Why do white people completely ignore the crimes they have committed?

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Living in america which I think has the craziest whites anywhere in the world, I come across loads of ignorant and racist white people. A lot of them are really convinced that black people are violent. They argue black people are innately violent. They even released a study that "backed up" their claim that black people have criminal tendencies. But history tells us otherwise! White people have committed more genocides, wars, and killed more people that the rest of humanity combined. Why is it easy for them to label others when they have the history we know?

Native American genocide in north America by the early settlers from England.
The genocide of the natives by the Spanish and the Portuguese in central America.
The slavery of millions of Africans.
King leapold the 2nd's acquisition of Congo, enslaving the people their to remove and sell the resources there. He killed millions of them, mutilated millions of others.
The horrendous genocide of Africans in Africa by Belgian King Leopard, by the dutch and England in apartheid
The two world wars which killed more than a 100 millions people.
The extrajudicial killings/lynchings of black people in the Americas.
U.S President Harry Truman's use of Nukes in Japan.
The colonization of the entire world, killing, raping, and force labor of people in their home countries.
England gave up Hon Kong in 1999 and Some African countries still pay taxes to France TO THIS DAY.

And very recently just the united states alone has been killing people left and right.

These people call others savages when 70 years ago they were bombarding the crap out of each other. They call others violent when they have left dead bodies across the globe.

@abdijhonson come and defend your masters you white bootylicking ruckus.
How come you're stuck in the past?

Why do you hate white people but live in Arizona? (I heard a lot of OGs live in Phoenix, is this true?)

Metamorphosis, your clan and other Somalian clans are fighting right now in K5. When will you end this?


Your superior
Stop cryin about other people all the time.

They were strong at some point in time like everyone else


How come you're stuck in the past?

Why do you hate white people but live in Arizona? (I heard a lot of OGs live in Phoenix, is this true?)

Metamorphosis, your clan and other Somalian clans are fighting right now in K5. When will you end this?
They still kill people today
@metamorphosis when will you return the land belonging to the Bantus and Oromo? Why do you make the Bantus work for you on the farms you stole for pennies a day?
We Somalis have never made the bantus do anything. You have missed the point of the thread.
How come you're stuck in the past?
We never owned people nor have we taken over the land of others, forced them to work for us, rape their women, mutilate their men for centuries. We never bombed an entire city full of civilians.


ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
let's not forget literally legislating racial supremacy until the fucking 70s

and using a whole slew of african and middle-eastern nations as either proxy war locations for their petty ideology temper tantrums or a siphoning project of precious resources for their sociopathic executives

and the reason white people should remember the fucked up shit they've done is because... they're not exactly good of letting go of history themselves are they? they don't seem quite keen of forgetting transgressions committed against them... at all. the US legit went full throttle into an unbelievably retarded war simply to fish-gut some dictator and turn a whole landmass on its head. they did that pretty much on a dare almost.

these niggas went into vietnam because they were afraid of communism. think about that. murdered a whole bunch of people including their own because they feared an economic ideological front. into a country they had no relations with.



let's not forget literally legislating racial supremacy until the fucking 70s

and using a whole slew of african and middle-eastern nations as either proxy war locations for their petty ideology temper tantrums or a siphoning project of precious resources for their sociopathic executives

and the reason white people should remember the fucked up shit they've done is because... they're not exactly good of letting go of history themselves are they? they don't seem quite keen of forgetting transgressions committed against them... at all. the US legit went full throttle into an unbelievably retarded war simply to fish-gut some dictator and turn a whole landmass on its head. they did that pretty much on a dare almost.

these niggas went into vietnam because they were afraid of communism. think about that. murdered a whole bunch of people including their own because they feared an economic ideological front. into a country they had no relations with.
Korea, vietnam, gulf wars, Iraq invasion, Afghanistan invasion...the list never ends. They have committed state sponsered genocides, have stolen lands from people, have robbed africa naked, have owned people for hundreds of years yet black people are violent because they refuse to submit a white officer who most of the times have no basis or right to arrest them.

White people logic: If you do not comply with us, even if we are wrong, you are violent and you deserve to die.


@metamorphosis when will you return the land belonging to the Bantus and Oromo? Why do you make the Bantus work for you on the farms you stole for pennies a day?
Somalis didn't bring the Bantu slaves to Somalia.
The Arabs & Portuguese did in connection with the Swahili trade network. Aka @Hafez 's people. Benadiris etc.

As for Oromos, they never owned any land in Somalia. They are from Ethiopia.
Somalis didn't bring the Bantu slaves to Somalia.
The Arabs & Portuguese did in connection with the Swahili trade network. Aka @Hafez 's people. Benadiris etc.

As for Oromos, they never owned any land in Somalia. They are from Ethiopia.

Many Bantu Somalis are indigenous to the land. Their farms were stolen by Somalian clans
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