Why are there so few Somalis in France?

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So did a new right wing fascist party come into existence in Denmark?

Doesnt the largest official opposition want you out of Denmark?

Election cycles come and go. Nigel Farage for example is somewhat popular now, in 5 years time he might not. In 5 years time poll number will change. In 5 years time Somalis are still shooting each other in Canada.,
Election cycles come and go. Nigel Farage for example is some hat popular now, in 5 years time he might not. In 5 years time poll number will change. In 5 years time Somalis are still shooting each other in Canada.,

Extreme European right wing parties get a larger share of the seats every election while we saw a PM humilated and thrown out of office here for simply being against the niqaab.

I have saved you a spot if the Danes go Nazi on you


tfw no habesha gf
Immigrant groups all do horribly in Europe but succeed in North America. Why is this?

There is little opportunity in Europe. Somalis have been in Wales for 3 generations (one of the first inmigrants) and they're still the poorest and hopeless.

Europe is bad for Somalis and other immigrants. Europe leaves Somalis in the same situation and will do so for generations

Lol and Somalis from Canada and Minnesota are better? Enjoy your wannabe AA Somalis who shoots each other and makes shitty trap music.


Extreme European right wing parties get a larger share of the seats every election while we saw a PM humilated and thrown out of office here for simply being against the niqaab.

I have saved you a spot if the Danes go Nazi on you

These far right parties never get into government coalitions. That is what matters. They can whine and scream from the sidelines but they have no power.

UKIP got 12% of the popular vote last time around in the UK but due to FPTP rules only has 1 seat out of 650!

Wilders in Holland, Le Penn in France etc all pretty much are ignored by their actual governments.
These far right parties never get into government coalitions. That is what matters. They can whine and scream from the sidelines but they have no power.

UKIP got 12% of the popular vote last time around in the UK but due to FPTP rules only has 1 seat out of 650!

Wilders in Holland, Le Penn in France etc all pretty much are ignored by their actual governments.

The actual governments will eventually be thrown out for Wilders and Le Penn

The important thing is that support for these parties only grows after every election.

They will eventually get into power or into government coalitions and they will push their policies through. Maybe not now but a few more terror attacks later...
How disrespectful is this thread, its not like Somali's back home are researching countries with the best welfare benefits- most
Somali's move to a country through word of mouth and migrate to countries with high population of their clans.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
I'm seeing a lot of people talking shit for no reason here especially you @AbdiJohnson :camby:
I don't really know about other European countries but in France, life is pretty good for Somalis.
We don't have bad stereotypes (unlike north and west africans) and crime rates are really low in our community, most of our kids are in college or working. Those that have scholarships (based on your parents revenue) get free college or we have to pay at most 400€ .:deargod:
As for not knowing the "struggle" of being immigrants (loool) of course we have our own problems but unlike your assumption that we don't work, we do, how else can we get the French nationality? obamadatazz
As for why there aren't a lot of Somalis in France, IDK and as long as we don't end up like the UK or North America hate all you want it won't matter b/c we're still better :mjswag:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
@Thatsomaligirl they say so themselves, there have been thousands of immigrants from France to Canada.

France's extreme xenophobia is not debateable. They're probably the worst euros to live with while the Brits are the most ilbaax.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
@Thatsomaligirl they say so themselves, there have been thousands of immigrants from France to Canada.

France's extreme xenophobia is not debateable. They're probably the worst euros to live with while the Brits are the most ilbaax.
And I actually live here, been here for 10 yrs now and the quality of live is great for SOMALIS we don't have a bad image here.
And where are you getting this bias from? I need actual facts instead of hearsay.

Xenophobia isn't high despite the attacks
unlike how you want to portray it, and using marine le pen who couldn't event get elected in her own regions won't be enough. That can try as much as she wants but the fact is she's losing the battle and thanks to her father that keeps embarrassing her, she won't be credible anytime soon.


tfw no habesha gf
@Thatsomaligirl they say so themselves, there have been thousands of immigrants from France to Canada.

