Why are there so few Somalis in France?

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Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

All the 'rich' European countries have +10,000 Somalis usually. But it appears France only has 2 thousand Somalis (mainly Djiboutians). Why are there so few in France?

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Language, and quality of life. There's a lot of discrimination there and french are satan's minions I don't blame them.


How so language? It is not like asylum seekers coming directly from Somalia speak Swedish, Norwegian, Danish etc. They just go to any rich country that welcomes them.

As for quality of life. France isn't poor, average wages there are similar to those of the UK and Germany.


It probably all comes down to ''package deals'' these refugees get from Smugglers. We know that Somalis back home receive a lot of money from the Diaspora so they can afford one of the safest trip to countries where the chance of getting an asylum is high and where social security is the strongest. Some of these refugees can even choose, I think. So they likely will choose a country where their family are living.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
How so language? It is not like asylum seekers coming directly from Somalia speak Swedish, Norwegian, Danish etc. They just go to any rich country that welcomes them.

As for quality of life. France isn't poor, average wages there are similar to those of the UK and Germany.

Norway/Sweden/ etc have opened up their doors to qaxootis, not only that there's been an established small community of educated somalis ( in the 70s and 80s) who went to those countries for education. I think that's another reason why. Only jabouti's have a history with France.

Amun, discrimination in France is at obscene levels, we have 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants from France (mainly Haitian and North african) in Canada who save up so they can move to Quebec ( the most racist region in Canada) so they can have better career opportunities and better quality of life.

You'll see third generation Algerians who have french names completely disavow islam, and in all respects mimic the French but they're still denied jobs and housing. I couldn't imagine jilbab or even hijab wearing somali hooyo's being able to survive there.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
France doesn't like immigrants whereas other European countries such as Scandinavians, Holland and germeny welcome and open their doors to all immigrants including Somalis.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
Norway/Sweden/ etc have opened up their doors to qaxootis, not only that there's been an established small community of educated somalis ( in the 70s and 80s) who went to those countries for education. I think that's another reason why. Only jabouti's have a history with France.

Amun, discrimination in France is at obscene levels, we have 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants from France (mainly Haitian and North african) in Canada who save up so they can move to Quebec ( the most racist region in Canada) so they can have better career opportunities and better quality of life.

You'll see third generation Algerians who have french names completely disavow islam, and in all respects mimic the French but they're still denied jobs and housing. I couldn't imagine jilbab or even hijab wearing somali hooyo's being able to survive there.
Discrimination in France isn't that extreme I don't know where you live but things are pretty calm :browtf:
As for jilbab and hijab wearing hooyo's they survive just fine, but where did you get these infos they're all wrong lol :mugshotman:

And while there haven't been a lot of Somalis other then the ones from Djibouti, these last 5 years I have seen an increase of other Somalis from Somalia and Ethiopia.

Though I won't deny that North and West Africans do have a lot of problems integrating.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
France doesn't like immigrants whereas other European countries such as Scandinavians, Holland and germeny welcome and open their doors to all immigrants including Somalis.
France has the most Muslim immigrants in Europe :comeon:
I don't get where this whole thing about France not accepting immigrants is coming from????


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
France has the biggest Muslim immigrant group in Europe. And there are millions of blacks too from the Caribbean and West Africa. France is not any more or any less discriminatory than Britain. Lately they've been too much nationalistic rhetoric coming out of France but it is weird that in the last 25-30 years Somalis haven't really migrated to France.


Keepin Southies in check since 1998
I'm surprised that Somali asylum seekers who end up in South America don't try to get into French Guiana instead of going through Central America to get to the US.
French Guiana is a department (equivalent to a US state or Canadian province) of France that is part of the Eurozone and is the richest region in South America.


Ha igu daalinee dantaada raac
All I know is France have bad reputations when it comes to immigrations according to Somalis who lived or came to France first before entering any other EU counties, perhaps the chance of getting an asylum is very low compare to other countries.

France colonised north Africa and west Africa which makes them the matority muslim living in France, north african are 4th or 3rd generations maghrebis in france whereas somalis are recent arrivals looking for easy asylum and better opportunities.

Lool @ Francis not being racist, it is well known France Is worse when it comes to accepting and tolerating. I've travel all over Europe and haven't seen anyone miserable then the French.


Suldaanka Gobyare
There is 2k Somalis in Belgium, there has to be more in France. Those bourgeoisie croissant dipping niggas just keep the figures hidden.

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Can anyone explain this phenomenon?

All the 'rich' European countries have +10,000 Somalis usually. But it appears France only has 2 thousand Somalis (mainly Djiboutians). Why are there so few in France?

Faransiiska is known to Somalis as a saqajaan effing gaajo forget about getting a ceydh from him, he'll stick his finger up in your ass. Wa midgaan
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Your superior
France is a ticking time bomb, they let arabs flood their country and now they have an enemy within its borders. They didn't encourage integration in the early years of immigration but have taken steps too late like banning of the burqa. I believe France was very tolerant but they attracted bad immigrants from north africa who didn't bother to integrate. The uk had Indians and west indies who made some effort at least. Scandinavia, Germany, Holland didn't have immigration so they open their doors late.


Your superior
I actually spent several holidays in a village outside Paris with Reer jabooty relatives, they had a nice house, beautiful scenery. It had good standarda of living
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