Why is the manosphere obsessed with the movie Titanic?

Randomly watching Youtube clips of the '97 classic Titanic, only to realise the comments are always full of Incels saying "Rose is for the streets" or "why didn't she think about her 50 year marriage instead of some guy she banged on a ship " :mjlol:

Examples :

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Is this film some sort of weird case study for incels I'm not getting?
Shiiiieeeeet, let me explain it.

Rose risked it all for a poor, younger, shorter boy who offered nothing besides his looks and his personality instead of the rich, in his 30s, 6'5 aristocratic businessman chad she was supposed to marry. See the thing is incels are told by Tate University that you need money and status to get women. But when they see a woman throw it all away for a man who is at the bottom of society and literally sleeping next to the boiler room on the Titanic, it's a huge shock to the system. No matter how much they try to level up, some other guy who has nothing could take it all away from them.

It's funny cause 1) a work of fiction is making them cope 2) men also leave women for other women everyday so women don't have a monopoly on this kind of behavior
It simultaneously 'proves' their theory of women being superficial succubi who are solipsistic in nature (they love that word - solipsism) and shatters the delusions fed to them by
Andrew Tate and his ilk that becoming a millionaire is a foolproof substitute for raw female attraction.

It's just a movie to us normal folk, but to those deranged internet males, it's like telling them that Santa isn't real.
Shiiiieeeeet, let me explain it.

Rose risked it all for a poor, younger, shorter boy who offered nothing besides his looks and his personality instead of the rich, in his 30s, 6'5 aristocratic businessman chad she was supposed to marry. See the thing is incels are told by Tate University that you need money and status to get women. But when they see a woman throw it all away for a man who is at the bottom of society and literally sleeping next to the boiler room on the Titanic, it's a huge shock to the system. No matter how much they try to level up, some other guy who has nothing could take it all away from them.

It's funny cause 1) a work of fiction is making them cope 2) men also leave women for other women everyday so women don't have a monopoly on this kind of behavior
they’re tryna shit on woman and claim they make bad decisions
Stories like these go against their narrative. Redpillers will work on everything but their personality and will refuse to simply try and be more likable to women. For many, they don’t realize that’s what’s stopping them from getting a relationship. Nor do they realize that their fav redpillers despite coming across as successful aren’t married and have to pay hookers to want to be around them.
Shiiiieeeeet, let me explain it.

Rose risked it all for a poor, younger, shorter boy who offered nothing besides his looks and his personality instead of the rich, in his 30s, 6'5 aristocratic businessman chad she was supposed to marry. See the thing is incels are told by Tate University that you need money and status to get women. But when they see a woman throw it all away for a man who is at the bottom of society and literally sleeping next to the boiler room on the Titanic, it's a huge shock to the system. No matter how much they try to level up, some other guy who has nothing could take it all away from them.

It's funny cause 1) a work of fiction is making them cope 2) men also leave women for other women everyday so women don't have a monopoly on this kind of behavior
They said its because the poor guy is a "chad" looool.
Randomly watching Youtube clips of the '97 classic Titanic, only to realise the comments are always full of Incels saying "Rose is for the streets" or "why didn't she think about her 50 year marriage instead of some guy she banged on a ship " :mjlol:

Examples :

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Is this film some sort of weird case study for incels I'm not getting?
These men are mentally ill. All this over a movie and they wonder why modern women don’t want them. It’s scary how crazy they are and they don’t even have self-awareness.

Three Moons

Give Dhul-Suwayqatayn not an inch of the Sea!
Jack convinced a suicidal Rose not to jump off a gigantic boat in a vast ocean of freezing water. He did it without flashing a Lamborghini on the deck of the Titanic and without a harem of supermodels on both of his arms. It was pure charm and personality, which is something you can’t buy, and which outlasts material possessions. Throughout the film, Rose’s choice is repeatedly vindicated when Jack keeps saving people and children, and then sacrifices himself for her one last time.

Men have a built-in need to survive, but the Titanic has clear chivalrous rules, from women and children leaving first on the life-boats, to making the ultimate sacrifice, regardless of your rank (captain and crew) or talent (the musicians that kept playing), you can’t escape the rules. You either accept the film’s premise for what it is, and as a man mentally go down with the ship, or the rules bother you to such an extent that Cal becomes your anti-hero, and you admire his tactics for survival by getting off the ship through deception.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
Shiiiieeeeet, let me explain it.

Rose risked it all for a poor, younger, shorter boy who offered nothing besides his looks and his personality instead of the rich, in his 30s, 6'5 aristocratic businessman chad she was supposed to marry. See the thing is incels are told by Tate University that you need money and status to get women. But when they see a woman throw it all away for a man who is at the bottom of society and literally sleeping next to the boiler room on the Titanic, it's a huge shock to the system. No matter how much they try to level up, some other guy who has nothing could take it all away from them.

