Why do some cadaans believe that immigrants are more privileged than them?

I’ve been seeing this sentiment everywhere on social media. A lot of cadaans or maybe some should be more accurate, believe that immigrants are more privileged than them. I just saw a tweet in which a cadaan man was saying that Abdul and his 8 kids can afford this and that whilst he (the cadaan man) has to eat low quality food.

Where do they get this narrative from
That they’re being hard done by immigrants who are being handed everything with on a silver spoon?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
I’ve been seeing this sentiment everywhere on social media. A lot of cadaans or maybe some should be more accurate, believe that immigrants are more privileged than them. I just saw a tweet in which a cadaan man was saying that Abdul and his 8 kids can afford this and that whilst he (the cadaan man) has to eat low quality food.

Where do they get this narrative from
That they’re being hard done by immigrants who are being handed everything with on a silver spoon?
Truth is EU knew this would happen, they are trying to prop their ageing demographic and don't want to turn to the next Japan/Korea.

It's usually low-income/lower middle class that complain attributing foreigners to hard times, it's just the world is changing and the West is going to get less of the slices, as the rest of the world develops.
Truth is EU knew this would happen, they are trying to prop their ageing demographic and don't want to turn to the next Japan/Korea.

It's usually low-income/lower middle class that complain attributing foreigners to hard times, it's just the world is changing and the West is going to get less of the slices, as the rest of the world develops.
Yep, but I’d love to know the inner workings of their mind to believe that an immigrant who barely speaks the language has more access to local resources than a native who is able to communicate properly and is also able to apply for every benefits the immigrant can as well.

Also, this sentiment is also be fueled by people like Musk as well and others who aren’t lower socioeconomic cadaans.

Somali Saayid

Professional Amateur Troll
I’ve been seeing this sentiment everywhere on social media. A lot of cadaans or maybe some should be more accurate, believe that immigrants are more privileged than them. I just saw a tweet in which a cadaan man was saying that Abdul and his 8 kids can afford this and that whilst he (the cadaan man) has to eat low quality food.

Where do they get this narrative from
That they’re being hard done by immigrants who are being handed everything with on a silver spoon?
This is usually working class white men the kind who tend to vote republican and buy MAGA hats. As for where they get the narrative from easy, the likes of Alex Jones, Fox News, and Twitter/X.

They probably grew up in a poor household and in underfunded school district and had to start working before higher learning most likely a blue collar worker, they themselves have never achieved the so called "American Dream" nor did their family and friends and they live paycheck to paycheck and enjoy McDonald's and a cold beer as a special treat They're then radicalised by Tucker Carlson and Co who tell them they're paying for immigrants to come to their country and to steal jobs, benefits, housing and all other manner of things from them the "Native (White) People " of the land, from the Pajeets to the Abduls to Jamals and Joses all of them are stealing from you the white man how infuriating.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Yep, but I’d love to know the inner workings of their mind to believe that an immigrant who barely speaks the language has more access to local resources than a native who is able to communicate properly and is also able to apply for every benefits the immigrant can as well.

Also, this sentiment is also be fueled by people like Musk as well and others who aren’t lower socioeconomic cadaans.
Musk is just racist, his south African so I'm not surprised, EU politicians aren't just accepting migrants with the kindness of their hearts, they want their kids to pay into the EU retirement fund, people are capital doesn't matter what skin colour they have, majority of first generation children are successfully fully integrating with the local culture minus a few Muslim groups like Somalis, Turks and Pakistani, this might take longer for them since they have tight community, Netherlands policy has changed and they are mixing migrants within white neighbourhoods to increase integration.

This is just a temporary solution since the integrated migrant children will have similar amount of children as those born to white EU citizens.
It's a mix of lies and truths. Most European states are welfare states. Since there are very few low skilled jobs in europe. Immigrants from Africa and the middle east can't find work and instead have to live off state welfare. You can live pretty decently from my understanding. The problem is that this welfare system wasn't designed to have large famlies who are unemployed live off the state so its become unsustainable.
It's a mix of lies and truths. Most European states are welfare states. Since there are very few low skilled jobs in europe. Immigrants from Africa and the middle east can't find work and instead have to live off state welfare. You can live pretty decently from my understanding. The problem is that this welfare system wasn't designed to have large famlies who are unemployed live off the state so its become unsustainable.
The UK has cut benefits to such an extent that most Somali mums who were once housewives all work and they work low skilled jobs that many cadaans are not probably willing to do.
Musk is just racist, his south African so I'm not surprised, EU politicians aren't just accepting migrants with the kindness of their hearts, they want their kids to pay into the EU retirement fund, people are capital doesn't matter what skin colour they have, majority of first generation children are successfully fully integrating with the local culture minus a few Muslim groups like Somalis, Turks and Pakistani, this might take longer for them since they have tight community, Netherlands policy has changed and they are mixing migrants within white neighbourhoods to increase integration.

