Why haven't you moved to Melbourne yet?

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USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
I'm talking about rise of political alt-right parties such as One Nation and Australian Liberty Alliance (has ties to Geert Wilders and Briget Gabriel)

One Nation is nothing. They are joke. Check out this lmao. This lady in the video undid her entire campaign with this video :drakekidding:.


The anti Black/African media bias is at full swing. Reminders me of 2007 when the Howard government banned African immigrants because of "African/Sudanese" gangs.
Melbourne is the allergy capital of the world. Just recently 4 people have died because Thunderstorm asthma. Would be extremely weary raising child in this country and city.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga

Bolt and his News Corp have been relentlessly attacking Africans over the actions of few teenagers,

These wankers usually disguise hate speech as 'free speech', drives me insane when the get away with it.
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