France's extreme xenophobia is not debateable. They're probably the worst euros to live with while the Brits are the most ilbaax.
kek when some Yemeni calls somalilanders barbarians you are all up in arms, but when Arabs are literally blowing up people in France and the French looks down on Muslims because of it, you call them evil xenophobes

I would rather live in France than Britain. At least the Somalis there haven't fucked up their own reputation



Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
kek when some Yemeni calls somalilanders barbarians you are all up in arms, but when Arabs are literally blowing up people in France and the French looks down on Muslims because of it, you call them evil xenophobes

I would rather live in France than Britain. At least the Somalis there haven't fucked up their own reputation

Don't jinks us waryaa :ftw9nwa:


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
How is the relationship between immigrants there? I have heard the Arabs and West Africans don't get along. Also how is the Somali community like in France?
They do and they don't get along, it depend on which area they live in, they're the ones selling drogues and what not. :francis:

As for us Somalis we're still seen as ok refugees and we don't have a stigma, the oldest 2nd generation I know are still in their 20s and are either working or studying, most Djib's tell me they're here for a degree and want to go back after they get it or after their first child is born.
Older Djib's are here for medical reasons most of the time. And new Somalis are coming in but they don't cause trouble.
There isn't much to say other than we're good :rejoice:

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
And I actually live here, been here for 10 yrs now and the quality of live is great for SOMALIS we don't have a bad image here.
And where are you getting this bias from? I need actual facts instead of hearsay.

Xenophobia isn't high despite the attacks
unlike how you want to portray it, and using marine le pen who couldn't event get elected in her own regions won't be enough. That can try as much as she wants but the fact is she's losing the battle and thanks to her father that keeps embarrassing her, she won't be credible anytime soon.

I wasn't using le pen, most European countries have a far right groups. I'm speaking towards the majority of the country. The French have so much of a rep for being xenophobic that even their fellow rich Europeans feel their hostility.

I'm sorry but using the reputation as a barometer of tolerance isn't useful. Somalis don't have a reputation in Italy or Switzerland, Hawaii or Brazil either. The population is tiny in those places, most don't even know what Somalis are.

kek when some Yemeni calls somalilanders barbarians you are all up in arms, but when Arabs are literally blowing up people in France and the French looks down on Muslims because of it, you call them evil xenophobes

I would rather live in France than Britain. At least the Somalis there haven't fucked up their own reputation


What are you talking about? I was never 'up in arms' about Yemenis. I mentioned xenophobia to all but the French.


Somali 'reputation' is highly exaggerated. We're not hated at least here in Canada, I've been here my whole life and the vast majority of the people in Canada don't know what a Somali except in high density Somali areas in southern Ontario, Montreal, and a couple of places in Alberta. Even then no one hates us.


Loves milk is lactose intolerant, kill me
I'm speaking towards the majority of the country. The French have so much of a rep for being xenophobic that even their fellow rich Europeans feel their hostility.
I seriously don't get where this stereotype is coming from?? :draketf:
I mean I've heard them having a rude attitude or always being depresses (Parisians).
But Xenophobia isn't a widespread thing over here unless you're going to see our version of hillbilly's or racist.
I went to school with a cute Somali guy who was born and raised in France. Then in high school he up and went back. Even more devestating was when I found out he went back to live with his dad there who was actually an cadaan Frenchman akhaaas I was so heartbroken, how could he be mixed??
Moral of the story is...never trust a light skinned boy.
No my bad the moral is he said life in France was not bad for Somalis, most are hard workers and take advantage of the good schooling.


tfw no habesha gf
I seriously don't get where this stereotype is coming from?? :draketf:
I mean I've heard them having a rude attitude or always being depresses (Parisians).
But Xenophobia isn't a widespread thing over here unless you're going to see our version of hillbilly's or racist.

Haters. The thought of Somalis being well-respected and hardworking in France while they are known for welfare and shitty trap music in Canada makes these ''''''''''people'''''''''' jealous
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