Why do old school Somalis look down on skilled people

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We star in movies NASA pay to watch
In the hundreds of years ago, if someone had the skills to build structures, hunt game, fishing, any kind of farsamo he was seen as some kind of midgaan. Why?

I was watching this

The West went through the Industrial revolution in the 1800s when most of society transformed from herdsmen to skilled labourers. And you know what Somalis use to say? Matoor ku mashquul waa maangaabnimo. Smh


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
We thought camels would always be in demand. :snoop:

Sxb I use to think Geeljire folk were wise for their simpler living but sometimes they can be dumb as f*ck. We have the largest coastline in Africa but when a drought kills off our livestock we don't even think to fish we start stealing other niggas camels
Sxb I use to think Geeljire folk were wise for their simpler living but sometimes they can be dumb as f*ck. We have the largest coastline in Africa but when a drought kills off our livestock we don't even think to fish we start stealing other niggas camels
Yea thats a stupid part of Somali culture imo. We could be eating so much fish and gain mass, but nah :francis: Instead we adopted Baasto and now eat more carbs than Micheal Phelps


I wrote a thesis on this in a next thread. Somalis have an aristo mentality. Teach your kids work ethnic so that we may prosper.
Even in the Somali culture the noble nomads who wander with their herds of camels in search of pasture (hardly any labour involved) would despise the peasent farmers, blacksmiths and leather/shoe makers who would work for most of the day.

If this is true, this mentality is inherently problematic. Now I've thought of it, I have noticed an aire of laziness in too many Somalis, and how look down at menial workers. Coming here with no qualifications, they look their nose down at starting from the bottom to work their way up like every other refugee, hence they tend to stay on ceyrr forevs. They rig the system so that society, despite having given them asylum and opportunities, is now burdened by them.

Consequently, many of youth, not having been taught good work ethic and the value of hard work, have an attitude of entitlement, like money is supposed to walk up to them and slap them in the face. When it doesn't, as it wont, they resort to fast, illegal methods of obtaining what they believe is their right by merely existing. Many become Taxi drivers, perhaps due to it being similar to the nomadic model - roaming from point to point, no hard labor - but whilst plenty other refs become Taxi drivers, for most it's a means to an end, and they have higher aspirations.

The opposite mentality of this, notably, is the that of the Mexican. These people come here with no qualifications, they work the menial jobs, and the crazy hours, and they go to school, and they work their way up. No job to small, no job to taxing, no hour too late. They're even like us in that loads of them send money back home due to their economic situation - they are to Western Union as we are to Dhabshil. Yet they're the living embodiment of the "started from the bottom, now we're here" meme, in my opinion, while we're :5hcpspq:.

This nomadic mindset does not fit in the West, as it does not induce progress. Somalis need to re-orient themselves. Business ownership is highly attractive, Somalis naturally being business-minded, but no one starts off being their own boss, especially here in America. This is not Africa where you can buy a stall for $X your relatives from the West brushed up together to send you.

What do you think of my assessment? Am I being unfair?

Thoughts? Comments? Opinions?
Sxb I use to think Geeljire folk were wise for their simpler living but sometimes they can be dumb as f*ck. We have the largest coastline in Africa but when a drought kills off our livestock we don't even think to fish we start stealing other niggas camels
Yeah its crazy that we couldn't take advantage of our coastline. We could have been a major maritime power. Imagine how much money we'd make if all the raw materials from Congo went through Somali ports...


Yea thats a stupid part of Somali culture imo. We could be eating so much fish and gain mass, but nah :francis: Instead we adopted Baasto and now eat more carbs than Micheal Phelps

Fish is considered lowly by some, I've noticed because I practically live on seafood.


We star in movies NASA pay to watch
Fish is considered lowly by some, I've noticed because I practically live on seafood.

Not just seafood, even "Madow food" is looked down upon. Subxanllah looking down on food! And to think we suffer from enough hunger as it is
What does it taste like?

I've only had beer geel (camel liver) and it's not too different from regular beef liver. But I hear actual camel meat is tougher than beef and goat, so it takes longer to prepare. But once cooked and done right it's apparently tastier than lo' iyo adhi.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
What does it taste like?
Tastes like chicken

Jk, I've never tasted hilib geel :'(
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