Oh yes, anyone who is critical of Somaliland is automatically a retard who has no idea what hes talking about. Since you're a self proclaimed expert on the topic don't you know it was HSM who signed the deal, Farmaajo can't sabotage deals already signed by the previous administration. "Xamar tried to sabotage it" is complete horseshit. The current admin in Xamar is skeptical but they're not the ones who signed the deal. If Xamar really tried to "sabotage it" the deal wouldn't have been signed off in the first place.Xamar tried to sabotage that as well. Are you drunk? I can bring you sources with farmaajo complaining and resisting but he's suddenly gone quiet. I bet he was told to STFU by UAE. This deal was happening because UAE (and probably USA) want it to happen. And there's nothing the mayor of Mogadishu Airport can do about it. Ku sax oo nafta waa.
This is why debating with a guy who has no fcking idea about Somaliland or its politics is pointless, did you just receive you "cuqdadle hate Somaliland" pack in the post today?
As for the military base, the parliament is still debating it and has incredible legal jurisdiction and power to block it.