Why do Somalis

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Put our societal problems on social media platforms for all to see. From Twitter to Facebook you'll see somalis critiquing our selves to a majority non somali audience in English for all to understand. Like at least write it in afka hooyo iyo inoo astur:what:

It's fking annoying and our problems should be discussed in house through Strictly Somali forums such as this.


Suldaanka Gobyare
We are very transparent people. I guess it's due to our home country being weak and our media outlets and media industry being very weak. You see the Turkish people would never do this, cause the core to all their diaspora(Turkey) is a very strong and influential country. Our core is weak, we are like fallen leaves that adapt very quick to our surroundings, because we lack a strong core.
Because there are none Somalis who claim to beLike the thread about male rape was made by Ethiopian
Put our societal problems on social media platforms for all to see. From Twitter to Facebook you'll see somalis critiquing our selves to a majority non somali audience in English for all to understand. Like at least write it in afka hooyo iyo inoo astur:what:

It's fking annoying and our problems should be discussed in house through Strictly Somali forums such as this.

Because we have dumb people or fake Somalis / claiming us
Look at this dumb who made the male rape thread

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
We are very transparent people. I guess it's due to our home country being weak and our media outlets and media industry being very weak. You see the Turkish people would never do this, cause the core to all their diaspora(Turkey) is a very strong and influential country. Our core is weak, we are like fallen leaves that adapt very quick to our surroundings, because we lack a strong core.

Yeah I only see somalis plaster our problems to the world. Some times I feel like telling them just the fok up. It makes me cringe wallahi:hova: . At least when arabs pakis, turks etc share their stuff on social media they keep it in their language


Suicidal men adore me.
Aniga sii fiican af somali man aqano .Ralahow. I bar walalo. LMAO. I swear if I could write better I would. However I can read it so if yall wanna make threads in only our language go ahead. I think it's better. It'll keep away the trolls.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Aniga sii fiican af somali man aqano .Ralahow. I bar walalo. LMAO. I swear if I could write better I would. However I can read it so if yall wanna make threads in only our language go ahead. I think it's better. It'll keep away the trolls.

:lol: We can speak any language here. Since its a somali forum it's highly unlikely we'll have many foreigners engaging with us here. Of course there's always the odd few. My point was regarding open social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Btw your somali is not bad, come to my luuq if you need lessons:mjswag:


Free Wi-Fi > Free Palestine
:lol: We can speak any language here. Since its a somali forum it's highly unlikely we'll have many foreigners engaging with us here. Of course there's always the odd few. My point was regarding open social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter.

Btw your somali is not bad, come to my luuq if you need lessons:mjswag:

It's the SJW clique on social media who constantly whine about victimhood and how Somali culture is oppressing them. They openly address it to white people so they can get public sympathy. And they have friendships with black SJWs and Arab SJWs and that's how our internal issues gets into the public domain.

I called out one of them on Twitter asking them why are you embarrassing us and addressing out internal issues to the masses, and got bombarded with all sorts of utter bollocks lol and I subsequently got.blocked. Even the black and Arab SJWs blew up my mentions because I criticised their Somali friends.
Busted for what? Did i hide that or deny that? Yes my family pushed their interests forward and reaped the rewards(financially) while your illiterate grandparents were eating their xaar!

Little midget go away .....the toilets need cleaning soon the customs will come to your family business.
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