It's funny cause 1) a work of fiction is making them cope 2) men also leave women for other women everyday so women don't have a monopoly on this kind of behavior
Thats why looks matters and is above all traits and qualities no matter how much good qualities you have women/men will always prefer the good looking homeless guy/girl on the street these instincts and feelings are MENTALLY wired in every humans brain and none of us can deny it.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
It simultaneously 'proves' their theory of women being superficial succubi who are solipsistic in nature (they love that word - solipsism) and shatters the delusions fed to them by
Andrew Tate and his ilk that becoming a millionaire is a foolproof substitute for raw female attraction.

It's just a movie to us normal folk, but to those deranged internet males, it's like telling them that Santa isn't real.
Nah andrew tate is right in what he says but I think he should add and highlight in his teachings that one should strive to look good and attractive, why not have both instead of money you can leverage both to give you the almost pristine and perfect 99% success rate when trying to get with a woman.
Nah andrew tate is right in what he says but I think he should add and highlight in his teachings that one should strive to look good and attractive, why not have both instead of money you can leverage both to give you the almost pristine and perfect 99% success rate when trying to get with a woman.
You’ve missed the point entirely.

In the move, Carl or whatever his name is good looking. He is tall, dark and handsome and is loaded.

He isn’t kind, doesn’t connect with Rose on an emotional level and the list continues/

The whole point is that good looks, wealth ect whilst amazing qualifies isn’t enough when kindness, respect for women and an emotional connect isn’t there.

Incels and redpillers downplay likability or simply don’t understand it.


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife
You’ve missed the point entirely.

In the move, Carl or whatever his name is good looking. He is tall, dark and handsome and is loaded.

He isn’t kind, doesn’t connect with Rose on an emotional level and the list continues/

The whole point is that good looks, wealth ect whilst amazing qualifies isn’t enough when kindness, respect for women and an emotional connect isn’t there.

Incels and redpillers downplay likability or simply don’t understand it.
I didnt even watch the movie titanic anyways 😂
You’ve missed the point entirely.

In the move, Carl or whatever his name is good looking. He is tall, dark and handsome and is loaded.

He isn’t kind, doesn’t connect with Rose on an emotional level and the list continues/

The whole point is that good looks, wealth ect whilst amazing qualifies isn’t enough when kindness, respect for women and an emotional connect isn’t there.

Incels and redpillers downplay likability or simply don’t understand it.

It’s wasn’t that he was charming, witty, fun spontaneous, outspoken, confident,bold adventurous and good looking.

And it definitely wasn’t his courage to continuously test her boundaries, while also pushing her out of her conforms zone.

By teasing her and also introducing her to new experiences, that made her forget her troubles and feel alive in the moment.

Away from the burden of a man she had married out of obligation to save her family from a life poverty and fall from grace.

No, it was his kindness and their emotional connection alone that did it for her.

The takeaway message is not really about kindness or emotional connection, rather it’s about women’s loyalty to their own desires over any obligation no matter the cost.

All of these men crying in the comment section have learned the hard way, that a females genuine desire can never be bought at any price. And this movie is a painful reminder of that lesson.
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It’s wasn’t that he was charming, witty, fun spontaneous, outspoken, confident,bold adventurous and good looking.

And it definitely wasn’t his courage to continuously test her boundaries, while also pushing her out of her conforms zone.

By teasing her and also introducing her to new experiences, that made her forget her troubles and feel alive in the moment.

Away from the burden of a man she had married out of obligation to save her family from a life poverty and fall from grace.

No, it was his kindness and their emotional connection alone that did it for her.

The takeaway message is not really about kindness or emotional connection, rather it’s about women’s loyalty to their own desires over any obligation no matter the cost.

All of these men crying in the comment section have learned the hard way, that a females genuine desire can never be bought at any price. And this movie is a painful reminder of that lesson.
Everything you listed comes under personality. I know it’s a shocking concept for you redpillers. People fall for personality types along with forming an emotional connection and being witty and fun allows people to connect with you. I suppose when you’re a shut in and don’t have friends or understand how humans connect you’d put it down to women only. Even with platonic friendships we choose friends that make us laugh who are witty whom we can have fun with. Weirdo men don’t seem to understand that both men and women also crave that in romantic relationships. Kane, you didn’t say anything new. If you knew how people form relationships both platonic and romantic, you wouldn’t genderize this.

Also, your second last point. It’s pure sexism. Men don’t marry based on simple duty. A man wouldn’t marry a woman he wasn’t attracted to. Man too are loyal to their desires hence why a man would choose beauty over an unattractive woman his parents are pushing him to marry. We women have always known you can’t buy or negotiate men’s desires, a man either wants you or he doesn’t and no amount of duty is going to make him love you, but due to you being a sexist hypocrite, you can’t see this and thus you’ve made it into a gender issue.
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