why allah does not help somalis?

We are the most people on the earth with the most deen lkn allah does not help us, or ignores us. over 500k somalis died in the civil war, we are bombed daily by al shabaab, we are a humiliated country, we have the largest refugee camp in the world, with 300k residents. We have the most draughts and famine in africa. We are filled with tribal ignorance, somalis all across the world lose faith everyday, we are plagued with corruption ans overall problems. The question is why allah does not help us?? We are always suffering for 40 YEARS and yet we are the most close to our faith. It's as if we are cursed people or maybe god doesn't even exist or ignores us?


the sea
Why should Allah help us if we can't help ourselves. We are living comfortably in the west not giving two shits about what happens to Somalia. You go back and help and allah will help you help


SSpots starting point guard
Subahanallah if you are a Muslim I’ll just say this. Have faith in Allah because when your at your worst he’s watching you to see what you’ll do. We somalis back home are one of the most religious and we haven’t changed our ideologies even after all the things that happen to us.
Allah helps those who help themselves. You wont relieve thirst by just starring at the water, you have to reach for it. We have corrupt leaders as politicians and clan bigotry. Somalia wont change unless we do away with those too and follow the religion and show haqq to eachother.


Outward faith does not translate into proper intentions. It's become a trademark for somali women to wear jilbabs and be dressed modestly. But, what does that count when so many gossip about one another.
I remember that time they arrested a dude for saying we should take action instead of only praying for water. This is the culture we have all duas no action which is doomed to fail.
Surah ar Ra’d (13), verse 11:

“….Verily, Allaah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allaah)…”


buuq iyo balaayo 🫧
SubhanAllah dont say such things. Even the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) faced trials and hardships. That doesn’t mean that Allah is looking away from us. Have faith always


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Surah ar Ra’d (13), verse 11:

“….Verily, Allaah will not change the (good) condition of a people as long as they do not change their state (of goodness) themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allaah)…”
Allahu Akbar!
Man this brings me terrible memories of 7 yo me asking God what I or my family deserved to be forced to grow up in a country where I’m just a filthy n*gger with no way of coming «home»; I just thought that God didn’t care, or that he must have hated me. I didn’t know what I did to God, but I just soberingly accepted this bleak reality anf adopted a life philosophy of trying my best with my resources. I won’t probably achieve my dreams, I might never see Somalia prosper, but at my death bed I can rest assured knowing that I have tried my best, as regret is much more painful.
Because Somalis have put ourselves in this position. Somalis don’t practice true Islam we only pray and read Quran. We commit every sin under the sun and back home is a land of unjust and dulmi. The average Somali regardless if they’re a refugee or upper class is a qabiliste and we support men who only care for their pockets. If Somalis wanna get out of this humiliating situation we must reconcile and leave tribalism. We must go back to true Islam and hold people accountable. We must stop supporting men who don’t care for religion or their country and try to move out country forward. Blaming allah for what he have brought upon ourselves won’t help

