Yes seriously! I have every right to spew hate since you spewed hate against my Lord and my religion. You are pure filth, your life is void and empty and hating Islam isn't going to change that. You people are vermin and insha'Allah you will burn in hell. May Allah destroy you and make your life very difficult in the dunya and the hereafter, May Allah take the joy out of every aspect of your life. Allahuma ameen.
Lol so you want darods to be proud of your gaalonimo? Keep dreaming mate. Somalis might hate one another but one thing we have in common is our common hate towards filthy kafirs. Especially ones who insult our deen. Keep crying out for darods, the only ones who will tolerate you are your kind such as Ayan Hersi.Hutus are the most religous of the somalis. I guess that's what makes them especially backwards
Why won't you answer my fucking question atheists.......
Personally, I don't. Why do you ask?Why won't you answer my fucking question atheists.......
Nah I haven't tried bacon yet. Will do in the future. There is still that mental block.Why won't you answer my fucking question atheists.......
Why won't you answer my fucking question atheists.......
Yes, I eat bacon pretty much every week. It tastes great once you un-brainwash yourself from all the indoctrination.
I'd assumed you of all people, would be consuming it's flesh.
It's scientifically proven that swine meat is Unhealthy....
I'm assuming you hide your dirty lil all you atheist are still undercover?
Well not all atheists are the same and not all ex Muslim eat pork and the sort. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in any deities and that's it. You're rather being condescending by the sounds of things.
I would like you to provide academic sources to show this rather than make this rather vague claim. One could easily argue that eating chicken is bad for you but of course one must be specific about what they mean. Plus, western civilisation has been "consuming it's flesh" for centuries and they're doing better than the "religiously pious" Muslims. Point is, so fucking what?!
We wouldn't have to hide if the majority of Muslims weren't such savage primitive people who'd put an invisible sky daddy over the voice of reason.
Don't get emotional. I only pointed at the correlation between higher levels of religiosity and increased backwardness. Maybe the reason your people are struggling is because their not as open minded as the nothernersLol so you want darods to be proud of your gaalonimo? Keep dreaming mate. Somalis might hate one another but one thing we have in common is our common hate towards filthy kafirs. Especially ones who insult our deen. Keep crying out for darods, the only ones who will tolerate you are your kind such as Ayan Hersi.
Alhamdulilag my parents made me skip sex ed class.
Don't get emotional. I only pointed at the correlation between higher levels of religiosity and increased backwardness. Maybe the reason your people are struggling is because their not as open minded as the notherners
Edit: Casual find
As Allah. I mean how can Muslims justify that Allah is better if Allah has boasted about
1. Mentally torturing a man (Abraham) by ordering him to slaughter his son. Only to rescind that request at the last minute.
2. Boasting about destroying whole civilisations (Noah, Aad, Thamud, Madyan etc)
3. Ordering a man to slaughter a child (Khidr)
I mean all you can accuse Satan of doing is luring people to a Hellfire (which ironically Allah himself created.)
One has an infinitely higher body count than the other.
That's because the Koran, like the Bible, is a biased source when it comes to the Devil. The best version of him is given in Milton's Paradise Lost which, being written by the greatest poet to ever write in the English language, happens to be better literature than any religious book!
I'm talking about the devil as a character in fiction (e.g. "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" - Paradise Lost). It's no secret the devil in holy books is a much weaker character.Do you even believe in the devil?
If so, what unbiased sources could you possibly suggest?
I'm normally fine with atheists, but constantly mocking our religion and saying the devil is good, when you probably don't even believe in him is very, for the sole purpose of mocking our Deen is very childish.
بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم
In the Name of Allah the Entirely Merciful the Especially Merciful
و ما خلقت الجن و الإنس إلا ليعبدون
We have not Created Man nor Jinn except to Worship Us
و اتل عليهم نبأ نوح إذ قال لقومه ياقوم إن كبر عليكم مقامى و تذكيرى بايات الله فعلى الله توكلت فاجمعوا أمركم و شركاءكم ثم لا يكن أمركم عليكم غمة ثم اقضوا إلى و تنظرون
And recite on them The Story of Nuh when he said to his people, "O People, If my stay and my reminding you of the Ayat of Allah is hard on you, I place my trust in Allah, so devise your plot (with) Your partners and do not have doubts in it, then sentence me and give me no respite.
A couple of verses later :
فكذبوه فنجينه و من معه فى الفلك و جعلتهم خلئف و اغرقنا الذين كذبوا باياتنا فنظر كيف كان عاقبة المنذرين
They denied him, so we saved him and those with him in the Ship and we drowned those who belied our Ayah and we made them generations replacing one after another, and we drowned those who belied our Ayah, then see what was the end of those who were warned.
[سورة يونس]
As you can see they warned beforehand but did not heed them beforehand.
As for Isma'iil being slaughtered Allah put him through a trial and has every right to do so.
Shaytaan on the other hand:
إن الشيطان لكم عدو مبين
Certainly, The Shaytaan is a manifest Enemy to you
[سورة البقرة]