Why do Somalis

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Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
It's the SJW clique on social media who constantly whine about victimhood and how Somali culture is oppressing them. They openly address it to white people so they can get public sympathy. And they have friendships with black SJWs and Arab SJWs and that's how our internal issues gets into the public domain.

I called out one of them on Twitter asking them why are you embarrassing us and addressing out internal issues to the masses, and got bombarded with all sorts of utter bollocks lol and I subsequently got.blocked. Even the black and Arab SJWs blew up my mentions because I criticised their Somali friends.

Horta im noticing that correlation on my social media platforms as well..they rub me the wrong way wllhi. No sense of sharaf whatsoever:francis: .


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Any article on Somaliland:

We are Africa's best kept secret, we are not like southerners. They adopt their culture from Italia mafia we from British Somaliland heh. We are not terrorist like them, we peaceful but internatial kamuunity don't want us to see.



Prince of East Africa
Any article on Somaliland:

We are Africa's best kept secret, we are not like southerners. They adopt their culture from Italia mafia we from British Somaliland heh. We are not terrorist like them, we peaceful but internatial kamuunity don't want us to see.

Your post is full facts like the southern terrorist comment :mjdontkno::sass2:
We are very transparent people. I guess it's due to our home country being weak and our media outlets and media industry being very weak. You see the Turkish people would never do this, cause the core to all their diaspora(Turkey) is a very strong and influential country. Our core is weak, we are like fallen leaves that adapt very quick to our surroundings, because we lack a strong core.

Yeah I agree with this. But Turkey is in shambles right now, there's nothing to be proud of what Erdogan is doing at the moment. Their on the brink of imminent and perpetual guerilla warfare that their Muslim counter part and neighboring countries face.

But what they have that you alluded to is a strong sense of nationalism because of their deep and rich imperial history. The origins of the turk nation is pretty interesting and started in a pastoral environment similar to Somalia. You can see what they did right by looking at the origins of the Empire. Osman, the guy who founded the Ottoman empire, was a reer badiye animal herder nigga that got tired of the Mongols constantly killing and plundering the locals. He banded his kinsmen and other nationalities and people of different religions that he shared the land with to fight off the mongols and eventually became so successful they started the military conquest that lead to the Ottoman empire. It started with unity and a common goal. The Turks managed to get along with and integrate with the Greeks and Christians into their Empire. That was one of the key factors that allowed the Empire to last as long as it did. They gave positions of power to everyone, including Christians ( Janisarries). These Jannasires were actually elite and had more power than normal turks. The sucess of their empire , which stsrted with unity of all different people's , is what bred the nationalism many turks have. Somalis can't even get along with themselves, let alone people of other races and religions. We n

Also I'm not sure I understand the point of this post. It's not like ajinabis give a f*ck about our problems. And most Somali use social media because....well that's what everyone uses. People who use forums are a very small minority.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
@kernel my point is simple, don't know how u missed it. It's about having a sense of pride as opposed to airing out our dirty laundry for the world to see. We already have enough negative connotations when "somali" is mentioned, we don't need any more.
Yeah I agree with this. But Turkey is in shambles right now, there's nothing to be proud of what Erdogan is doing at the moment. Their on the brink of imminent and perpetual guerilla warfare that their Muslim counter part and neighboring countries face.

But what they have that you alluded to is a strong sense of nationalism because of their deep and rich imperial history. The origins of the turk nation is pretty interesting and started in a pastoral environment similar to Somalia. You can see what they did right by looking at the origins of the Empire. Osman, the guy who founded the Ottoman empire, was a reer badiye animal herder nigga that got tired of the Mongols constantly killing and plundering the locals. He banded his kinsmen and other nationalities and people of different religions that he shared the land with to fight off the mongols and eventually became so successful they started the military conquest that lead to the Ottoman empire. It started with unity and a common goal. The Turks managed to get along with and integrate with the Greeks and Christians into their Empire. That was one of the key factors that allowed the Empire to last as long as it did. They gave positions of power to everyone, including Christians ( Janisarries). These Jannasires were actually elite and had more power than normal turks. The sucess of their empire , which stsrted with unity of all different people's , is what bred the nationalism many turks have. Somalis can't even get along with themselves, let alone people of other races and religions. We n

Also I'm not sure I understand the point of this post. It's not like ajinabis give a f*ck about our problems. And most Somali use social media because....well that's what everyone uses. People who use forums are a very small minority.

Janisarries Were not Christian but let say adopted from Christian countries but raised in special schools where their loyalty only to the king
Wasn't Dracula an example?

Nope but Dracula and his brother were like royal prisoners so their dad who was the king never revolt at Ottoman, Dracula hated the Muslim but his brother converted to Islam. Janisarries on other hand were orphans or got kidnapped at very young to be raise as Muslim Turkish soldiers.

Al Dhoobe

Dr. Dhoobe
Any article on Somaliland:

We are Africa's best kept secret, we are not like southerners. They adopt their culture from Italia mafia we from British Somaliland heh. We are not terrorist like them, we peaceful but internatial kamuunity don't want us to see.


Warya You have an advantage, I need to know your qabiil as well :ufdup: so you can feel full strength of my karbaash

Judging by the laughs you received as emotional support I'll guess you're a breed of dooro:notsureif: as I examine closer I see a dutchess laugh so my intuition tells me MJ:sitdown:


Prince of East Africa
Warya You have an advantage, I need to know your qabiil as well :ufdup: so you can feel full strength of my karbaash

Judging by the laughs you received as emotional support I'll guess you're a breed of dooro:notsureif: as I examine closer I see a dutchess laugh so my intuition tells me MJ:sitdown:
Bahal is Hutu
Warya You have an advantage, I need to know your qabiil as well :ufdup: so you can feel full strength of my karbaash

Judging by the laughs you received as emotional support I'll guess you're a breed of dooro:notsureif: as I examine closer I see a dutchess laugh so my intuition tells me MJ:sitdown:
I'll give you a hint of his ancestry . . . .



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

Thankfully clan means nothing to me anymore, I have transcended brehs



ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
You can think of me as a cultural Marehan

However, I don't subscribe to qabyaalad nor am I in any way biased for or against any particular Somali clan, including my former clan.

I hope that I am not alone in my beliefs.
Somalis are very simple and predictable you can know someone's qabil by looking at his political views and vise versa.

John Michael

Free my girl Jodi!
Somalis are very simple and predictable you can know someone's qabil by looking at his political views and vise versa.

Both my parents have differing opinions in regards to politics and they're the same Qabil and grew up in the same region. No one has guessed my qabil correctly based off what I write, only shallow individuals value their 'clan' version of somali history over the truth. tbqh :axvmm9o:
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