This is just a temporary solution since the integrated migrant children will have similar amount of children as those born to white EU citizens.
Yep and it probably explains why right wingers are now becoming more conservative in terms of abortion, contraception and divorce since they want more white women reproducing. They’re also trying to undermine women’s work and education since they believe stripping that will lead to more people. They’re seeing the agenda of politicians and they’re afraid to become a minority in their own nations.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Yep and it probably explains why right wingers are now becoming more conservative in terms of abortion, contraception and divorce since they want more white women reproducing. They’re also trying to undermine women’s work and education since they believe stripping that will lead to more people. They’re seeing the agenda of politicians and they’re afraid to become a minority in their own nations.
I always find it funny these conservative men complain about women on maternity leave, people are so short-sighted it's unbelievable if they increased the benefits to women on maternity leave, more women would have children, increasing the population, but instead, they cut back and complain, they never produce solution just point to issues, without fixing the underline issues in society.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Canada is also paying high pctge temporary foreign workers wages incentivizing companies to hire non whites.

Indian student issue? it's been happening here lately they come in with student visas but majority don't get jobs, though the EU actively hires Indian doctors trained in the EU.
I’ve been seeing this sentiment everywhere on social media. A lot of cadaans or maybe some should be more accurate, believe that immigrants are more privileged than them. I just saw a tweet in which a cadaan man was saying that Abdul and his 8 kids can afford this and that whilst he (the cadaan man) has to eat low quality food.

Where do they get this narrative from
That they’re being hard done by immigrants who are being handed everything with on a silver spoon?
It's just racist piece of shit narrative, that we somehow are more previliged, cadaans want a world like in the fifties or in the colonial era type of world where they have zero competition and brown and blacks are servants to their demands and needs.
I always find it funny these conservative men complain about women on maternity leave, people are so short-sighted it's unbelievable if they increased the benefits to women on maternity leave, more women would have children, increasing the population, but instead, they cut back and complain, they never produce solution just point to issues, without fixing the underline issues in society.
I’ve had that same argument with people on this forum, but hatred of women and dehumanizion is why they can’t see the writing on the wall. They think by taking away the freedoms of women who’ve tasted independence and the ability to live life with some sort of dignity and personal finances would mean these women would willingly have children. Nope, no sane woman would want to reproduce under those terms. The more men become heavily patriarchal and restrictive, the more women would be ok with being alone for good.
I’ve been seeing this sentiment everywhere on social media. A lot of cadaans or maybe some should be more accurate, believe that immigrants are more privileged than them. I just saw a tweet in which a cadaan man was saying that Abdul and his 8 kids can afford this and that whilst he (the cadaan man) has to eat low quality food.

Where do they get this narrative from
That they’re being hard done by immigrants who are being handed everything with on a silver spoon?

Abdul has fell into many hard times, but Abdul is a devout Muslim who hold God near and dear to his heart. So despite the hard times he trods on and pushes forward.

Jack is a nihilistic, alcoholic warehouse supervisor. He lives a miserable life and his only escape is his alcohol.

Abdul has a loving wife and 8 beautiful kids brimming with life and energy.

Jack has empty beer cans and liquor bottle littered all over his studio apartment.

Abdul prays 5 times a day so he can make it to jannah.

Jack is praying this final gamble in cryptocurrency memecoins helps him “make it”, or he’ll just end it and “rope”.

They can hold they own nuts :mjdontkno:


It's nonsense really, they will complain about people not working if they can't find jobs but if they work they complain about them taking jobs from them and getting preferential treatments ,D.E.I etc.

So all they are really doing is looking a for a scapegoat.

Immigrants don't abuse welfare either, most of them use it in similar ways to the natives, and help fund it when they pay taxes.

When i posted sometime ago about Somali parents forming street patrols which has worked in cleaning the streets of ciyaal suuqs in Minnesota and received funding from the local government. You had the same ones complaining about it being ''publically funded'' in the comments ''Why is our tax money going into this?'' and forget the fact that we also pay taxes that to go into public funds and have 80% employment rate.

Whilst cadaan people have various neighborhood watch initiatives funded by the local government and i don't see them complain about it. This is why a lot of their neighborhoods are safe but we aren't allowed to do the same?
They don't see it as a problematic investment if it reduces crime and makes places they live in safer, only if immigrants participate.

So immigrants in their scapegoating antics are just ''damned if they do and damned if they don't''
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The most basic reason comes down to the fact that as europe gest poorer and the immgirant pouplation gets larger . It's obvious who people are gonna take their anger out on. Part of why I love living in america is that the new world has a diffrent relationship to immigrants. Anti immigration arguments don't really work here since it's all new peoples and nobody owns the land. europe has the same mentality as the rest of the old world which is that at the end of the day it's their land ans everybody else is a foreigner/guest. That's a very powerful argument that even affects liberal European whites. Xenophobia towards outsiders is the norm outside of north and south america.


The most basic reason comes down to the fact that as europe gest poorer and the immgirant pouplation gets larger . It's obvious who people are gonna take their anger out on. Part of why I love living in america is that the new world has a diffrent relationship to immigrants. Anti immigration arguments don't really work here since it's all new peoples and nobody owns the land. europe has the same mentality as the rest of the old world which is that at the end of the day it's their land ans everybody else is a foreigner/guest. That's a very powerful argument that even affects liberal European whites. Xenophobia towards outsiders is the norm outside of north and south america.

Come laugh with me

This one is another classic: ''There as some foreigners coming over taking our jobs and they are not even working''
Replace the word immigrant with non whites & all becomes clear.
They fear replacement
& retribution they know in their hearts is justified!

The rhetoric u see is from decades of being force fed literal scapegoat propaganda by their gov/media.

It won't stop..
It'll get worse.
Early 1900's colonial politics is about to come back in a big way!

Better keep ur head on a swivel.


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