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I don't see what the fuss is if we weren't Muslims we would be christians etc. some other religion would have taken the spot. Even if we was atheist it wouldn't mean shit look at a lot of East Asian cultures and Scandinavian countries who are mostly atheist they're still weirdos.
Japanese are so fucking weird.


So much depends upon a red wheel barrow.
It's the truth, what can I say? :manny:
This supremacy bs some people pull is funny.
Allah is not physically present in this universe, so that makes him the creator of space and time continuum which means its laws don't affect him.

Furthermore each heaven is a different realm/universe and his throne is above it.

Even one of your atheist sheikhs said that the universe was created by a personal response.

I will never understand an atheists logic towards creationism, it's all random kulaha.

We will see on the day we all die.

Another example of mental gymnastics by an uneducated muslim that still doesn't answer where did allah come from. I can say that the noodle monster is outside space and time does that mean it created the everything? The way islam describes allah is that he is big man with hands and a face how original! Islamic heaven is basically money, gold, alcohol, virgin women, large mansions, good food, etc. All things you find here and now in this 'dunya', so you see how this religion is obviously man made? Oh and Islam allows slavery, raping captives of war, wife beating, and misogyny. If everyone thought like this the world would be backward as are the vast majority of muslim countries, oh and mo f*cked a 9 year old lol
I don't see what the fuss is if we weren't Muslims we would be christians etc. some other religion would have taken the spot. Even if we was atheist it wouldn't mean shit look at a lot of East Asian cultures and Scandinavian countries who are mostly atheist they're still weirdos.

If anything muslim countries are the most 'weird' and backward the East Asian and Scandinavian countries are advanced because they focus on real life, science and technology. They don't concern themselves with the myths of 7th century desert pedos like the muslim world does.
If anything muslim countries are the most 'weird' and backward the East Asian and Scandinavian countries are advanced because they focus on real life, science and technology. They don't concern themselves with the myths of 7th century desert pedos like the muslim world does.

Yup all that technology and the highest countries for suicide.
Another example of mental gymnastics by an uneducated muslim that still doesn't answer where did allah come from. I can say that the noodle monster is outside space and time does that mean it created the everything? The way islam describes allah is that he is big man with hands and a face how original! Islamic heaven is basically money, gold, alcohol, virgin women, large mansions, good food, etc. All things you find here and now in this 'dunya', so you see how this religion is obviously man made? Oh and Islam allows slavery, raping captives of war, wife beating, and misogyny. If everyone thought like this the world would be backward as are the vast majority of muslim countries, oh and mo f*cked a 9 year old lol

Loooool just because there's no evidence doesn't mean it does not exist. Isn't that the whole basis of science to keep the door open for new discoveries. Of course things we know in this world would be mentioned, how else would our interest peak. Anyways I'm not a fan of religion myself but from everything else we have Islam makes the most sense...what we have to put in perspective is unlike Christianity that went through revisions for the new centuries Islam hasn't had any revisions. Also your choice of man made is quite funny to me because yes in a way god sent prophets to lead, man wrote the books etc. My way of coping with this is to filter out the backwardness.
Loooool just because there's no evidence doesn't mean it does not exist. Isn't that the whole basis of science to keep the door open for new discoveries. Of course things we know in this world would be mentioned, how else would our interest peak. Anyways I'm not a fan of religion myself but from everything else we have Islam makes the most sense...what we have to put in perspective is unlike Christianity that went through revisions for the new centuries Islam hasn't had any revisions. Also your choice of man made is quite funny to me because yes in a way god sent prophets to lead, man wrote the books etc. My way of coping with this is to filter out the backwardness.

''Islam hasn't had any revisions' Um yes it has many quran verses were abrogated and the hadiths were collected hundreds of years after mo's death which questions their authenticity. So if a man came today saying i got revelations from god and said that women's word is half that of a man, wife beating is allowed, stone adulterers, have 4 wives (but I the perfect example prophet can have way more), wage war on all those who don't believe in me, etc You would believe this to be true? As you have already guessed this is exactly what mo did.
''Islam hasn't had any revisions' Um yes it has many quran verses were abrogated and the hadiths were collected hundreds of years after mo's death which questions their authenticity. So if a man came today saying i got revelations from god and said that women's word is half that of a man, wife beating is allowed, stone adulterers, have 4 wives (but I the perfect example prophet can have way more), wage war on all those who don't believe in me, etc You would believe this to be true? As you have already guessed this is exactly what mo did.

:mybusiness: I always thought about that but I know better to be an atheist which is why I've decided to follow god not religion there's a difference you know.
Who created Allah? I will explain that to you inshallah. Come to my dugsi. Admission is usually fifteen dollars a month, but I make it free for atheists.

There's a Bukhari hadith which says that if you wonder where Allah comes from, you should say acudhu billahi mini shaytani rajeem, because it is the whisperings of Shaytan. That's why most hadiths are bogus, because they're anti-intellectual. Questioning what you're told by your parents is healthy and can only lead to the truth. The prophet questioned the superstition of his parents. So did nabi Ibrahim. God is not afraid of scepticism. Only conmen with something to hide are, that is why people who follow bogus hadiths in Bukhari support violence against critics of their ideology because they know they can't compete in open debate.

So you were probably raised on fraudulent hadiths that make Islam look irrational. All will be explained in my revered dugsi. I put some of my courses online. Look up my threads.


It is a foreign arab imperialism that controls even the tiniest details of your life. Why should I walk in the bathroom with my left foot, what difference does it make? Are the jinns gonna eat me in there regardless of what foot I walk in? I am gonna burn in hell for eternity for not kissing the floor 5 times a day? Why is the so called word of god only understandable to a very tiny segment of the earth's population? What of the people who lived before Islam or even before the printing press? lol Sometimes statistics are right when they say Somalis have low IQ because they are far more into Islam than others and believe this nonsense superstition. Not to mention all the barbarism that is evident in it such as stoning for adulterers, killing gays, cutting hands off thieves, killing apostates, etc.

Just by reading this I can tell you know nothing much about Islam and what it teaches. Why do these type of atheists think they're smarter and above everyone else? Believing anything and everything to do with any religion is barbaric without making any attempt at studying and reading that which you mock.

Yes I may have been born into a Muslim family, but only later in life where I truly looked at Islam and see what it has to say rather than blindly following it I found that it made absolute logical sense. And no it's not all about beheadings and throwing off cliffs that you're making it out too seem.

I don't know if this a troll or not but please saxib, for the sake of your soul and your afterlife please study the religion with an open mind.

May Allah guide us all


Intellectual saqajaan
:pachah1: Atheists always think they’re doing us a favour by giving Islam a bad name no we don’t care if we wanted to be atheists we would be! Now go on some other forum site and shit talk religion
Sweety you were brainwashed into this nonsense and now you defend it like the robot you are. No logical person is Muslim by choice.


Intellectual saqajaan
It is a foreign arab imperialism that controls even the tiniest details of your life. Why should I walk in the bathroom with my left foot, what difference does it make? Are the jinns gonna eat me in there regardless of what foot I walk in? I am gonna burn in hell for eternity for not kissing the floor 5 times a day? Why is the so called word of god only understandable to a very tiny segment of the earth's population? What of the people who lived before Islam or even before the printing press? lol Sometimes statistics are right when they say Somalis have low IQ because they are far more into Islam than others and believe this nonsense superstition. Not to mention all the barbarism that is evident in it such as stoning for adulterers, killing gays, cutting hands off thieves, killing apostates, etc.
Well said.
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