Obviously the issue will effect people who actually border them more than others. Stop pushing oromo propaganda by calling Somali land theirs, they've taken enough and more importantly stop the qabyalad it's brain numbing.hararis for years married them, they regret it now,
no oromo is going aroundisnide DDSI killing, liyu police deported them, its somalis who have pushed into oromo lands and married their naago
ormo has done that killing on tigre, ahmaar,
i ant worries about gaalo, they have been fighting ogaden for 700 years, we cagdheers know how to deal with them,
dont marry them,
dont allow them in,
dont move in with them,
killl them at first sight like mohamed subeer and cawlyahan do on the border,
if they cross border kill them,
my people doing that foe centuries and we did fine,