Why are there so few Somalis in France?

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Scandinavia, Germany, Holland didn't have immigration so they open their doors late.
Actually by 1989 west Germany had the highest migrant population in the Europe, around 900,000 mostly from former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Czech, Poland, former USSR, Iran, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The turks are the hindi/paki of Germany, they're everywhere.
Watched an Al Jazeera doc a while back covering Somali Immigrants living in the EU & NA, there was one family included who live in France. Think it was Marseille or some other city

Grigori Rasputin

Former Somali Minister of Mismanagement & Misinfo.
Staff Member
Wariyaha SomaliSpot
Actually by 1989 west Germany had the highest migrant population in the Europe, around 900,000 mostly from former Yugoslavia, Turkey, Czech, Poland, former USSR, Iran, Vietnam, Thailand, Ethiopia and Eritrea.

The turks are the hindi/paki of Germany, they're everywhere.

Your very informative, thank you


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
Most of these immigrants in Europe are in those specific countries because of historic colonial ties. Based on that its surprising how few Somalis live in Italy compared to Britain, Holland & Scandinavia. Maybe if Somalia had Italian as the official de facto language, we'd see a huge Somali community in Italy. Also it doesn't help that Italy is a shit laangaab country with a terrible economy and aren't open to qaxotis.


Italy has been on the rise with Somalis since the late 2000s as biometric data (fingerprinting) got better and the Dublin EU regulation (first point of entry you have to stay) on asylum became stricter.

I have two FOB cousins who now live in Italy, :lol:.


Your superior
Most of these immigrants in Europe are in those specific countries because of historic colonial ties. Based on that its surprising how few Somalis live in Italy compared to Britain, Holland & Scandinavia. Maybe if Somalia had Italian as the official de facto language, we'd see a huge Somali community in Italy. Also it doesn't help that Italy is a shit laangaab country with a terrible economy and aren't open to qaxotis.

Lot of Reer Koonfur are in Italy.


Europe is trash; why would anyone want to live there anyway?

Out of the top 30 best countries by Human Development in the world 21 are European. Stop talking nonsense.


1 Norway 0.944
2 Australia 0.935
3 Switzerland 0.930
4 Denmark 0.923
5 Netherlands 0.922
6 Germany 0.916
6 Ireland 0.916

8 United States 0.915
9 Canada 0.913
9 New Zealand 0.913
11 Singapore 0.912
12 Hong Kong 0.910
13 Liechtenstein 0.908
14 Sweden 0.907
14 United Kingdom 0.907
16 Iceland 0.899

17 South Korea 0.898
18 Israel 0.894
19 Luxembourg 0.892
20 Japan 0.891
21 Belgium 0.890
22 France 0.888
23 Austria 0.885
24 Finland 0.883
25 Slovenia 0.880
26 Spain 0.876
27 Italy 0.873
28 Czech Republic 0.870
29 Greece 0.865
30 Estonia 0.861

While East African countries are all the bottom:

Sudan 167th out of 188, Djibouti 168th out of 188, Ethiopia at 174th and Eritrea all the way down at 186th.

Immigrant groups all do horribly in Europe but succeed in North America. Why is this?

There is little opportunity in Europe. Somalis have been in Wales for 3 generations (one of the first inmigrants) and they're still the poorest and hopeless.

Europe is bad for Somalis and other immigrants. Europe leaves Somalis in the same situation and will do so for generations


Immigrant groups all do horribly in Europe but succeed in North America. Why is this?

I seriously doubt there is much of a difference. And if there is it could be explained by the higher portion of FOBs in Europe relative to America who do not receive as high of an inflow of FOBs.
I seriously doubt there is much of a difference. And if there is it could be explained by the higher portion of FOBs in Europe relative to America who do not receive a constant high flow of FOBs.

I been to Europe more times than I can't count.

Unemployment among immigrant groups is much much higher. Immigrants there don't have a patriotic bone in their body. I have yet to see one wave a European flag. Very very low home ownership rates. Much more extremist. They are not integrated at all.

Somalis and other immigrants there are able to eat there because of this generous welfare state. They would have all starved if it weren't for generous government handouts.


@AbdiJohnson Somalis in Canada are welfare queens. It is not like Canadian Somalis have a reputation for being hard workers. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Only the Somali diaspora in the Gulf nations and Swahili countries have a reputation for hard work.
Welfare here doesn't even cover rent. A single person here gets exactly $607 a month in even the most Liberal province. Other provinces give less than this. You have to work in Canada. There is no free handouts here.


Welfare here doesn't even cover rent. A single person here gets exactly $607 a month in even the most Liberal province. Other provinces give less than this. You have to work in Canada. There is no free handouts here.

Don't let me embarrass you by pulling crime and welfare stats on Canadian Somalis. You know it won't be good.
Don't make me embarrass you by pulling crime and welfare stats on Canadian Somalis. You know it won't be good.

We all work for our money. Many as drug dealers. Many in professional settings. We all work for the food that we eat.

On top of free education, Europeans get stipends to go to school. This is why Somalis refuse to work in Europe.

We all had to work 50 hours in the summer to pay off tuition for the next school year.

European Somalis did not struggle as immigrants. My father worked 16 hour days. European Somali fathers were in coffee shops.

European Somalis are pampered and spoiled


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
The gang violence is shocking in Canada. I'd rather live peacefully here in Denmark and not be shot by maryooleys.
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