing? You could pull it off but you need to travel to Somalia and make connections with influential people like key brokers. 15-17 million might not be enough because you will need to throw money almost everywhere
I might be exaggerating about the quarter billion stuff. So you have 15-17 million to spend on bribing? You could pull it off but you need to travel to Somalia and make connections with influential people like key brokers. 15-17 million might not be enough because you will need to throw money almost everywhere
Yh I'll be travelling to Xamar 6-7 months before the election- if 15-17 million isn't enough how much do you think is needed?


could do much more if you're the president
The title is useles bro. Think about it, if you're able to provide kids with education, clean water and local clinics then why would you need to be president. Don't get bogged down in the idea that you need to be at the top of the Totten poll to get things done. Instead find a skill you excel at and use it to better your nation.

Being a architect or doctor or even a teacher are more valuable in my eyes than the president. Their impact might not be huge but the changes they make impact the local people and help them far more.

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