Landers make Ilhan omar go viral again

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I don't agree with them translating videos to the far right even though I'm.not a fan of ilhan myself. And I cringe when they say "good somalis" even I wouldn't say that since I don't identigy myself as somali. It's best if they stay silent about Somalia and focus on Somaliland and recognition. They should only attack Somalia if they come for us, simple.
That manuscript of the Futuh is newer and is filled with mistakes. none of the other manuscripts mention Habar Magaadle. Ahmed Girri ≠ Ahmed Gurey, since we know from the Futuh itself that Imam Ahmed Ibn Ibrahim Ibn Umar was left handed. Amhara also call the Imam Grañ (their version of Gurey). This idea of 2 Ahmeds is only brought up by IM Lewis (who only read the French translation of the Futuh, couldn’t read Arabic and was woefully uneducated in medieval in Somali history) and is the definition of a fringe view.
That's the original Arabic script that's in King Saud university library


It says and I quote:

"قبيلة هبر مجادلي مع سيدهم ومقدمهم احمد جري بن حسين الصومالي"

And if you think the author was confused by that name to another clan Habar Maqdi well you're wrong as they're also mentioned



I agree with everything you said but we can't expect Somalis in Somalia to put their politics aside for the diaspora.

They don't given a shit about no damn white supremacist because white people don't go there lmao. In Somalia they even like White people who give aid and come to help. The only time I seen white people get smoke is if they side with the opp tribe. That's why they smoked those soliders in black hawk down.

Somalis in Somalia are still in a tribal war, it never ended for them. If you are in the diaspora than this is a bad look. At the end of the day I got Ilhans back over white supremacists, zionist, racist ayrabs and fucking loser fba. But Landers lol are on demon time with her. They want their own nation and they will use white racists to get it.

My only issue is why the hell do they have smoke for her if she can't give them a land. She's not the UN. Also remember this whole thing got amped up during the war with Dhulbantee.

Landers are crab in a barrel and than act like we are.
You're right about it.

Somalis in Somalia is a whole different thing mainly because the nation has not come to a solution for the clan mistrust we still have. I have big issues regarding how somalis back home will happily let politicians rob them blind as long as they're from the same clan, they'll even defend them. However for those in diaspora to hold onto clan politics while living in an environment that has no basis for it is ridiculous. I'm not say we have to always get along but we should treat each other with a level of respect and not sell each other out.
someone's been reading my posts, I thought you muted me? it seems like you can't resist my post loooool

No, I merely found this debate interesting and wanted to provide my two cents on the matter, as an Isaaq myself. Had to click "See Ignored content" to understand the context, since almost all of the users were replying to you.

Don't bother quoting me again, you politically illiterate weirdo. You're still very much on mute and only knew you replied because I saw your qashin on my original comment, putting two and two together, knowing your unstable personality.

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No, I merely found this debate interesting and wanted to provide my two cents on the matter, as an Isaaq myself. Had to click "See Ignored content" to understand the context, since almost all of the users were replying to you.

Don't bother quoting me again, you politically illiterate weirdo. You're still very much on mute and only knew you replied because I saw your qashin on my original comment, putting two and two together.

View attachment 333305
Stop stalking me weirdo. @EyiPunter she says she can't stand me yet has a sneak peak in what I say. And your no lander some any wannabe even Haji suspect your not one of us go claim hawiye or something. And I know your an insecure qumaayo I remember when I said I'm lightksin and yiu git sooo bitter loool be proud of your darkskin there's nothing wrong with that just don't accuse me of being victimhood just because I encountered people that was shocked I'm somali.
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No, I merely found this debate interesting and wanted to provide my two cents on the matter, as an Isaaq myself. Had to click "See Ignored content" to understand the context, since almost all of the users were replying to you.

Don't bother quoting me again, you politically illiterate weirdo. You're still very much on mute and only knew you replied because I saw your qashin on my original comment, putting two and two together, knowing your unstable personality.

View attachment 333306
The content posted on this platform is free to use and reuse for one's own use but in an exemplary manner. Abyo @DojaKhat please stop insulting people by calling them illiterate. It is not pleasant. It would help if you voiced your opinions in a way that doesn't repulse people from you. Whats your opinion on this topic thread?
The content posted on this platform is free to use and reuse for one's own use but in an exemplary manner. Abyo @DojaKhat please stop insulting people by calling them illiterate. It is not pleasant. It would help if you voiced your opinions in a way that doesn't repulse people from you. Whats your opinion on this topic thread?
I already addressed the thread's topic here:
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Stop stalking me weirdo. @EyiPunter she says she can't stand me yet has a sneak peak in what I say. And your no lander some any wannabe even Haji suspect your not one of us go claim hawiye or something. And I know your an insecure qumaayo I remember when I said I'm lightksin and yiu git sooo bitter loool be proud of your darkskin there's nothing wrong with that just don't accuse me of being victimhood just because I encountered people that was shocked I'm somali.
OMG that darkie weirdo is pressed about me too. ahahaha She is a big hater who follows me around too. Just go and use some bleaching cream if you hate your skin so much that it makes you want to attack any women near you. It sad man.

What if me and you pitch in to buy her a lifetime supply of Diana?? Maybe then she will leave us alone. Complete weirdo.