Why do old school Somalis look down on skilled people

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
First I'm hearing it saxib. I just looked it up and it's bastardized Italian as I suspected. In the north we just say steeg lol, which is bastardized English.
I hear that too they're both interchanged but I hear buskeeti more.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
I grew up eating loads of fish in my household. Not all Somalis share this weird anti-seafood culture.
I grew up eating loads of fish in my household. Not all Somalis share this weird anti-seafood culture.
Thats mostly in the West tho. Grew up eating alot of fish, plus alot of norwegian style dinners.

Meatballs or karbonader,cooked potato or potatomash, gravy and tyttebær:ahh:
Also cooked salmon, veggies and potato:banderas:
I hear that too they're both interchanged but I hear buskeeti more.

Good to know. Some of the differences in vocabulary between North and South, like in this case, has to do with our differing colonial legacies, Italian vs British, and also our proximity to the Arabian peninsula (Northern Somali has more Arabic loan words as a result of this). Other examples include:

Northern Somali vs Southern Somali

Fork- Foog (English) vs Fargeeto (Italian)

Towel - Tuwaal (English) vs Shukumaan (Italian)

Glasses - Muraayad (Arabic) vs Okiyaale (Italian)

Spoon - Malqaacad (Arabic) vs Qaado (Somali)

Salt - Milix (Arabic) vs Cusbo (Somali)

Eggs - Beed (Arabic) vs Ukun (Somali)

Wall - Gidaar (Arabic) vs Darbi (Somali)

Neighbour - Jaar (Arabic) vs Daris (Somali)

As you can see both Northern and Southern Somali have loanwords from their respective colonial languages, but in addition to this Northern Somali also has quite a few loanwords from Arabic while Southern Somli has preserved the original Somali terms. I've been practicing really hard these days to say qaado, darbi, daris, cusbo, ukun etc instead of the Arabic terms.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Thats mostly in the West tho. Grew up eating alot of fish, plus alot of norwegian style dinners.

Meatballs or karbonader,cooked potato or potatomash, gravy and tyttebær:ahh:
Also cooked salmon, veggies and potato:banderas:

No, it has nothing to do with the west. My family are from the coast. Our diet has always been predominantly seafood based and we are not discriminated by anyone.


I got boomer connections
Good to know. Some of the differences in vocabulary between North and South, like in this case, has to do with our differing colonial legacies, Italian vs British, and also our proximity to the Arabian peninsula (Northern Somali has more Arabic loan words as a result of this). Other examples include:

Northern Somali vs Southern Somali

Fork- Foog (English) vs Fargeeto (Italian)

Towel - Tuwaal (English) vs Shukumaan (Italian)

Glasses - Muraayad (Arabic) vs Okiyaale (Italian)

Spoon - Malqaacad (Arabic) vs Qaado (Somali)

Salt - Milix (Arabic) vs Cusbo (Somali)

Eggs - Beed (Arabic) vs Ukun (Somali)

Wall - Gidaar (Arabic) vs Darbi (Somali)

Neighbour - Jaar (Arabic) vs Daris (Somali)

As you can see both Northern and Southern Somali have loanwords from their respective colonial languages, but in addition to this Northern Somali also has quite a few loanwords from Arabic while Southern Somli has preserved the original Somali terms. I've been practicing really hard these days to say qaado, darbi, daris, cusbo, ukun etc instead of the Arabic terms.

I thought milix was waax quurmaay, like expired items.
Somalis who live at coastal towns, eat fish. But the tribes who live interior regions and can 't access to sea, rely on meat. Simply that plus we like to generalize everything "Somalis do not eat ....." And we accept it as fact.


I always wondered then why chicken and beef are not eaten back home. It tastes better than camel and goat meat.

beef = requires a lot of grass or grain. not able to raise in most of north or central Somalia.

chicken = recently it has become more popular. there are chicken 'factories' in Somalia now.


Suicidal men adore me.
First time I went to xamar we ate a ton of fish.

I think it depends on what region you live in.

And Somalis are overall very judgmental and suffer from group think. Eduction will fix it.


Cultural revolution
OP. Wlhi Somalis don't know the value and reward of honest hard work. I'll do what I can to help my folks back home understand this.
Maybe buy them a plot of land so they can work it or a rent them space for a workshop so that they make and sell things or maybe even build them a small factory to manage so that it'll give jobs to more poor unemployed young people. From this very small thing they can grow very big. They can even go corporate and multinational with just 1 generation of pure effort.

It's bloody time we abandoned this ancient Geeljire culture and move ahead :rejoice: it's getting us no where.

We are deep into the 21st century now and it's the future. Before this century ends: People are gonna walk on Mars, self driving cars will be invented, lots of African countries will have huge economies bigger than European ones, cities with millions in population will be built on the oceans, Life expectancy will be atleast 150, AIDS will be cured along with tons of other deadly diseases and people will invent nuclear engine which will give us unlimited energy.

If we don't improve and stop being lazy unambitious idiots then I worry for our Somali great grand children from 2116. They're gonna be in a sorry state, the same we are in right now and they're gonna blame us for their shit life 100 years from now.
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