Why Somali nationalism is Haram

We are somali why not promote somali culture? We can keep the arabic language as 2nd but it will always be secondary.
Somali culture is already heavily Arabised; although it may be a different story in southern areas where Bantu culture is more influential. Food is a classic example, Arabic dishes like Ful are more popular in the North, whereas Fufu is popular down south.

The Arabic language should be spoken by every Somali, since it will open up economic opportunities for Somali companies focused on exports to dominate Arab markets.


I'm convinced this account is an elaborate troll. Day after day it's an attack on Somali identity. It's tiresome to even bother at this point, you've been relegated as the local rambler.
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Internet Nomad

I'm convinced this account us an elaborate troll. Day after day it's an attack on Somali identity. It's tiresome to even bother at this point, you've been relegated as the local rambler.

Isn’t being religious one of the foundational values of traditional Somali culture, though?
Somali culture is already heavily Arabised; although it may be a different story in southern areas where Bantu culture is more influential. Food is a classic example, Arabic dishes like Ful are more popular in the North, whereas Fufu is popular down south.

The Arabic language should be spoken by every Somali, since it will open up economic opportunities for Somali companies focused on exports to dominate Arab markets.
Excuse, Somali culture is not heavily Arabised please don't confuse our people for Sudanis
Saudi is the heart of the ummah and the land of tawheed it's also one of the only if not the only muslim country in the world and their law is by sharia. Somalia on the other hand is ruled by semi democratic tribalism and our leaders promote bid'ah such as mawalid and other forms of sufism. The two cannot be compared
Saudi the heart of the ummah that gives airspace to USA to bomb Afghanistan and Iraq? Saudi the heart of the ummah that is bombing one of the poorest Muslim countries in Yemen? Bootlickers like you deserve to be violated.


Amaan Duule
I'm convinced this account is an elaborate troll. Day after day it's an attack on Somali identity. It's tiresome to even bother at this point, you've been relegated as the local rambler.
Then why do his threads always make the top of the trending list? :bell:

@Al Adnani I respect the game. You've been a fine successor to our fallen brother Hamzza. We'll continue to watch your trolling career with great interest. :salute:


Then why do his threads always make the top of the trending list? :bell:

@Al Adnani I respect the game. You've been a fine successor to our fallen brother Hamzza. We'll continue to watch your trolling career with great interest. :salute:
Because his statements are so mind numbing that people engage for far too long. He's good at starting bullshit and we fall for it. It's just getting repetitive in my opinion.

Internet Nomad

Because his statements are so mind numbing that people engage for far too long. He's good at starting bullshit and we fall for it. It's just getting repetitive in my opinion.
Somalia’s political structure needs to be revamped. A Saddam Hussein-like leader needs to take charge to modernise the economy & break the power & need for tribes.

It would be epic for Somalia to become an industrial hub & become the β€œGermany” of the Arab world.
Sadam Hussein was a genocidal pseudo communist no different to siad barre. We need Hashemite monarchy
Then why do his threads always make the top of the trending list? :bell:

@Al Adnani I respect the game. You've been a fine successor to our fallen brother Hamzza. We'll continue to watch your trolling career with great interest. :salute:
jzk khair for the props but I am not a troll. Everything i post is serious
I am referring to the rise of Salafiyyah in Somali lands, possibly the greatest thing to ever happen to us.
Dude ,shove your wahaabi nonsense up you know where, cunug yar o sheeko carbeedka diin loga dhigey ba tahey, salafi bs will disappear from our country soon, our people aren't going to fall for their religious bs again, orodo is qarxi kaliga
Sadam Hussein was a genocidal pseudo communist no different to siad barre. We need Hashemite monarchy
I’m not against the idea of monarchy, so long as it’s purely ceremonial to give the people a figurehead that personifies the nation to rally around.

So which Hashemite do you suggest should take the Somali throne?
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You are allowing your emotions to get the best of you my dear brother the fatwa by ibn baz allowing foreign involvement in the kuwait war is controversial of course and not a representation of Saudi in its entirety at all. This is the same country that brought back Quran and Sunnah after centuries of deviant sufi Ottoman rule. Saudi is possibly the greatest Islamic state since the Ummayads you cannot compare it to Somalia
So you preach not rebelling against the ruler but support the uprising against the ottomans and the sultan which lead to the fall of the one unifying muslim power, weak as it may been during the last years?

